Reverse Growth Superstar

: 208: What do you want to do most now?

Nowitzki was very moved when he saw Link fell onto the court.

Indeed, the Grizzlies have done enough this year. With the loss of Rudy Gay, they went from the top eight edges to the fifth in the west. Never been favored by others, he became one of the two strongest teams in the West. It stands to reason that the Grizzlies should be satisfied.

But Link did not. For him, except for victory, everything else was defeat. Nowitzki did the same, even if he won the regular season MVP, what about it? When he was eliminated in the playoffs, he didn't feel complacent because he won the MVP: "Oh, I have done well enough."

They are a kind of people, they are full of desire for victory. Most importantly, they are extremely strong!

"The game is over and the Memphis Grizzlies have caused a lot of trouble for the Mavericks. But unfortunately, there can only be one winner in the game. The Mavericks will last until the end, and they will win the Western Conference Championship trophy at the Federal Express Arena!"

Mike Brin felt sorry that the Mavericks' last 8 seconds of close-fitting was indeed too successful. If Link fails to respond, Conley estimates that he will violate the violation in 8 seconds.

Finally, the kind of three-point shot that came over at the midfield line was indeed helpless. Link once evened the score 28 seconds before the end of the game, but in the end, he still failed to extend the "life" of the Grizzlies.

At this moment, Mike Brin’s gaze was attracted by the court again, because he saw that he had won an absolute victory. Dirk Nowitzki, who played a historical performance in the playoffs this year, was walking towards Link. .

The German did not approach his teammates, nor did he approach Randolph, Gasol, Conley and others, but only approached Link.

Brin smiled, it seemed that it was not just himself. Link, that boy, has also been affirmed by the strong.


Link heard someone calling himself, so he raised his head. But the comer is not his teammate, but Dirk Nowitzki wearing a sky blue jersey.

"I won't say congratulations to you, Dirk, because I really want to win." Link spread his hands and then got up from the floor. Of course, Link also respected Dirk, so he squeezed a smile that looked very mentally retarded and stiff.

"Hahahaha, I know, if the Grizzlies and you would congratulate others, you wouldn't be able to bite the series until now. You are a group of teams that refuse to admit defeat. I thought I could solve you in 4 games before the game. Don’t admit it, I’m so wrong. Hey, don’t you hug me? The reporters are here, don’t give me face?"

Link did not respond, but hugged Nowitzki directly.

"Although I am very unwilling, I still have to say, congratulations, Dirk. I believe you will become championships. Only the championship can defeat us, right?"

"Hahahaha, I thought you were so angry all the time! As you promise, Link, we will definitely win! Because you make me and my team stronger! Fight against you, let us The harvest is quite fruitful."

After Dirk finished speaking, Link was about to let go of his hug Nowitzki. As everyone knows, Nowitzki suddenly increased his strength, and grabbed Link's head like a basketball, leaning against his chest.

Link:? ? ?

What kind of plane, why did you suddenly hold tight! ? Hey, it's uncomfortable to hug a big sweaty man so tightly!

"Link, don’t worry about anything, don’t complain about anything. Play hard and never give up. Then everything embarrassing you now will embrace you in turn. This is my personal advice to you, Link, belongs to you and Between me. You have great potential, don't give up."

Nowitzki finished speaking in Link's ear before letting go. After patted Link on the shoulder, Nowitzki turned and left.

When he used to be a fan, Link thought that at the end of the playoffs, the players of the two teams were just hugging.

But now Link knows that when the two embrace each other, it's not just about acting on the spot! The same was true for Popovich in the last round, and so is Dirk today. He believes that these two people really want to be better.

At this moment, Link suddenly heard cheers from the stands. He looked up in surprise. It was the Grizzlies who had lost, and the fans cheered.

As a result, when Link heard clearly what the fans were shouting, he smiled with relief.

"Thank you, heroes!"

All Grizzlies fans stood up to pay tribute to the heroes who fought hard for 6 games. Did they lose? Yes. But in the hearts of Grizzlies fans, they won.

Link walked to his teammates, and everyone looked unwilling.

"So, are we making them suffer?" Randolph touched Link's head. Link didn't hide, because he didn't have the strength.

Besides, don’t all talk about becoming bald to become stronger...Look at what Ginobili’s hair looks like. As a result, he averaged more than 20 points per game in the playoffs this year...

"I think we should make them suffer. However, I thought we could go to the tiebreaker." Link patted Randolph on the back. The Big Black Bear scored 28 points and 13 points today. Rebounding is the last fight with the historical-level Nowitzki.

"What do you want to do most now? Our season is over. I want to get a good night's sleep, I'm so tired."

"Me? Hmm...I want to start working out a summer training plan right From now on, I don't want to miss the same key ball again."

After listening to Link finished, Randolph was stunned. This kid...Isn't he satisfied with the Western Conference Finals?

On the other hand, after Nowitzki left Link, before he could celebrate the victory with his teammates, he was surrounded by reporters.

As a player with a historical performance and leading his team to the finals, Nowitzki is naturally very popular with reporters.

"Dirk, we are about to meet the Big Three in Miami in the finals. What do you think the result will be?"

"I don't know, but we will do our best. This is what the Grizzlies taught us."

"What do you think of your performance? How far do you think you are from the true legend?"

"I can't help but judge. What level of athlete I am should be judged by the outside world."

"Dirk, enter the finals again, what do you think?"

"Facing the Heat and Wade again, do you have any confidence?"

The reporters' questions seemed boring to Dirk. If it weren't for politeness, he really seemed to leave these reporters alone.

"Dirk, the Grizzlies have caused you huge trouble in this round of the series. Today, they narrowly beat the Grizzlies by two points. What were you thinking when Link knocked out his last shot?"

Finally, this question made Dirk's eyes shine. He had been perfunctory to face the camera seriously and looked at the hardwood floor of the Federal Express Arena. He will never forget this round of the series.

"When Link missed his last shot, the only thing in my mind was-we escaped, we escaped!"

Nowitzki looked serious, and they peeled off their skin.

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