Reverse Growth Superstar

: 206: The villain wins the protagonist

In the last 376 seconds of the game, Link's breakthrough caused Tyson Chandler to foul.

Marion and Tyson are both angered by Link today, so they always treat Link more fiercely than others.

But this didn't bluff Link, on the contrary, it made Link more brave and wanted to find fault with them.

Chandler's foul was also very vicious, knocking Link to the ground almost directly in the air.

Randolph rushed to Chandler for the first time to confront him. At the same time, Hollins also complained off the court that this should be a malicious foul.

But nothing, this is just a normal foul. There was no playback, no discussion, and the referee quickly made a decision.

After all, this is the home of the Mavericks. After all, Link has yellow skin. After all, this is na. Does na exist absolutely fair? A joke, there is no absolute fairness in competitive sports.

But even so, Link did not complain much. Lying on the ground, he shook his fist, then stood up again with the help of Tony Allen and Conley.

He didn't care if it was a malicious foul, and he didn't care if Chandler did it on purpose. The only thing he cares about is that he has won two free throw opportunities!

"Damn it!" Seeing Link stood up again like a okay person, Chandler was not angry. His fierce purpose was to make Link taste great and to make Link afraid. But for now, he seemed to be completely ignored by Link.

"With 376 seconds left in the game, Link stands on the free throw line. If he makes two free throws, Link's personal score will reach the 26th point, which will be his highest scoring record in the Western Conference Finals! And two free throws. After that, the Grizzlies will also lead by 6 points in the last 376 seconds! These will be two crucial free throws!"

Mike Brin finished speaking and found that his palms were all sweaty. The Memphis Grizzlies, really want to bite a victory?

Link stood on the free throw line, not forgetting to joke up Chandler's mouth. When he received a pass from the referee, the entire American Airlines Center Arena burst into boos.

The boos concealed everything. It is an enormous test for the players' psychological quality to score a key goal under the boos and gaze of nearly 20,000 people.

Link took a deep breath and tried to adjust his breath. His ears were about to explode, and he couldn't even hear the sound of bouncing the ball.

However, this did not affect Link's concentration. Think about it, the Grizzlies are actually going to win this year's championship, Link is extremely excited!

He said that the people of Dallas were making themselves more difficult, at least he didn't brag!

In the first free throw, the basketball hit the basket a few times, but eventually fell into the net.

Link adjusted his shooting state, and the second penalty resulted in a hollow basketball into the net!

At that moment, the American Airlines Center Arena, which was full of boos, was silent. The arena was completely silent, leaving only the fear of being overthrown by the "big villain".

Carlisle used the last timeout he had on hand, and he remained calm, after all, he was the head coach. If he is not calm, the players will panic even more.

However, the confidence in Carlisle's heart, the determination to win, had long since disappeared.

In the last 376 seconds, Carlisle arranged a three-pointer. But under the defense of the Grizzlies, Dirk's three-pointer finally knocked out. Link rushed in to grab the rebound and handed it to Conley. The Dallas people fouled quickly, they were completely desperate!

In the end, the Grizzlies made a steady free throw and the Mavericks lost their last hope. When Terry's three-pointer knocked out, and the electronic buzzer sounded again, the audience was silent!

The Dallas Mavericks, who thought they could easily pass, lost a home court 100 to 108 in the playoffs!

"This is a great victory!" At the end of the game, Mike Brin stood up and cheered.

He knows that this is the home of the Dallas people, and he knows that the Mavericks fans must want to eat him. But he doesn't care, in all fairness, this is a great victory!

Tough, unyielding, embarrassed but struggling to survive, ugly but never giving up! The Grizzlies almost dragged the Mavericks to death by pulling and pulling!

On the court, the Grizzlies players did not celebrate wildly, but yelled at each other excitedly. They must vent their long-suffering emotions in their hearts, they let all na see, how much can a big villain do in na!

You all think we are going to lose, but I just want to win!

"The great Memphis Grizzlies, almost every opponent they met in the playoffs is better than them on the books. Oklahoma City Thunder, they sit on Durant as the scoring champion. San Antonio Spurs, they They are the first in the West, they have the strongest guard line in the West. And the Dallas Mavericks, they just swept the defending championship! How do the Grizzlies compare to them? Fifth in the West, a "junk team", a group of leftover players . But even so, the Grizzlies never give up. As long as they do not give up themselves, the game will not give up on them!"

Mike Brin feels that this year's Grizzlies are really a bit like the Butler University Bulldogs of Naa last year. They all created an incredible "Cinderella Myth."

On the court, looking at the grizzlies players who were roaring, Dirk wiped the sweat from his forehead. The Mavericks have tried their best, but the Memphis Grizzlies are killing them!

They don't care about the consequences, they just want to win the game in front of them and don't think much about anything else.

After the last game, Dirk thought the Mavericks could sweep the Grizzlies 4-0. But after today's game, Dirk knew very well.

If the situation continues to develop like this, I may be eliminated like the 21st!

"Dirk, can you take a few minutes?" At this moment, a reporter found Nowitzki.

Nowitzki is an emotional person. When he is hacked, he will secretly kick a hole in the wall of the Oracle Arena.

But he never leaned his emotions on reporters.

So Dirk nodded slightly, facing the camera, "ask."

"Today, you scored 29 points, 5 assists, and 5 rebounds. You also made 588 shots, but the Mavericks still lost. What do you think is the problem with the team?"

"Out of the Memphis Grizzlies, they are too tenacious. They are like a character out of a comic."

"Oh? What do the characters from the comics mean?"

"It means you can never be killed!" Dirk shook his head, thinking that he would continue to smash the undead grizzly bear, his head felt big.

No team in the league wants to meet the Memphis Grizzlies! Now, Dirk does not question the authenticity of this sentence.

The reporters around Link and Randolph are the most, after all, they are the main force that the Grizzlies can resist tenaciously today.

The former had 26 points, 7 rebounds and 8 assists, another 2077 performance! The latter took 29 points and 12 rebounds like a cloud, and his performance was indistinguishable from Dirk.

"Link, is your goal this year a championship?" A reporter asked this question very bluntly.

"Our goal is to try our best to fight every game. We don't want anything except playing hard." Link replied firmly. The Grizzlies have no distracting thoughts. They just want to fight one game at a time and never get up again. until!

After answering the reporters' questions, Link looked at the empty and empty stands, the lost Mavericks players, and the surprised media.

The total score has become 1 to 1, you must not think of it! After breaking so many people's dreams, Link suddenly felt very refreshed.

It’s fun to be a villain, right?

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