Reverse Growth Superstar

: 273: Little secrets that will not be revealed

After Link made two free throws, Popovich immediately used up his last timeout.

At the same time, Hollins rushed onto the court, walked to the limping Link, and asked about his condition.

"It's just cramping, it's okay." Link waved his hand. He always cared about his health, so he wouldn't make fun of this kind of thing.

"Now, go to the locker room and check it. Don't worry, we will be able to hold it in the last 16 seconds." Hollins finished, calling the team doctor to take Link back to the player channel.

"Yeah, don't worry, we will use our lives for the last 16 seconds!" Jimmy Butler walked up to Link and patted his chest.

Butler at this time has already admired and respected Link. What he did on the court, Butler could see. Link fought for a 5-point advantage at the end, saying that nothing can be lost!

Link nodded. Of course he trusted his coach and teammates. If even they are not worthy of trust, who can he trust?

"Come back, I'm waiting for you in the locker room to celebrate the victory." Link joked to everyone, and then followed the team doctor into the player tunnel.

Suddenly, all the cameras on the scene were aimed at Link, and he became the focus of much attention today. It is precisely because of him that this game will reach this moment.

"Link walked back to the player channel. He didn't know what happened in the breakthrough layup just now. Although he insisted on making two free throws, he still walked off the court. If the Grizzlies win today, he will be Well-deserved best of the game. Although he only scored 10 points, although he scored even less than Split. But there is no doubt that without him, there would be no key lead for the Grizzlies! Hope Link does not It's a big problem, because if he gets injured, the NBA will lose a ray of beautiful scenery."

Cole was already a fan of Link's strength today. At first, Cole just thought that kid was very powerful. But today, Link’s fighting spirit really left a deep impression on Cole.

From the start of the second quarter, Link has been running and has never stopped. He was thinking about making a layup until the last minute.

This kind of perseverance is destined to grow into a great player!

There are many potential points, some players are good at jumping, some players are lightning fast. Some are tall and with long arms, and some are as strong as a bull. But people with these talents are not necessarily successful.

But what about Link? That guy works hard and has great perseverance. Not everyone has this kind of talent.

In the last 16 seconds, the lost Spurs did not score any more goals. The Grizzlies made it to the end, and they kept the fruits of victory that Link had made.

89 to 84, the Memphis Grizzlies successfully bit the San Antonio Spurs in a difficult back-to-back away game! It broke the embarrassing record of not winning against the Spurs this season, and also broke the spell of not winning streak.

This is the first consecutive victory for the Grizzlies since January 23!

"The game is over. After all the hardships, the Grizzlies finally defeated their old rival Spurs! This was a hard-won victory. Both sides didn't score high, because both teams used meat grinder-like defense to contain it. The other side! But in the end, the Grizzlies clenched their teeth to the end! Let us congratulate the Memphis Grizzlies, this is a great victory for them! "Although this is the Spurs home court, Cole still couldn't help it. The grizzly bears praise.

No way, the Grizzlies' performance today is indeed respectable. It's a pity that the guy who made this victory with one hand cannot dance with his teammates on the court at this time.

Seeing the red light on the backboard, Popovich felt very helpless. Parker had 21 points and 7 assists, Duncan had 19 points and 13 rebounds and 5 blocks! The team made 7 of 16 three-pointers and shot 43.8%. From stars to individuals, the Spurs' numbers look pretty good. But in the end, they are the losers.

Link, Popovich believes that this is the only reason the Spurs lost today.

After a while, many reporters came to Popovich. The old man grimaced, obviously trying to tell reporters that I was in a bad mood today, so don't mess with me.

But there were a few people who were not afraid of death to put the microphone in front of Popovich's mouth and asked some questions that would obviously make Popovich even more angry.

"Pop, the Spurs performed well in this game, but they still lost. What do you think?"

"Me? Stand on the sidelines and watch."


"How do you rate Tim Duncan's performance? Did his 5 blocks exceed your expectations?"

"I don't think that guy did anything unexpected. For example, he went to the Grizzlies to warm up at halftime and was left out in the cold."

"Puff!" The reporters almost couldn't help laughing. Popovich, the old man, is absolutely superb.

"So, how do you comment on Link's performance today? He scored 10 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists, 5 steals and 3 blocked shots. This is his first all-around triple-double this season. Three triple-doubles! Although he didn't score many points, he caused a huge problem for the Spurs on the defensive end today. People say that Link made the Spurs lose today. What do you think?"

When the reporter asked this question, Popovich's expression became much more serious. When everyone was ready to hear how Popovich would tease Link, the old man got serious.

"Link, don't mention the name, I have a headache when I mention him. I must admit that he disrupted my offensive layout. Without him, our offense would go smoothly. I have never seen him like him. The player who runs from corner to corner, from one half to the other. Never stop, tirelessly, no matter the cost! He is a terrible opponent and he is worthy of this victory."

After speaking, Popovich turned and left and walked back to the player channel.

The reporters were stunned, but Popovich rarely praised his opponent so straightforwardly! Unless, he is really strong enough to make Popovich who read countless people admire him.

It seems that Link not only left a deep impression on fans, reporters and commentators. Even Popovich was impressed by him.

Popovich walked in the player channel and still recalled today's game in his mind. When interviewed by reporters just now, Popovich actually didn't say a word.

"How to evaluate Link? He once frightened me. Every time I saw his eyes, saw him standing in front of the ball-bearer, and saw his teeth and claws, I would feel a chill spread from my back. I would feel, That kid might really have eaten us..."

Popovich still remembers that feeling deeply until now. However, this will be a little secret he will never reveal...

On the other side, the Grizzlies players rushed into the locker room happily, ready to celebrate this hard-won victory with Link.

But after walking into the locker room, everyone found that there was no one. Finally, everyone found Link in the physiotherapy room.

But when Link was found, no Grizzlies players were arguing. Randolph, the "King of the Kids," even actively signaled everyone to go out and change clothes quietly.

At this time, the exhausted Link was already asleep peacefully under the massage of the legs by the physical therapist...

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