Reverse Growth Superstar

: Three hundred and ten: It should be easy

Link was excited about the upcoming game with the Heat, but Lionel Hollins felt a headache. Back-to-back-to-back matches are negligible, the key is that these three consecutive matches, the Grizzlies are not playing in the same place! Change a place for a fight, and change a place for a fight.

He really didn't know how distorted the psychology of the person who arranged the schedule at the beginning was to discharge this abnormal game.

On April 2, the Grizzlies challenged the Heat away. After playing the Heat, he has to return to Memphis to play the Warriors without stopping. You know, this is flying across the east and west parts!

After playing the Warriors, everything is not over yet. After two exhausting games, the players must immediately rush to Oklahoma City to fight again with the mighty Thunder!

Not to mention this schedule is for the players to play, Hollins felt tired just looking at it.

The only good news is that the Heat also fought back to back on April 2. On April 1, the Heat will fight the Celtics with the Celtics. Then he immediately flew back to Miami to prepare for the game against the Grizzlies.

For Hollins, this may be the only good news.

The playoffs are approaching soon. Hollins hopes not only to win the regular season, but naturally also hopes that the playoffs can go further. And health is the basis for the Grizzlies to go far.

If there are no players on the field, what playoff results are there to talk about?

The back-to-back schedule, resulting in players' risk of injury is also considerable.

Incontestable? No way. Regardless of the players' life and death? It doesn't seem to work.

Hollins sighed, then covered his head. The head coach of the NBA is really an embarrassing position. If Hollins is asked to choose again, he is really willing to be an assistant coach again...

But there is no way, since I chose to lead the team, no matter how much pressure, I have to withstand it!

In this way, on the afternoon of April 1, the Grizzlies embarked on a journey to Miami. It's just that I don't know what it will be like when I return.


As with most flights across the east and west, there are very few direct civilian flights from Memphis to Miami, and transfers are usually required. The time required for connecting flights can be as short as four or five hours, and as long as seven or eight hours.

The Grizzlies players take a private flight, so naturally they don’t need to transfer, but go directly to Miami International Airport.

But even so, this journey also takes 2 hours and 30 minutes of flying time. After arriving at the Miami International Airport, you have to take a bus for about 20 kilometers to reach downtown Miami.

In other words, it takes more than three hours for the Grizzlies players to settle down.

Today, I went to Miami to prepare for the battle. In fact, I didn't feel that the journey was far away. But after the game tomorrow, it will take almost the same time to return to Memphis, and then immediately play back-to-back... Hollins feels a bit abnormal.

The Grizzlies players set off in the morning and did not arrive at Miami International Airport until the afternoon. As soon as he stepped off the plane, Link sweated profusely, he was really dressed too much!

Although the time has come to April, Memphis is still a bit cold. In Memphis this season, a coat is still required to go out.

But when he got off the plane, Miami’s first impression of Link was the bright sunshine and high temperature.

"I, Cao, how many degrees is here! It's only April 1st today!" Link started to complain when he got off the plane and took off his jacket by the way.

"How many degrees? The average temperature in Miami in January is 19 degrees Celsius. This is a city with summer all year round, Link." Battier patted Link on the shoulder playfully. The Florida climate. Even more attractive than Texas!

Riding on the team bus, Link and his teammates headed towards the hotel where they were staying in the city. After entering the downtown area of ​​Miami, Link was immediately attracted by this colorful city.

If the main color of Memphis is serious and boring gray, then Miami is a colorful world!

The golden beach, the blue sea, the pink benches, the exaggerated graffiti... the whole city reveals a vitality.

Coconut trees, Cuban-style and Spanish-style buildings add a bit of exotic flavor to Memphis.

The team bus also passed the famous South Beach in Miami, a place where Link has never been before, but it is very familiar. Although he has never been there, he didn't know how many times he had been here in the game "Sin City" when he was young.

"It's great here." Looking out the window, Link couldn't help muttering.

"Yeah, no wonder LeBron will leave Cleveland, hahahaha." Next to Link, Randolph smiled sarcastically.

"Um...but he went back in the end. If it were me, I might not go back. Who would want to leave such a beautiful place?" Link said to himself in his heart. That's it, the more interesting ones are yet to come.

There is no time to continue to appreciate the beauty of Miami, the team bus soon arrived at the hotel where they are staying, and the players' task now is to rest as soon as possible. Then in the afternoon, they will head to the American Airlines Center to start preparing for the game tomorrow night.


LeBron James was very aggrieved. Tonight's game against the Celtics was really aggrieved.

72 to 91, the Heat actually lost the Celtics by almost 20 points! And 72 points is also the Heat's lowest scoring record in a single game this season.

What is the concept of 72 points? When the Grizzlies slaughtered the Wizards with 50 points, the Wizards scored 69 points. And tonight's only scored 3 points more than the Wizards...

Obviously there is a chance to surpass the Bulls to take the first place in the East. This is all right, and he was beaten as the second in the millennium.

James is really upset. There are too many inexplicable irons for the Heat in this game. Among all the players who played, only James and Haslem shot 40%, which is indeed too exaggerated.

In addition, James also allowed Pierce to score 23 points today, which is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.

Therefore, after returning to the locker room at the end of the game, James still gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

At this moment, a few licensed reporters entered the locker room and started interviewing. Wade and James have the most reporters around, among them, a reporter asked James a question.

"The Heat did not seem to be in a good state in this game. The Heat are now 37 wins and 14 losses. You are behind the Bulls again. Also, I must remind you that your current record is basically the same as the 37 wins and 13 losses for the Grizzlies. . Tomorrow back to back facing the Grizzlies, who have a record similar to the Heat, do you think the game will be difficult? Will the Heat fall into a losing streak?"

James was already angry. Hearing the reporter's question, he got excited in an instant, "Today we were not in good shape and we were seized by the Celtics. But this is the case in the NBA regular season. Few teams can do it every day. Keep it in the best condition. But we will adjust it soon and strive to win at home tomorrow."

Although the "little emperor" has a calm tone, everyone knows that he has already made his victory declaration!

James is indeed confident. First of all, he can't allow the Heat to lose again. Secondly, he believes that dealing with Link himself should be an easy task.

After all, he did that last year.

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