Reverse Growth Superstar

: 239: Fancy Hanging

As soon as the second quarter came up, Thibodeau was hit. Link scored two consecutive three-pointers, directly returning the difference to single digits.

Thibodeau regrets that, originally replacing Korver was to make the Bulls' offensive firepower more fierce, so that they can open the score quickly. But Korver's defense was not as good as Ronnie Brewer. Link took two chances, but the score was forced to close.

Thibodeau reluctantly walked to the bench and asked Brewer to go to the technical stage to get ready to play. The person who has just been replaced is about to be replaced, and Thibodeau is tantamount to slapping himself in the face.

Korver was anxious when he saw that Brewer was sitting in front of the technical stage again. Everyone knows Thibodeau’s employment strategy. If the main force is dead, the grass will continue.

So, if Korver is replaced, he really doesn't know when he will be able to play again.

Can't be replaced! You must regain your face and win the trust of Thibodeau again!

Korver then moved very aggressively in the next offense, but for Link, defending a pure shooter is much easier than defending those offensive kaleidoscopes. One of Korver's most popular offensive methods is to shoot after receiving the ball, so Link as long as he can block Korver's receiving route as much as possible is enough to make him misfire.

Rose was observing Korver's running position, but never found a pass. So he gave up the idea of ​​passing the ball, and now the team is in crisis, he feels that he should take the initiative to stand up!

So Rose waved to everyone, and the Bulls players immediately pulled away! Obviously, Rose is about to start singles!

"Damn it!" Korver pulled to the bottom right corner unwillingly. For him, he couldn't show value if he couldn't score three points. If you can't show value, you can't get the chance to play.

Link ignored Korver's yelling, still standing by his side, holding on.

Rose singles Conley, but Conley actually suffered a lot. Although Conley's speed is not slow, but compared with Ross, there is still a gap. Moreover, Conley is also difficult to stop a guard like Rose who can knock out space by his body.

Rose took two steps back and then accelerated directly!

During the acceleration process, Rose immediately changed direction, and Conley knew that he had to move across, but his body was not so fast.

Change direction without slowing down! Rose plunged into the penalty area!

Little Gasol immediately dropped Noah and rushed to the basket, but Rose froze under the interference and collision of the little Gasol, and forced the ball up! The exaggeration of this ball is that Gasol's body began to fall in the air, but Rose's body is still rising!

He used his terrifying bounce ability to perfectly avoid the cover of Gasol! It can be said that the way of avoiding the cover is quite overbearing!

After Link hit two consecutive three-pointers, Rose used a beautiful layup to stabilize the situation and reopen the point difference to 9 points.

The Chicago fans cheered, and without exception, they believed that Rose could suppress Link's momentum!

Is Link a good player? Yes. But can you compete with Rossby? Can't! This is the opinion of the Chicago fans.

Link was not discouraged, to put it bluntly, let Rose score, which was within the acceptable range of the Grizzlies. What the Grizzlies can't accept is that the Bulls play as much as they did in the first quarter.

Link wants to see, he and Rose, who can survive to the end, and who can create magic!

Korver came to the defensive end again, and to be honest he was quite nervous. After all, the defensive end is not his strong point.

Link still did not hold the ball, still looking for opportunities to attack without the ball in accordance with Hollins' tactics. His interspersed in the crowd made Korver very annoyed.

Finally, Link suddenly stopped on the right side of the penalty area, and then sat back firmly!

Korver looked dazed, why didn't Link run away? When he reacted, he realized that he was already in position by Link! Moreover, after just a series of runs, the Grizzlies have helped Linkla to empty the right side.

"Link wants to play Korver on his back, he has this ability!"

Link, like an inside, got a solid position, and then received a pass from Conley. In his twilight years, Hill had a back-to-back attack, not to mention Link also learned a lot of moves with Kobe. Therefore, it is not a problem to attack Link with his back, but he rarely uses it.

Thibodeau was about to gritted his teeth. He really hoped it was Brewer or Lor Deng standing behind Link now. But there is no way, this is a pit he dug by himself.

Korver is a three-point shooter. Defending from the post is a bit difficult for him.

Link took two steps back and found that Korver's center of gravity only knew all the front piles to withstand the attackers. This is the roughest, but also the best defensive method of the low post.

