Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred and sixty: quasi 3 pairs and true 3 pairs

After being called a technical foul, Griffin was much more honest. He didn't dare to wave his elbow, and he didn't dare to reply when he was sprayed with trash. The mood of the repeater has become quite low, and the enthusiasm of the offensive end has also been affected.

Throughout the second quarter, it was almost driven by Paul pushing the Clippers. A huge boat can only be rowed by the captain at the back.

If it were not for Mo Williams suddenly stood up and scored 7 points in a single quarter, the Clippers might have to be stranded at halftime.

In the end, after halftime, the Grizzlies only led the Clippers by 5 points. Mo Williams has become a life-saving straw for the Clippers, but Mo can save the Clippers a few times. People can't guarantee.

"Blake, calm down, you were led by the nose throughout the first half!" Paul yelled to Griffin as soon as he returned to the locker room during the intermission.

At this time, the team's big brother shouting is actually far more useful than the head coach's shouting.

"I know that losing the All-Star start makes you very depressed and makes you very angry. But a mature player should use his anger on the basketball court, not on his temper!"

No one in the Clippers locker room gnawed when Paul spoke. Although it's only the first year of the Clippers, Paul has undoubtedly occupied a leading position.

After the hard was over, Paul started to soften, "Come on guys, we still have a whole half-time to change this. If you still want to win and want to be shameful, you'd better listen to me. "

After speaking, Paul patted Griffin on the shoulder. Griffin nodded silently, and lost everything.


Link was surprised by Griffin's mentality change in the third quarter. The guy started to play with one mind instead of always thinking about messing up.

Griffin's offense was clean and tidy, and he never hesitated when it was time to cover, pick and roll, and shoot.

Griffin did not respond to Link and Randolph's trash talk. Even though Randolph had a few very fierce fouls, Griffin just smiled.

After the moderation, Griffin's efficiency has been improved.

In the third quarter, Griffin shot 4 of 6 and scored 9 points while also sending out 2 rebounds and 2 assists. Paul no longer has to carry the team alone, and the Clippers are gradually improving.

After the three quarters, the Clippers overtook the Grizzlies by 3 points. The cheers of the fans resounded in the Staples Center. They believed that once Griffin began to take it seriously, the Grizzlies had no talent to stop him.

"18 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists. Blake Griffin played well in the third quarter. And do you see it? His two low post support just now was very good. If Blake can maintain this state in the fourth quarter If you do, he might be able to get a triple-double." During the break, Kenny Smith finally had a chance to praise Griffin.

Using triple-double data to defeat Link and justify himself, is there a better ending?

On the other side, Link "only" scored 16 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists. The most eye-catching part of Link's statistics today is mainly the number of steals. He has already had 3 steals, including that "goalkeeper" steal.

But because Link is not a pure insider, it is still very difficult for him to take a triple-double today.

"I believe that everyone has seen the changes in Blake Griffin in the third quarter, calm down and play, everyone is the same. Link, I need you to hold the ball more in the fourth quarter. Attract double-teams and create opportunity."

In the third quarter, Paul suddenly became defensive, which made Conley very uncomfortable. Therefore, Conley's offensive organization was not as smooth as the first half.

The way to solve this problem is to reposition the first organization point and the second organization point.

Link no longer smiled hippiely, but solemnly nodded in response. The two sides have alternated leading for so long, it's time to make a conclusion.

As soon as the fourth quarter came up, Griffin sent another assist!

This time, Randolph held Griffin in the low post, and everyone else pulled away. It looked like Griffin was going to play singles.

However, Mo Williams cut in without warning, which made Conley, who was defending him, unable to react.

Seeing this, Griffin, who was sitting in the low post, hit the ground and sent the ball to Xiao Mo. The latter made a decisive layup and the Clippers led by 5 points!

"18 points, 6 rebounds and 7 assists, what am I talking about? Blake really has a chance to win a triple-double today!" Kenny Smith is triumphant, this is the example that the No. 1 pick should set!

Link shook his head. Mo Williams really created too many unexpected troubles for the Grizzlies today. But Griffin's pass, Link found that its purpose is actually very obvious. As long as you can accurately judge, it is not difficult to grab it.

In the next round, Link calmly analyzed the situation on the court and looked for a gap. Conley handed the ball to Link just after halftime. He was the real point guard at this time.

Link's job is to attract defense, so he bravely broke through with the ball. In the end, the ball was distributed to Guy after the breakthrough.

Gay took the outside ball from the right three-point line, but unfortunately, the basketball didn't get in and knocked out. But because it was a three-pointer, it was a long rebound. Griffin wanted to grab it, but the shorter arm couldn't reach...

The basketball just flew out of the penalty area, Link just grabbed it, and the Grizzlies got a second offense!

Link did not hesitate, but assigned the ball to Conley again. Conley was about to retire, but he immediately ran back after seeing Link grabbed the rebound. Just beyond the three-point line, the ball arrived!

