Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred and twenty-eight: Doing the best

The new NBA season officially kicked off. Two game days later, all 30 teams in the league made their debut. Among them, there are naturally some people who are happy and some are worried.

The Clippers, the biggest winner of the offseason, must have laughed happily. Paul's 20 points and 9 assists and Griffin's 22 points and 7 rebounds, as well as the screaming empty picks, gave the Clippers fans a challenge with the Lakers. Capital.

The Miami Heat fans must also be very comfortable. They avenged the Mavericks in the first game of the new season. LeBron James has clearly developed the ability to play back and has evolved again. The Big Three continue to point to the championship this season, and don't think anyone can stop them.

The New Jersey Nets were equally happy (the previous article was wrongly written as the Brooklyn Nets, it was my mistake, I apologize). Deron and Mayo scored 44 points in the first game, making the Nets fans seem to have found spring.

In general, after these two game days, most teams have achieved satisfactory results. But the Thunder and Durant, who have won two consecutive victories, are not satisfied with the status quo.

"I agree with what you said, Kevin, this year we must give the Grizzlies a taste!" After returning to the locker room at the end of the game with the Timberwolves, Westbrook shouted with a grin beside Durant.

Not only Durant, most Thunder players actually feel very worried about what happened last year. In the original history, the Thunder reached the Western Conference Finals last season. As a result, last year, Link's appearance made the Thunder even the first round.

This shows how big the gap is. The Thunder players also had the least psychological estimate in the Western Conference semifinals. As a result, they went fishing in the first round. Most of them couldn't accept it.

"Yeah, yeah, we must make the Grizzlies pay the price! We lost last season, but it doesn't mean it's just that they can defeat us." Congo striker Ibaka also followed suit. The entire Thunder locker room seems to be there. Condemn the Grizzlies.

Durant nodded with joy. He didn't expect his teammates to be so powerful. At the critical moment, I stood with myself.

During the set period this year, Durant was the NBA player who played the most streetball games. In Los Angeles, what Drew League, what Venice Beach League, as long as it is a game, he will play all! His core idea is to stabilize his state. Regardless of the level of the game, he played very seriously.

Why did Durant do this? Isn't it because last season's 14-for-3 stimulated him.

Well now, not only Durant is stimulated, but everyone on the Thunder is stimulated.

Durant believes that the next game will be at the Federal Express Arena, and the Grizzlies will die a lifetime!

"I will do my best to deal with Link, the next game, we will definitely win!" Durant stood up like a leader, placing his hand in the middle.

Then, everyone put their hands up at once.


The Grizzlies, who just won the game, don’t know that they have been targeted by more dangerous teams.


The day after the game with the Rockets ended, Link still came to the training hall early. Even though this year is a shrinking season, there are still 66 games to play. The victory of 1 game is really insignificant in 66 games.

So Link is very clear that a violent victory over the Rockets does not mean the Grizzlies will definitely succeed this season. Efforts have to continue, stop, and naturally will be surpassed by others.

But what surprised Link was that when he walked into the training hall today, he found that he was not the first to come! On the training ground, a man wearing a Grizzlies training vest has already taken a shot after practicing dribbling.

Seeing someone coming in, the man on the court also stopped his movements and stared at Link.

It wasn't until then that Link could see the man's face-Jimmy Butler.

"It's early, Jimmy." Link greeted Butler.

"Morning, Lin." Butler didn't say much, mainly because he and the Grizzlies players are not very familiar.

Butler didn't play a few rounds until garbage time in the last game, scored 2 points and 1 rebound, and nothing more. He wants to be a rookie at the end of the first round. The only reason he is remembered is that the person who exchanged him was Tanhua in 2008.

As for him, few people are willing to understand. So even in the Grizzlies, Butler is not very noticeable.

"Practice shooting?" Link started talking with Butler as he warmed up.

Butler is very guarded, which may be related to his childhood experience.

A person usually has many dreams when he is 13 years old, but for Butler, the only idea in his mind at that time is to survive. When Ronda Butler stared at her son fiercely and pushed him directly out of the house, Jimmy Butler was destined to have a different life from other children.

"Well, practice shooting, coach Elston said, my shooting is not good enough. He said that when you first entered the league, you shot much better than me." Butler curled his lips and continued to practice.

"Hahahaha, everyone is good at different fields, Jimmy. It's like, I can't do violent dunks like you."

"But, you obviously dunked Kenyon Martin last season." Jimmy Butler answered bluntly, obviously not a joke.

"Uh... did you watch my game last season?" Link was a little flattered.

"How should I put it...all our rookies with a lower predicted rank love to watch your game. You are our spiritual support. Seeing your success in the NBA, we will tell ourselves, low It’s not a big deal even if you lose the draft. As long as Ken works hard like Link, he can still get a chance. So, yes, I watched a lot of your games. Many unknown players like me love it. Watch your game."

Link scratched his head, a little embarrassed. It's all about influencing Rachel to embrace basketball again, but Link didn't expect that he also affected so many players at the same time.

"Actually, you should start from defense." Link walked to Butler. Since it has affected, let it affect to the end!


"It takes time to hone the offense, but the defense is in the moment. Even during training, you have to take out your NCAA toughness. Do you know why I can survive on the Grizzlies? Because I train Also play as an official game! Show your enthusiasm and let the coach see your value. As for the offense, you can take your time. Now, come defend me and do your best."

Jimmy Butler froze for a moment, then opened his arms. He is very happy that Link can come to help him. The former spiritual support is now in front of him to guide him, can he be unhappy!

But this guy never likes to put gratitude on his mouth...


Link regretted it because he had forgotten that he was now in the second position. When UU reads and plays the second position, he must often match Tony Allen and Jimmy Butler in training.

A Tony teacher is hard enough to deal with, and now Link has created a fierce defensive Butler himself.

When he received another basketball in confrontational training and encountered Jimmy Butler's close pressing, Linkson had no love.

Sure enough, you won't die if you don't die.

"Jimmy, actually..."

"I know, I will do my best!" Before Link could finish speaking, Butler responded forcefully.

Link was speechless.

"That kid Jimmy is very active defensively. You are right. In some ways, he really looks like Tony Allen." Off the court, Grizzlies assistant Elston Turner stroked his chin. , He hopes to develop Jimmy Butler's offense as much as possible.

But now he thinks that maybe it's a good choice to develop that kid's defense first.

"Yes, at least he is more suitable for our system than Mayo. In the future training, let him and Link match up. Because only when facing the best offense, can you practice the best defense." Hollin Si, the defensive madman, saw Butler like this, and he was naturally delighted.

So he and Turner hit it off and determined the direction of Jimmy Butler's development.

If Link knows that he has been arranged clearly now, he would probably cry without tears... Every day he trains to face Jimmy Butler and Teacher Tony’s repeated "caressing", just think about it Enough.

Hollins said well, facing the best offense, you can practice the best defense.

But in the same way, Link can also practice the best offense in the face of the best defense...

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