Link flexibly turned to the right to make a shot! The energetic Korver immediately took off and blocked.

But there is no doubt that this is just a fake action. After hitting Korver, Link turned in the opposite direction and took a step, easily picking the basket.

The point difference returned to 7 points again, and Link returned Rose a response ball!

"Superb offensive footsteps, Korver was played by Link in the low post like a clown. For the 12th point of the game, Link has already scored eight points in a row!" Kevin Harlan glanced at Thibodeau. If he doesn't suspend substitutions, Link will go crazy. Obviously, Korver today can't stand Link's swing.

Thibodeau wanted to wait for the dead ball, but didn't know how much the score became when it died.

Ross is also coming. Although there is no personal grudge with Link, Rose is naturally familiar with Link's affairs. Rose doesn't care how many high draft picks he defeated. But only one thing, you can't beat yourself!

The Rose of the Wind City still wanted to play singles with the ball this time, but Conley did not give Rose any more chances. He took two big strides for Rose, and if you look for it, he will let you vote!

Ross didn't believe in evil either, and when Conley hadn't posted it at mid-range, he stopped making a jump shot!

Although Rose can't shoot long distances, he still has a hit rate in the middle distance. However, Rose's shooting movements are actually not very good. His upper body and lower body movements feel disconnected... which leads to the fact that Rose's shooting arcs are generally very flat.

The basketball just knocked to the front of the rim, and Derrick Rose missed a shot!

In Rose's sophomore season, only three players in the league made more shots in the middle distance than Rose. They were Nowitzki, Kobe and Durant. Among all the 25 players with at least 500 mid-range shots, Rose has the highest shooting percentage! He shot a total of 794 goals in the middle distance, hitting 47%. So, Rose's CIC should be his killer.

But Rose’s jump shot performance changed significantly last season. Before last season, Rose rarely shot three-pointers. He made 58% of his shots from mid-range, and he only took 60 shots from outside the three-point line. But last season, Rose made 385 three-pointers. In other words, in a year, Rose's three-pointers have increased by 6 times, while the proportion of mid-range shots has dropped significantly.

As a result, while Rose increased the number of long shots, his performance within the three-point line began to collapse. Last season, Rose's field goal percentage dropped to 40%, and this year, it has fallen further to 39%. It's hard to say whether Rose's practice of a large number of three-pointers led to a change in his shooting feel, but the fact is that the youngest MVP is not always improving, and his ability in shooting is declining year by year!

It is not so easy for young players to change their style of play.

Rose's offense did not continue, and Link knew this was an opportunity to boost morale! After fighting with the opposing star for so long, it's time to open the gap!

Link didn't play off the ball this time. He reached out for the ball just after halftime.

Although this is not in line with the tactics, Link has now scored 8 points in a row. He has the right to ask for the ball, so Conley still handed the ball to Link. Players occasionally play freely on the court, and Hollins is allowed. As long as you don't go too far, the general coach will not care about you.

After Link received the ball, Korver had no advantage in speed. In confrontation, Korver still has no advantage!

Link carried Cavour to the penalty area. Just when Korver thought Link would continue to come hard, Link suddenly turned around with Korver as the axis, turned to the basket, and scored a layup easily. !

"A beautiful back turned! Link went all the way from outside the three-point line to the basket. He already scored 10 points in the second quarter! The point difference was reduced to 5 points, and Link continued his scoring performance! In a duel, Derek Rose was defeated!"

Kevin Harlan couldn't help but wave his arm, offensive off the ball, offensively behind the ball, and breakthrough with the ball... In just a few rounds, Link showed several ways of scoring. Today, Korver is completely beaten by Link fancy!

With Rose’s offense interrupted, Link continued to score. He has undoubtedly proved that sometimes Lao Tzu is more magical than the youngest MVP!

Thibodeau had to call anxiously to stop the game, he couldn't wait for a dead ball! In the second quarter, he let Korver start, but Link immediately scored 10 points. Then every ball hit Thibodoo's face!

"Brewer, look at him to death, I don't want to see him score again!" Thibodeau replaced Korver in desperation, and Korver sat on the bench with a helpless expression.

But to be honest, when Link has played offensively, even Ronnie Brewer may not be able to limit him.

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