Conley also decisively took a three-pointer, but Paul blocked it in time! The basketball knocked to the front of the basket, but still didn't make it, and it was still a long rebound!

Link's keen sense of smell allowed him to grab offensive rebounds for the second time in a row from outside the penalty area! Griffin and Jordan are stupid, what's the situation with Nima! He was actually grabbed two rebounds in a row!

But in fact, this kind of long rebound is difficult for big men to grab. But for a defender with a keen sense of smell, Link has an advantage.

After grabbing an offensive rebound for the second time, Link finally gave the ball to Gasol at the basket. Little Gasol tossed the ball lightly, and the basketball finally jumped into the net.

The goal was somewhat dramatic, but the Grizzlies finally scored.

Kenny Smith's eyes widened in the stands. In just one round, Link had 2 rebounds and 1 assist. In other words, Link's current data has become 16 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists! In an instant, Link became involved with the word Sanshuang again.

It seems that Griffin and Link are on the bar today.

In the next few rounds, Link and Griffin performed very well. The two did not give way to each other, and frequently made strange moves.

Griffin contributed a supplementary deduction and opened the score again. This supplementary deduction also turned his data into 20 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists.

Link, on the other hand, made a false pass in the air and assisted Randolph in the mid-range shot and got a defensive rebound in a defense. With 16 points, 8 assists and 8 rebounds, Link is closer to a triple-double than Griffin!

On Griffin's side, he calmly assisted Jordan as a dunk after being double-teamed, and the number of assists became 8! As for Link here, after breaking through Butler, he used a pass without looking at others, assisted Gay to make a good shot, and then had an assist, Link's assist was in double figures!

The competition between Link and Griffin is in a fierce stage, and people are also discussing whether Link or Green will take the lead in getting the triple-double data.

This time, Griffin sat down again. Link kept an eye on it, Griffin is not a player who likes to play singles. He must do this for the convenience of coping!

So now, who will Griffin pass to?

Finally, Link locked the target on the bench bandit Xiao Mo. Just now, Griffin had a pass Xiao Mo's cooperation in the low post!

Sure enough, in the next second, Mo Williams cut in with Jordan's screen, and Griffin immediately passed the ball!

"This time there are 9 assists!" Griffin was secretly happy in his heart, but after a while, Griffin's mood instantly fell to the bottom. Because he watched the guy with the big number 0 printed on his back, before Mo Williams, grabbed the basketball!

It's Link, he contributed the fourth steal today!

"Good job, haha! Link used practical actions to prevent Blake Griffin from getting closer to the triple-double data! Griffin was almost robbed by Link today, this is Link's fourth time today. A steal was also the third time against Griffin! The Grizzlies fast break, Link quickly hit the ball, Tony Allen directly layup after receiving the ball, hit! The Grizzlies reduced the point difference to 1 point, and Link Jin The number of assists in the night has also become 10!"

Link got a double-double, a triple-double, and only 2 rebounds away. He came up from behind and overpowered Griffin.

After the fourth quarter, Griffin had no chance. Not only was his passing route blocked, between the Grizzlies' high shooting percentage and Jordan, Griffin did not get any rebounding opportunities.

The Grizzlies gradually surpassed the score under Link's calm organization. Paul was a little weak in the fourth quarter. After all, he had just returned from injury and his physical training was not in place. Throughout the fourth quarter, Paul was crazy.

In the last 1 minute and 11 seconds of the game, when Griffin passed the ball to Paul, and the latter shot the iron, the Clippers were 8 points behind the Grizzlies! And Blake Griffin's data is fixed at 20 points, 8 assists and 9 rebounds, a triple-double!

Paul's shot was iron, and the rebound was just taken by Link. After this rebound, Link had 20 points, 10 rebounds and 12 assists. After a 40-point triple-double, he scored a triple-double for the second time this season! Link scored 6 assists in a single quarter, which is the biggest reason the Grizzlies can comeback.

Griffin's performance was good enough. He suddenly regained consciousness in the second half and scored a quasi-triple double in one fell swoop. Just when he thought he could beat Link, Link made a true triple-double without water, and destroyed the night that originally belonged to Griffin...

Compared with the real triple-double, the quasi triple-double is obviously not much gold.

Griffin sighed, there was not much left in the game, and it was difficult for the Clippers to change the defeat. The points difference is only a little bit, and his and Link's numbers are only a little too close. But there is no difference between a little and a lot. Both are losers!

From personal data to the results of the game, the repeat champion was overwhelmed by Link. Griffin lost his head and dropped his head. This "Western All-Star team starting forward" storm, accompanied by Link's rebound, was completely ended.

Which is better or worse, at a glance! Link used his own ability to defend his glory.

Is Griffin strong? Really strong, 20 points, 9 rebounds and 8 assists, almost triple-double!

But I am sorry, Link is always better than him!

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