Reverse Growth Superstar

: 301: It's time to update

On January 2 a year ago, the defending champion Lakers, who were still thriving at the time, encountered the difficult Memphis Grizzlies.

That was the first time Kobe played against Link, and the first time he felt the magic of losing the draft.

At that time, Link came off the bench and scored 13 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists to help the Grizzlies win a big victory. Although Link's statistics are not amazing now, at the time, Kobe was already surprised by Link's ability. After all, he was just a loser. Moreover, it was just dropped by the Rockets.

After that, the time came to February 7. This time, the Lakers successfully avenged the Grizzlies. But Link scored 18 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists. In just one month, he was more improved than last time!

Then, on January 8th of this year. At this time Kobe is already quite familiar with Link, and Link has become the new darling of the league. He not only led the Grizzlies to the Lakers, but also scored 17 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds.

Kobe was delighted with Link's progress, and he believed that all those who worked hard should be rewarded.

But no matter which of these games, Link's performance and statistics have not surpassed Kobe. Link surpasses Kobe? This sounds like a magical thing that can no longer be magical. In front of Kobe, Link can score more than ten points and can show all-around performance, which seems to be a victory. As long as he can do this, the media will not hesitate to use exaggerated words.

But beyond Kobe? The media and fans do not expect it. In their view, playing against a player like Kobe means victory without being blown up. Moreover, Link has been constantly improving, and every time he faces Kobe, he is gradually getting better.

As a result, today, just over two months later, on March 12, Link had 38 points, 12 assists and 6 rebounds and 1 blocked shot. Without warning, Link defeated Kobe from data to performance! He was no longer satisfied with the gradual progress, but suddenly took a big step forward, shocking everyone!

From the first time Kobe saw Link to today, in just one year and two months, the 0th has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The thought of this made Kobe feel heartache. He witnessed Link's growth, but it can also be said that he became the background board for Link's growth.

"The Lakers may have to give up the game. Sure enough, Mike Brown replaced Kobe Bryant. He didn't want Kobe to take risks anymore. This year's regular season schedule is very intensive. Avoiding injuries is the best long-term goal. Favorable approach. But Kobe must be very unwilling to end the game in this way."

Hubby Brown said, wiping his sweat. When Kobe walked off the court, Old Brown felt relieved. The war was finally over, and most importantly, the Grizzlies became the winner.

For Grizzlies fans, this is undoubtedly a happy ending. The Grizzlies managed to avoid losing streak after Gay was injured. And Link also used his outstanding performance to give the Grizzlies fans a reassurance.

Now, everyone believes that the Grizzlies will not fall because of injuries, nor will they be destroyed because of Randolph's decline.

Because they have Link.

Seeing Kobe's end, Hollins also took Link down. When Link walked off the court, all the fans stood up and applauded Link.

Seeing this scene, Kobe sitting on the bench couldn't help feeling that the Grizzlies finally ushered in their true soul.

This team, from now on, will no longer be confused.

"Good job, I know I can trust you."

"What am I talking about? As long as you unlock the shackles, you can play better!"

"You are so handsome today! Believe it or not, the ball you knocked down Bynum in the second quarter will be played on TV for a month!"

On the bench, Link was praised by his teammates, and he hugged his teammates very easily, completely losing the brutal energy he had just been on the court.

This guy put away his desire to win again and hid it to the bottom of his heart. But I believe that from now on, no one will dare to release the "demon" in his heart easily.

In the end, the Lakers lost in the away game. As long as the Grizzlies score more than 110 points in a single game, it shows that this game is unusual. Today, everyone knows where the game is unusual.

Link's 38 points and 12 assists are too eye-catching! This is the second highest score Link has ever scored this season after a 40-point triple-double against the Bulls.

Kobe was speechless. For the second time this season, he had allowed a Chinese to score nearly 40 points... and both of them were named Lin.

As expected of the two guys who can appear in Time magazine.

After the game, the reporters couldn't wait to rush into the stadium. Bynum, Kobe and Link have become the three most popular players today.

Bynum obviously didn't want to be so "popular", he just wanted to go back to the locker room to hide. Although he scored a large double-double with 24 points and 16 rebounds, Bynum would not think he performed well today.

No way, who made him sit directly on the ground in the second quarter, and his mentality collapsed afterwards. These two points are enough to make his large double-double pair bleak today.

"Dangling? No, it's just that the ground is too slippery, I slipped and fell."

"What? You saw my ankle twisted? No, no, nothing...what ankle terminator, nonsense."

"I'll say it again, I didn't get knocked down, I just slipped!"

Bynum kept defending during the interview, but everyone could actually tell whether it was slipping or falling. The more he defended, the more journalists liked making him make a fool of himself.

On the other hand, Kobe's mood is much more stable. But there is no doubt that he can only serve as a foil to Link today.

"I said long ago that Link is fully capable of carrying a team. But unfortunately, the Lakers did not become Link's suffering."

"Yes, Link played very well today. His back-to-back skills are very mature. With his cross-steps and a sudden stop in the shot, he can rank in the top three in the I don’t deny his excellent performance. , But I am still disappointed with the defeat."

"We will win more games. Today's loss is a big blow to us, but this is not the end of the world."

Kobe is calm on the surface, but there is a sense of unwillingness in the words. Originally, I wanted to restore the all-star training heads-up in the official game. Unexpectedly, today he was won by Link for a second time.

With Kobe's character, just thinking about it, you know how bad he is.

Although Kobe is victorious, he also agrees with the strong. He may be one of the few players who can't help but smile after being blocked by a well-connected star or scoring a goal.

So after the game, Kobe still embraced Link amicably and patted Link on the shoulder meaningfully.

In the eyes of some fans, this is just a courtesy. But in Hubie Brown's view, this seems to herald the beginning of the league's renewal...

Pierce, Ray Allen, Garnett, Kobe, Nowitzki, GDP, Nash... this group of guys who have been in the league for more than ten years have gradually withdrawn from the ranks of top stars. Players such as James and Wade began to dominate the league.

As for Link, they took the place where James was.

The situation of this alliance may change dramatically in recent years. Today, it is just a portrayal of this megatrend.

I just don't know what role the Memphis Grizzlies will play in the league in the future.

Can they become rulers or challengers?

At the same time, in the luxurious box of the Federal Express Arena, the gray-haired Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley also made a difficult decision.

The changes to the Grizzlies in the future will be greater than people think.

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