Reverse Growth Superstar

: 256: Griffin's Determination

Link was selected as the starting All-Star, which undoubtedly caused an uproar. Of course, since the fans themselves are the ones who voted, this is what everyone wants.

Ben Wallace started his NBA career with the Washington Bullets in 1996. It was not until the 2003 All-Star that he became the first and so far only undrafted All-Star starter in history.

Wallace has walked this journey for 7 years.

And Link went from losing the draft to becoming an All-Star starter in only two years!

Not to mention losing the draft, even if a lottery rookie can reach the All-Star starting lineup in two years, it is not a general generation.

Durant is awesome, right? But he was not selected to the All-Star team until the third year of his career, and did not become the All-Star starter in the fourth year. Who are the all-star starters in the second year of their career? The seemingly honest man in San Antonio, Tim Duncan with a cute smile, Los Angeles paranoid Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, known as the "son of the heaven"...

Those who were selected as the first All-Stars in the second grade are all such great gods!

Even Derek Rose made the All-Star starting lineup only during his MVP season.

When Link's name is used with Duncan, Kobe, James and other great players, it will naturally arouse extensive discussion.

Jeff Austin is happy now. The All-Star vote has undoubtedly made Link's popularity and commercial value soar.

When a player causes discussion from fans all over the world, his commercial value is immeasurable.

However, Link himself is not very interested in that record and data. What is the first All-Star starter in the history of the Grizzlies? What is the second player in NBA history who has changed from a draft pick to an All-Star starter? What is the second in his career. Those who can make the All-Star starter in 2010 are all big gods, and Link doesn't care about any of them.

Because he is very clear that these current records are all imaginary. Tyreke Evans scored 20+5+5 per game in his rookie season. People say that he is a super rookie once in ten years. What happened?

Griffin averaged a double-double per game in his rookie season last season. People say that only epic insiders like O'Neal and Duncan can get this data in his rookie season. The results of it? Griffin won't have to be drafted this season to grab the All-Star starter. And Link knew very well that Griffin would not become an epic behemoth like Duncan and O'Neal in the future.

Look up at the stars, but also keep your feet on the ground. Therefore, no matter how the outside world blows, Link does not float. Once floating, you have to go down.

While the outside world touted Link, Link was seriously preparing for tonight's game. He didn't let his guard down because he was selected as an All-Star starter.

Elston Turner was extremely pleased with this. Maybe this is one of the reasons that kid can succeed.

Sure enough, in the evening against the Warriors, the Grizzlies played less easily than they did when they abused the Kings.

Although the Warriors have only 5 wins and 10 losses this season, under the leadership of Mark Jackson, they are the most powerful team in the Western Conference.

Stephen Curry and Monta Ellis are still fighting for a shot, and Klay Thompson on the bench has not yet fully formed. But this team is extremely talented, and today it put the Grizzlies into a desperate situation.

At the last moment, Randolph's strong play at the basket set the victory for the Grizzlies and achieved a 4-point lead that determines the outcome.

In the end, the Grizzlies defeated the Golden State Warriors 94-90 on the road. Link had 23 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists, Randolph had 20 points, 9 rebounds and 1 assist. The Grizzlies won away without danger, but in this game, the Warriors brought huge trouble to the Grizzlies, which made the Grizzlies players consume a lot of money.

After the game, reporters asked the most about how Link thought he was selected as an All-Star starter.

And Link’s answer is the same every time, "I just want to focus on the current game. The All-Star Game is still early."

The tight schedule and difficult opponents made Link breathless, and he didn't even bother to think about the All-Stars.

Sure enough, in Portland the next day, the Grizzlies finally fell overwhelmed.

The Trail Blazers have officially entered the post-Roy Oden era, Aldridge has been promoted to the core position, and played a good performance this season.

The stocky Randolph suffered a lot from defending this kind of projected fourth position because he couldn't reach the ball! Aldrie will not head-on with you, he will shoot you to death.

What's more, Randolph is still very tired today, and the power of the defensive end is not as good as before.

The back-to-back matches in the intensive schedule are exhausting for everyone.

As a result, Aldrie shot 61.5 percent of the field goal, scored 23 points lightly, and reaped the victory.

The exhausted Grizzlies played very badly today. Except for Link, none of the first five players shot more than 40%!

Randolph was 1 of 6 and hit 16.7%. Conley was 3 of 13, hitting only 23.1%. Gay’s 33% and Pau Gasol’s 28.6% are equally hot-eyed.

For four consecutive days of three battles, it seems that the Grizzlies have squeezed the last trace of physical strength. Hollins also said frankly after the game, "The Trail Blazers are very powerful and they are fully capable of winning. But the tight schedule still affected our performance."

The Grizzlies’ seven-game winning streak was ended, and discussions about Link becoming an All-Star starter have also diminished day by day.

Sometimes this heat is just a gust of wind. If you are complacent, you really lose.

Although the game with the Trail Blazers is over, the Grizzlies players cannot just relax. Because tomorrow they will fly to Los Angeles non-stop. The day after tomorrow, the Grizzlies will meet the Clippers for the first time this season.

Blake Griffin, the Los Angeles Clippers, and angry Clippers fans... Link leaned in the locker wearily, why every time he goes to Staples, there is no good thing.

This time I went to Los Angeles as an All-Star starter, but I was about to enjoy real All-Star-level defensive treatment.


Just as the Grizzlies lost to the Trail Blazers, the seven-game winning streak was ended. Chris Paul, who was absent from the game for more than half a month, finally returned from injury in the Los Angeles derby between the Clippers and the Lakers. Although this offseason, Paul really wants to join the Lakers, he and Kobe have also established a good relationship.

But Wade once said, "On the basketball court, Paul doesn't treat anyone as a friend."

Thus, the Lakers and the Clippers fought a derby battle. However, Paul was not in good shape due to his return from injury. He made 2 of 8 shots in the game and only scored 4 points, but provided 14 assists. Blake Griffin had 26 points and 9 rebounds, which can be considered to be the best.

But the final result of the game did not satisfy the Clippers because the Clippers eventually lost the Lakers by 5 points. Kobe's 24 points, 6 assists and 7 rebounds still look like Link.

As soon as the game ended, Paul and Griffin walked into the player channel disappointedly and did not accept interviews with reporters.

No one knew where they were going, but after the game, the Clippers reporter John Buha broke the news, "Paul and Griffin went to the training hall after the game was over, trying to find a better form. I asked Blake , And asked him how he plans for the next game, Griffin answered simply."

"I want to hold the final bottom line and defend my home court."

When the meaning of a game is not just the game itself, then the basketball game may be more intense than fighting!

The bonus of the All-Star start has not yet been enjoyed, but Link has already encountered a lot of drawbacks after becoming an All-Star.

Griffin prepared enough "ammunition" and waited for Link, who had taken away his starting position, to challenge him!

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