Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred and forty-two: I also want to be insignificant

After Link dunked Lor Deng and scored 40 points, Thibodeau, who was still very proud in the first quarter, fell to the bench.

With 1 minute and 08 seconds left in the game, the Chicago Bulls are 10 points behind. The most important thing is that the Chicago media collectively ridiculed the draft before the game. At this time, he has scored 40 points, 10 rebounds, and 10 assists in a triple-double!

40 points, this is also Link's career scoring record. As a small well-known player, if there is no scoring record in the town, it really means almost. Today, Link is the one who scored 40 points in a single game. There is no doubt that this adds an important touch to Link's career history!

Lol Deng got up with the support of his teammates, but in the end, he still failed to stop the number 0. Although not all of the 40 points were taken by Lor Deng, it still made Deng Yingqiao feel extremely humiliated.

This season, he was hailed as one of the best wing defenders in the league. The results of it? As a result, he let a loser get a 40-point triple-double!

"Amazing Link, he has done things that many players can't do in their entire lives! He scored 40 points and scored a triple-double. Link bloodbathed the United Center Arena! Before the game started, the Chicago media banished Link. It's worthless! But now, when Link responds to the questioning, what can the media say!?" Kevin Harlan is now completely towards Link. When the first quarter is over, ha Lan is actually not optimistic about the Grizzlies.

But Link was stunned to use his personal performance to reverse the entire game. This kind of play makes it hard for people not to be impressed.

Thibodeau was stunned for a few seconds before he remembered to call a timeout. If even the head coach of a team is ashamed, then they will probably not be able to organize an effective counterattack.

Sure enough, in the last 1 minute or so of the game, the Bulls played in a muddle-headed manner, and even Rose lost his fighting spirit.

In the United Center, fans began to leave early in large numbers.

Today is January 1, 2012. The fans thought that the Bulls could use a big win as a New Year gift for fans.

But the end result was disappointing.

Link was replaced with 30 seconds left in the game, which indicates that the game has completely entered garbage time. When he was replaced, Link's data became 40 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists.

There were no fans cheering for Link, no one shouting for him. But Link looked at the fearful expressions of Chicago fans, and that was enough.

The fun of the "big villain" is so simple and rude.

When the buzzer sounded at the end of the game, Link stood up and enjoyed the hugs and blessings of his teammates. 104 to 95, the Grizzlies counterattacked 13 points in the United Center and won the final victory tenaciously. Of course, the final score is no longer important. Today, the only protagonist of the game is Link.

With a 40-point triple-double, Link became the first player in Grizzlies history to come up with this stat. Another team history record was broken. When mentioning the history of the Memphis Grizzlies in the future, Link must be a name that cannot be skipped.

Rose, who scored 26 points, 6 assists and 3 rebounds, was akimbo and looked at Link from a distance. The guy's performance impressed Ross.

Rose has been telling himself that the person defeated by Link must not be himself. But sometimes things are often counterproductive.

Selected into the All-Star Game in the second grade, and became the All-Star starter in the third grade.

Is Derek Rose magical? He is simply one of the most amazing young people in NBA history. What about Link? If Ross were to answer, he would tell people, "That guy is just as amazing."

When he was startled, several reporters had already surrounded Rose. Rose shook his head. It seemed that he would inevitably become Link's background board today.

"Derek, what do you think of your performance today? You didn't seem to find a crosshair in your CIC and three-pointers. Today's overall shooting percentage is only 40%. What limits you? Is it the Grizzlies defense or your own state? "

"Both. The Grizzlies are one of the best defensive teams in the league. They have a very tough way to block the basket. Of course, I don't feel good on my own, and I will continue to improve."

The first question is still very common. But Rose knew that it was just the silence before the storm.

"As everyone knows, Link scored 40 points and a triple-double today. This is a very terrible stat. Even a superstar like Kobe Bryant has never gotten such a stat. Link in the first quarter of the Grizzlies With 13 points behind, you bravely stood up to reverse the game and accomplished such a feat. What is your comment on this?"

Sure enough, the second question embarrassed Rose.

Ross actually performed well today, with 26 points, 6 assists and 3 rebounds. Apart from his low shooting percentage, there are no black spots. But at this time, no one thinks Rose is doing well, and Link's 40-point triple-double is there. Therefore, everyone also focused on Link.

Rose looked up at the big screen, remembering the last goal, Link broke through himself and slammed the picture of Lor Deng, and shook his head helplessly, "I can't judge, because I don't even know if I can do the same. thing."

After speaking, Rose waved his hand and left. The No. 1 pick in 2008, the youngest MVP in NBA history, ultimately couldn't escape the fate of being offended.

The record that the Grizzlies could not win the Bulls has since become history. Rose now only feels fortunate that in the East, he doesn't have to meet opponents like the Grizzlies in the playoffs.

Link wanted to remind Rose to pay attention to his style of play and physical wear. But he was surrounded by reporters, and when he went to find Ross, he was no longer in sight.

It seems that I can only wait for the next time.

At the press conference after the game, reporters asked Link if he scored a 40-point triple-double today, is it a response to the Chicago media.

Link smiled and supported his chin with one hand. "I'm just a trivial winner, really, very trivial. How trivial is it? The headlines of all sports newspapers and news ~ It will be me, including the Chicago media. Trust me, I really want to be insignificant."

Link's response caused many Chicago media bosses to curse Link while urging their subordinates, "Leave enough space for that **** guy tomorrow! What? Boycott him? Unless I'm crazy, why should I do this? !"

This time, the Chicagoans were a bit overconfident about their youngest MVP.


Link did not brag. The day after the game with the Bulls, the headlines of major sports newspapers and programs were indeed all his.

After all, this game is too dramatic. Before the game, the Chicago media mocked Link. In the game, the Grizzlies had been guarded for only 12 points. In the end, Link stood up and caught up, slashing 40 points and a triple-double to complete a shocking reversal.

The script of a Hollywood sports movie is probably written to this level.

Such an unusual game naturally attracted the attention of fans all over the world. And Link also relied on his 40-point triple-double performance, maxing out the entire basketball circle.

ESPN columnist said, "Link is the most underrated super rookie."

Kevin Harlan said on his Twitter, "I witnessed a great performance."

Lor Deng said bluntly in the interview, "I was beaten and broke down."

Kobe: "Why do I always take the case that I have not scored a 40-point triple-double..."

Link has never enjoyed such treatment. In the past, he could only be regarded as a "niche player." But now, Link has entered the circle of the Supreme Balloon Star.

With this lively discussion, the first round of voting for the 2012 NBA All-Star Weekend began.

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