Reverse Growth Superstar

: Four hundred and seventy-six: Over-gas champion

Zach Randolph was successfully selected to the All-Star bench, and now, the Grizzlies are no longer just an All-Star player.

After the announcement of the full list of the All-Star team, Memphis fans were very happy.

When Link said that "we are all All-Stars" at the beginning, some media said Link was comforting himself. But now, the Grizzlies do indeed have a second player selected for the All-Star, and those who are waiting to see the Grizzlies jokes instantly have nothing to say.

It is not easy for a team to have two players in the All-Star game at the same time. But this year, the situation is very special.

There are seven teams that have two or more players selected into the All-Star team at the same time this season, including the Spurs, Lakers, Heat, Celtics, Thunder, Clippers and Grizzlies! Most of the players in the All-Star team are from these seven teams!

It is not difficult to see how serious it is nowadays that stars get together to play. But the Grizzlies are actually one of these seven teams, which must be very surprising.

After all, in most people's minds, the Grizzlies are Link's team alone. But now, they have a second veritable All-Star!

In the afternoon after the announcement, when the Grizzlies players returned to Memphis, they were naturally enthusiastically sought after by local reporters.

It was difficult for the Grizzlies to come up with an All-Star player, but this is the second year in a row. Two Grizzlies have been selected for the All-Star game!

Last season it was Link + Gasol Jr. This season it was Link + Randolph.

After getting off the plane, Link and Randolph became the two most popular with reporters. The enthusiasm of these reporters is as if the Grizzlies won the Chesapeake Energy Arena yesterday.

But now, everyone is immersed in the joy of Randolph being selected as an All-Star. That defeat yesterday? Few people care anymore.

In the afternoon, Randolph went to the mall and spent $260,000! When all the Grizzlies players arrived in the locker room early the next morning, they found a small box with delicate packaging on their cabinet.

Link smiled at each other and opened the box. Sure enough, there was a golden Rolex watch inside, Randolph did not break his promise!

"Wocao, it's a waste of money!" Link took out the watch and tried it on his wrist, and then found that his name was still engraved on the back of the watch!

Everyone has their own names engraved under their watches! Randolph not only smashed money this time, he also smashed it carefully.

Players posted photos of their watches on social media. For a time, Randolph gave his teammates gifts at a huge sum of money, and it became popular on the Internet.

The whole Memphis was in harmony, and everyone on the Grizzlies was happy. Everyone can't wait to see Link and Randolph fighting side by side in the All-Star Game, and the Grizzlies players are also preparing to make another brilliant success in the next half of the season. However, another team with the opposite mood of the Grizzlies arrived at Memphis International Airport.


When John Wall walked into the airport lobby, there were only a few reporters in front of him. When he and his teammates walked out, almost no one cared.

For a moment, Wall felt like a tourist group, not a game in Memphis. The No. 1 pick who entered the league in the same term as Link smiled bitterly, thinking that he was playing games in college back then, and his formation was much bigger than this.

Wall shook his head. He has only been away for more than two months...Is he already in such a desperate situation?

On September 29, 2012, a month before the start of the new NBA season, Wizards President Glenfield announced to the outside world that John Wall had been diagnosed with a stress fracture in his left knee due to repeated injuries and is expected to be absent. The first dozen games of the regular season of the new season. But in the end, injuries are not optimistic. Wall has also gone from missing a dozen games as predicted to dozens...

Starting from the announcement of injury in September 2012, Wall did not finally come back until January 12 some time ago. But when he reappeared on the court, he received a team with a record of only 5 wins and 28 losses.

It's been the third year since Wall came to the league, but the Wizards are destined to miss the playoffs with this result.

When Link has been fighting Durant, Duncan, Nowitzki and others in the highest level of the Western Conference series, Wall is still a playoff debut.

Last season, Wall averaged 16.3 points, 8 assists and 4.5 rebounds per game, slightly lower than the rookie season, disappointing. Therefore, people have high hopes for Wall this season, hoping that he can rebirth and make significant progress.

But after Wall's comeback, his performance was still tepid and his progress was not great. Occasionally, he can score 20 points and 10 assists in some games, but sometimes he has difficulty even scoring double figures and his performance is extremely unstable.

As a result, a voice pointed out, "The experience of the playoffs for two consecutive years has allowed Link to leave Wall far behind."

As a draft pick, was left behind by the losing draft? joke!

But even with such a hot topic, no reporters at the airport came up to ask reporters questions. Wall clenched his fist, he felt underestimated. What makes Wall more angry and helpless is that his performance in the last three games has indeed been very poor.

On January 26, the Wizards played the Bulls, Wall 14 points, 5 assists and 3 rebounds. On January 28, the Wizards played against the 76ers. Wall made 12 of 3, 9 points, 7 assists and 6 rebounds... Then on January 30, the Wizards played against the Kings, Wall 7 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds. Rebounds.

In three consecutive games, Wall's performance was disappointing, and one after another was even more disappointing! So now, no reporters come up to ask him questions at all, because in the eyes of people, the Wizards have no chance of winning in Memphis. Wall is in the Federal Express Arena, and he can't even shake Link's position.

Wall was angry and helpless. The whole world was concerned about the watches Randolph gave to his teammates, but the Washington Wizards and him were like wearing invisible cloaks, and no one cared about them.

So in the afternoon, when the Wizards arrived in the visiting team locker room of the Federal Express Arena, the first thing Wall said was, "Guys. We can't lose anymore."


Does Wall want to lose? He really didn't want to know that the Wizards were not entirely responsible for Wall.

After all, it was only more than half a month before Wall returned to the court. To take over a team with 5 wins and 28 losses, even if Jordan is here, the high probability will be in vain.

Therefore, although the Wizards' current record is hopeless, Wall's ambitions are still flourishing. He desperately needs to prove himself this season. Link has become the league’s hottest chicken, Griffin has been selected to the All-Star Game for the third consecutive year, Jeremy Lin has earned a salary of tens of millions, and Paul George has become the number one person in the Pacers. ...

These guys who entered the alliance with Wall at the beginning have already broken out. As the top pick, Wall naturally is not far behind!

In the previous three games, his condition was very low, and he has not recovered from the injury. But Wall knows very well that tonight is his chance to exhale. If he can perform well in the Federal Express Arena, he will immediately return to everyone's field of vision.

He still wants to win.

So at the beginning of the game, Wall played very When the Grizzlies were still slowly entering the state, Wall led the Wizards to suddenly exert strength.

He made a sudden pass and scored 7 points and 5 assists in the first quarter! On the Grizzlies' side, it seemed that they hadn't adapted to the sudden increase in intensity, and some were stunned.

In the first quarter, Wall led the Wizards to a 30 to 23 offensive! Lead the Grizzlies by 7 points and enter the second quarter!

"What's the matter? Do the Grizzlies players still miss the watches they received? They are good at defensively and they actually allowed the Wizards to score 30 points in a quarter, incredible!"

Hubie Brown shook his head. Wall has a strong offensive desire today. If the Grizzlies can't wake up as soon as possible, sooner or later the points difference will be opened.

Wall was on the bench triumphant. He had a hunch that this would be his night.

"Don't **** kill us here!" On the Grizzlies bench, Link told his teammates.

The two young men did not admit defeat.

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