Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred and fifteen: 24 hours contact

Link's trip to China went very smoothly. He made a lot of money while making a lot of fans. Of course, it also allows Link to enjoy many long-lost Chinese delicacies.

At the end of July, all Link's business activities finally ended. Although players were not paid during the NBA suspension, Link found that he could make a lot of money from business activities alone. Although the manager's rake in business activities is higher, Jeff Austin is not a "vampire" after all. He understands what long-term development is, so there will be no squeeze Link.

After returning to the United States at the end of July, Link first spent a few days with his parents. My father's gardener's company went very smoothly, and he was well-connected and skilled, and he was able to do this job easily.

Later, Link had another meeting with former blue team coach Conor and teammate Brockman. Brockman also went back to the NBA to play a few games last season, but it was very difficult. He still couldn't find the rhythm to play in the NBA.

So when we met this time, Link recommended Brockman to play at ba. At least there, Brockman's core inside play is easier to succeed.

After these two meetings, the time has come to July 7. Link looked at his already slightly puffed belly, knowing that he could no longer indulge like this. Although Link keeps training every day, the amount of training is not large after all, and he has inevitably gained a little weight.

If the final shape is out of shape, that would be bad.

It seems that it is time to arrange real training.


"Link, I'm in Spain now! That's right, I am with your good brother Marc Gasol. I have arranged the trainer for you. As long as you are prepared, you can contact us 24 hours a day. he!"

When Link called to ask about Jeff Austin's trainer, his manager was in Spain. Of course, Austin is definitely not going on vacation, but because Marc Gasol is also one of Jeff Austin's clients.

"Contact him 24 hours? Who are you looking for?" Link became curious. As a behind-the-scenes figure, the trainer has few opportunities to be exposed to the public. Therefore, Link knows those trainers too.

A little more famous is the veteran Cannon Baker who has served as a trainer for James, Kobe, and Durant.

Cannon Baker is perhaps the most commercialized basketball trainer. Since entering the professional trainer circle in 2001, Baker's teaching videos have been popular on major websites for many years, and 72 basketball teaching DVDs have been sold all over the world. Even in China, you can find a bunch of basketball instructional videos by Cannon Baker.

Every year, Cannon Baker receives countless appointment calls from Naa University coaches, and Nike training camp invites him to sharpen the edges and corners of talented high school students year after year.

From NBA players to college to middle school kids, Cannon Baker has a wide range of business. In order to make his employers better, he always spares no effort.

But Link changed his mind to think, such a big-name trainer, it should be impossible to spend the whole summer with him.

"Your trainer is called Chris Brickley. He played for two years at the University of Louisville. After graduation, he became the youngest assistant coach in Naa's first-level league. Now, he is a trainer. He is very young. 2 years old. But don’t be fooled by his young face. Trust me, he is the best trainer I can find for you."

After listening to Jeff Austin, Link gave a satisfied smile. He doesn't know many trainers. In addition to the famous Cannon Baker, Chris Brickley is another super trainer who will be popular in the United States in the future, so popular that even Link fans know!

But now, before Brickley is completely on fire, Link seems to be the first to dig his "treasure".


In the summer of 2016, reporters filmed superstars such as James, Paul, Harden, Durant, and Anthony, appearing in the same basketball arena in New York.

Amidst the cries of "fairies playing football" from fans, someone discovered that a young man with not a strong body, tattooed arms, and a young man was lining up for these stars and filming and recording their training.

Later, this handsome trainer immediately became popular on the Internet, and people also found that most of the stars have such a person in their training photos. As a result, he quickly became popular in the basketball circle, and the fans also knew the name of this handsome trainer-Chris Brickley for the first time.

Link also knew that there was such a person as Brickley at that time, but at this moment, he knew this trainer 5 years earlier than before!

Unlike Cannon Baker, Baker himself looks mature and stable, and his teaching style is quite academic. Therefore, Baker looks more like a university professor.

And Brickley's handsome and young face and the tattoos of the undefeated NBA stars make him look more like a brother or friend of the players.

Link doesn't know what Brickley is capable of, but to get the favor of so many big-name stars, Brickley is definitely not as simple as being handsome.

After receiving Jeff Austin's reply and Brickley's call, Link set off for Los Angeles. Brickley had already arranged a training ground for Link there, just waiting for him to arrive.

But sitting on the plane to Los Angeles, Link was full of Jeff Austin's words-contact him 24 hours.

Really can?


Los Angeles, this is definitely the favorite place for NBA players during the summer offseason every year.

Here, you can develop your own business activities and enjoy the California sunshine on Manhattan’s luxurious beaches. Of course, you can also improve your basketball level here.

Since the era of "Magic" Johnson, he will invite his friends to train and play in Los Angeles. Rookies, U players, NBA players and famous streetball players will all respond to the call. This is considered the embryonic form of the summer league. Of course, there is also a wave of participation in summer training camps across the league.

When Los Angeles enters the summer, the training camp here is the hottest time. There are too many training venues here, from u track and field to Runyon Canyon. From Sand Dunn Park in Manhattan Beach to Venice Beach.

Here are the top training facilities, breakfast, swimming pool, video equipment, Gatorade machine, everything here.

Of course, the last thing Los Angeles lacks is big-name trainers. The trainers here usually train three to four NBA star players a day. It is possible that Blake Griffin had just finished training in the morning, and in the afternoon, Derrick Rose came to the same person to start his personal training.

This is Los Angeles. Every summer, it is very lively.

Chris Brickley is a little nervous, after all, this is the first time he has taken up this kind of **** training. Moreover, his client is Link!

Brickley knows Link. To be precise, as long as he is concerned about basketball, there is no one who does not know Link. He defended the scoring champion, beat Jefferson, and forced the Mavericks to almost roll over all kinds of feats, which made him famous.

A draft pick, he played such a good performance in his rookie season. People are also looking forward to it, wanting to see how much Link can improve.

So is a chance to win fame for Brickley. If Link is trained well, he believes that he will be known to most basketball circles. But if Link fails to improve after a summer, Brickley's reputation will also suffer.

He has been formulating detailed training plans for Link in the past few days. From body shape transformation to technical upgrading, Brick used his patience and professional skills to tailor the most efficient training method for Link.

Now, according to Jeff Austin, he can start working just by waiting for Link to call.

However, after waiting for a day, Brickley did not receive a call from Link. Until twelve o'clock in the evening, Brickley was too sleepy to go to bed, and he did not receive a call.

The trainer thought, Link, who had just arrived in Los Angeles, might go there for a few days first. After all, they are young players, and there is no lack of entertainment in Los Angeles. In this way, Brickley fell asleep.

Until three o'clock in the morning, Brickley's phone rang without warning. He got up and looked at the electric display, it was Link!

"Hello Chris, this is Link. I want to start training at five o'clock. By the way, it's not five o'clock in the afternoon. It's five o'clock in the morning two hours later. No problem, right?" Link deliberately chose this one. At that time, because he has experienced how good the early morning training is.

However, in order to test whether Brickley is ready, Link deliberately did not notify in advance. This summer's training is very important to Link. He can't give himself to a trainer who just wants to make some money.

"I'll be there on time, Link!" Brickley answered without hesitation, making Link nod in relief.

It seems that there is no reason why this guy can become popular in the United States in the future.

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