Reverse Growth Superstar

: 222: Successful God Creation

"Unexpectedly, you have become an intern reporter. No wonder, you have not been seen all summer." Link sat beside the basketball, but the person beside him was no longer George, but Rachel.

"Haha, I'm just following a small Oklahoma newspaper. I thought you would go to China to play. Where are you very popular, isn't it? I saw the photos of your China trip, and it was a crowd of people. "When I think of Link's popularity in China, Rachel remembers how she questioned whether Link was a real professional player...

"I want to focus on my own training, so I didn't go anywhere. How long have you been a trainee reporter? When you interviewed Coach Stevens, you were completely familiar."

"It only started in the summer, but this year the NBA is closed, so there are not so many opportunities for interviews. Otherwise, you will accept my interview later! If you can, this will definitely make our newspapers big! After all, you are in Oklahoma. Homer also has a high reputation." Rachel suddenly stared at Link, as if catching a fire in the cold winter.

"The interview is not bad, but I am in Oklahoma... I am afraid it is not very popular." Last season Link and the Grizzlies gave the Thunder a round trip, Link also played Duran in some games Special defense is so embarrassed. Oklahoma fans can like him, that's the hell.

High reputation is indeed high reputation, but not a good reputation...

"It's okay. I will ask you some professional questions instead of off-court gossip. Don't forget, I used to be a basketball player." Rachel said, raising her arm. Of course, her slender arm is actually There is no muscle anymore.

"Well then, I accept your interview, Ms. Rachel."

"Haha, it seems you have entered the state."

George on the side looked at Link, who was chatting happily with Rachel, with a dazed expression!

What's the matter? It wasn't like that at Link University. Why is it so popular now? After saying a few words, he hooked up?

Hmm... It seems that I have to play famous next season.


The interview between Rachel and Link was very simple. After all, Rachel is now only an intern reporter for a newspaper in Oklahoma City, so there is no need to record the interview.

They moved two chairs and sat in the center of the arena, chatting like friends, and the interview was just beginning.

Rachel did ask many professional questions, which is different from most female reporters.

Most female sports reporters may not know the ball so well, they usually play the role of vase and interaction.

But Rachel is different, in the case of not losing the appearance of others, at the same time has a good basketball skills.

Most of what she asked Link was about the tactical details of the Grizzlies vs. Thunder series last season. This will definitely make Thunder fans like it very much because it allows them to see how their team lost.

Of course, these tactics are not secret now, so it doesn't matter if Link says it.

Finally, Rachel asked Link, "When do you think the NBA lockout will end? Do you have any gossip?"

If Rachel asks this question, they will surely catch the blind with both hands. But Link, he may know better than David Stern how long the NBA will start!

Link first talked a lot about the interests of capital and labor, the losses of the city where the team is located, and so on. Finally, give a conclusion, "I think the NBA will start almost at the end of December. It will be no good for everyone to delay it."

During the lockout period, countless experts and reporters were predicting the starting time of the league, but none of them was accurate so far.

Link believes that with this news, Rachel should be able to climb faster...At that time, she may become the only reporter in the world predicting the opening day of the NBA.

At the end of the interview, Rachel turned off the recording equipment. It seemed that she was already very proficient in such things.

"If I didn't know you, I would never see that you were just a trainee reporter." Link must admit that Rachel has talent in this area.

"Hahaha, you are not like a first-year player, Link. We have changed so much since we were a year ago."

"Yeah..." Link recalled that a year ago, he was still struggling to survive in the Development League, and Rachel has not been able to embrace basketball again.

The result now? One of them is an NBA player, and one becomes a basketball reporter.

God knows what life will be like in another year.

"I hope in the future, I can interview you in the NBA game, Link."

"You can definitely do it. It was a pleasure to accept your interview."

"Go on for next season, and, if you have time, call me. I'm going back to Oklahoma tomorrow. When I get to your city next time, I'll tell you."

"No problem, as long as we don't just do an interview."

"Okay, I will invite you to play basketball next time. Goodbye, Link."

" problem, goodbye."

As soon as Link waved goodbye to Rachel, Paul George walked over to Link with a smirk.

"I think you get along well with her."

"We met a long time ago, George." Link was speechless, and George at this time was like a high school student who discovered that his brother was in love. really. Sometimes men all over the world are just as naive!

"We met a long time ago!? You changed to Link, you changed! When you were in college, you blushed when you watched cheerleaders dance."

"Okay, aren't you going to the nightclub to drink juice? Go and go!"

"Are you going with me?"

"I dont go."

"Then you must have an appointment with that female reporter, you changed Link, you changed."



From wearing short sleeves and Nike slippers to travel in the summer, until having to put on a coat and cotton coat.

From the scorching sun to the gloomy weather.

November 26, 2011 After 15 hours of negotiation, both parties finally reached an agreement. Ended this 149-day shutdown!

As soon as the negotiations are over, the league can’t wait to announce that the new season will start on Christmas Day, December 25. The free agent market and the transfer market will officially open on December 8.

The last time the NBA was shut down, it took the league three full years to get the ratings back. Think about it, you know what a loss.

So this time, Stern wanted to start the game as soon as the negotiation was over.

When the alliance announced this result, the whole world was shocked. The regular season kicks off on Christmas Day, and it can be said that no one expected this.

But at this moment, among fans on the Internet, a report in the "Oklahoma Evening Post" suddenly became popular.

This report is an interview with Link by trainee reporter Rachel Demeter. At the end of the interview, Rachel stated that after a series of inquiries and interviews, she believes that the new NBA season will start at the end of December.

It can be said that she has become the only reporter in the United States who anticipates the start of the new season!

The fans are very curious and want to see how sacred this reporter is. As a result, after searching the Internet, the fans instantly transferred their interest in news to Rachel's face.

This is how a new generation of basketball goddess was born.

Seeing Rachel's popularity in major basketball forums, Link was a little proud. Now, Rachel must be able to attract the attention of those big companies. It's you, NBA2K.

But what makes Link the happiest now is not Rachel's sudden rise to popularity, but after half a year, he can finally return to the court!

In the new season, I have been impatient to wait.

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