Reverse Growth Superstar

: 331: The expressionless young man

The day after the Grizzlies vs. Nuggets game ended, the news that Afflaro had 11 stitches on the head became the bloodiest news of the day.

O'Neill even joked, "Afflalo may not have to sew so many stitches to go to boxing."

This news undoubtedly highlights the intensity of the Grizzlies and Nuggets series from the side, even more fierce than boxing. Basketball is always a confrontational sport, and neither the Grizzlies nor the Nuggets are "gentlemen's teams."

The Nuggets fans all accused Link, saying that Link was a malicious foul. He moved to the right on purpose and let Afflalo hit his shoulder. And when Afflalo turned down, there was no protective action.

But all the fans except Denver believed that Link just wanted to avoid blocking, and they blame Afflalo for failing to control his body. And at that time Link must be able to shoot the ball as the most important, there is no need to give up offensive opportunities to protect opponents.

The argument lasted from the end of the game until the next day. Although Link was scolded by some fans, he was not angry.

He would rather be scolded than he was hurt yesterday. The picture when Afflalo stretched out his feet in front of him, Link had lingering fears just thinking about it.

In the face of opponents who want to abolish him, Link will not be soft.

If you are lying on the hospital bed now, any praise is meaningless. Lin Kenin was scolded while standing, and didn't want to be praised lying down.

But in these many wars of words, people unexpectedly discovered that the rude old man George Carr did not speak.

Usually there is this kind of war of words, and George Karl is definitely his favorite. Not to mention spraying his opponent, when the media sprayed his Anthony, Old Karl had to follow him with two mouth addictions.

However, this rude old man, who even his own players, did not make any remarks to Link today, which surprised the reporters.

It seems that since the end of last night's game, old Karl has not been so irritable. He even said "I admit that I underestimated him", which is seriously inconsistent with the image of George Karl in the media.

After all, the media did not stand in the position of George Carr and experienced the despair he experienced.

When you want to use a rough defense against a player, you find that he is more rough than you. When you want to deal with a player with dirty tricks, you find that he is more ruthless than you. When you think everything is over, but unexpectedly he will provoke and humiliate you...

Not everyone is "fortunate" to meet such an opponent.

Back then, even Kobe, who was quite a king, didn't let George Carr sink so much. But this year, George Carr didn't want to comfort himself.

He knew that if he jumped out to bite people, he would only be treated as a clown...

At this point, the first game of the first round of the series has been played. Most of the higher ranked teams have won the game, but the battle is not over yet. Only the person who wins 4 games first is the real winner.

No matter how cruel the series is, it must continue.


In the second game of the series, the Grizzlies only won the Nuggets by 6 points. It seems that the gap is not big, but the actual game is completely different from the score.

George Carr's attempt to break through the Grizzlies' defense with a fast-paced offense proved ineffective in the first game. But there is no way, the Nuggets can only play this way. To grind the ground one by one, that is exactly what the Grizzlies like.

As a result, the Nuggets bite the bullet and continue to play fast offense, and then have the small Gasol 4 shots in a single game.

At the last moment, if it were not for the Grizzlies to replace all the main players, the Nuggets are unlikely to narrow the points difference to single digits. , The points difference is not big, but the gap between the two sides is very obvious.

In the third game, Afflalo returned wearing a mask after completing the concussion test. The Nuggets also returned to the Denver Plateau, back to their home court, the Pepsi Center. All Denver fans hope that the Nuggets can win back.

But the result was quite different from what Denver fans expected. The return of Afflalo did not play a big role. This former defensive champion, today was extraordinarily gentle and always fearful when defending Link. .

Perhaps Afflalo was really scared. He knows very well that the Chinese No. 0 can only play a big game if he doesn't make a move. Afflalo shuddered when he thought of the needle that had just been stitched on his head.

And Afflalo is determined to leave this summer, he can't stand the days of playing under George Carr, and he doesn't want to bleed for the Nuggets. Once you are not serious or desperate, your ability to defend the Titans drops by half.

As a result, Link had 28 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds. The Grizzlies made another victory in the Pepsi Center and easily got the match point!

"I didn't expect the Denver Nuggets to be so vulnerable."

"Before the playoffs started, I thought the Nuggets would win at least one game, at least two games. Now I must admit that I was wrong."

"Link's progress is obvious to all. In three games, he dominated the offensive end and also dominated Afflalo. Last season, the Grizzlies' killer in the playoffs was Zach Randolph. And this season, the Grizzlies’ sharpest weapon is Link!"

At the end of the Three Wars, the media fell to the ground and turned to the Grizzlies. The cruel words that George Carr put before the game have now turned into jokes.

No one excuses a loser, not even the Nuggets fans themselves. Now, people are questioning the Nuggets management and George Carr's coaching ability.

Every time, the Nuggets played extremely gorgeous in the regular season. As a result, when it came to the playoffs, it was always nothing.

The Nuggets fans have had enough of this ending. Forget about losing to the tough Lakers in the past few years, this year they are going to lose to the Grizzlies this "incompetent" team. Nuggets fans can't accept it.

But the fact is that in the next match, the Grizzlies will most likely sweep the Nuggets directly. The Nuggets' efforts for a whole season will be annihilated after four games.

The day before the start of the fourth game between the Nuggets and the Grizzlies, the Spurs and Mavericks took the lead in the fourth game of their series.

The Mavericks have really experienced a serious decline this season. They are already 0-3 behind the Spurs and struggled throughout the series.

Except for the first game of the series, the Mavericks have caused some trouble for the Spurs, the Spurs almost crushed the Mavericks all the way.

In the history of the NBA, no team has ever been able to comeback after being behind 0-3. In addition, the Mavericks must face another embarrassing record-they are likely to become the second defending champion in NBA history that was swept out of the first round of the playoffs.

Popovich is not smiling he will not allow any flaws in this game. The Spurs must do the most with the least cost. If they can sweep the Mavericks 4-0, Popovich can also get the players more rest time.

After the game began, the Spurs players still played very well. Especially the Spurs bench, the bench players combined to score 57 points, which is definitely the depth of the bench that other teams do not have.

In the end, in Dallas, the championship place last season, the San Antonio Spurs cleanly eliminated the defending champion Mavericks 87-81. This also indicates that the Mavericks' championship journey will come to an end just one year later.

Thinking about how the Mavericks made waves in the league last year, and how depressed they are now, people can't help but feel embarrassed.

An evergreen tree like the Spurs is really the only one in the league.

Although the Spurs broke through the first round of the playoffs, Popovich was not too excited. After all, this is what he planned and the most basic result the Spurs will get. Just breaking through the first round of the playoffs can't make the old man happy.

After returning to the locker room, Popovich called Leonard and Stephen Jackson to his side and told them Link's game video had been sent to their mailbox.

"In the next game, I don't want to be beaten as badly as George Carr. Bullying the elderly is bad behavior, so you have to protect me."

Having just eliminated the defending champion, Popovich has turned his attention to the Grizzlies who kicked them out of the playoffs last season.

This year, Popovich is confident. Because Link’s opponent is no longer as easy to deal with as Richard Jefferson last season.

After listening to Popovich, a blank young man nodded slightly.

He likes to confront the strong, and now the strong is coming.

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