Reverse Growth Superstar

: Four hundred and ninety three: We are all different

When LeBron heard Link's words, he just smiled jokingly and ignored it.

Does James talk trash? Of course also. But compared to Kobe, Anthony and other officials, James does not speak trash frequently. Most of the time, no one dared to talk **** at James. Even if someone dared to say, James dismissed it.

He doesn't need to talk back at all, but will directly use that overwhelming advantage to make you speechless.

This time too, when Link spammed James in the middle circle, he still had that unbelievable expression.

That No. 0 is the hottest player this season, James knows. But he also believes that he can make all those who try to provoke him regret.

"Hey, you shouldn't irritate him." Just then, Wade walked up to Link. "The Flash" has a faint smile on his face, full of confidence.

Wade talks more than James on the court. So James didn't respond to Link, but Wade started talking with Link.

"I know, many people say that. Hey, do you remember? Last time, people also said, don't irritate Kobe, or you won't have a better night. The result? I hit him on the head. Got a lore." Link said as he made a shot.

Wade didn't speak any more, just smiled and nodded. Tonight, it's time for the omnipotent LeBron to meet his opponent.

The real opponent.

The starting five tigers of both sides stepped into the designated positions, and the smell of gunpowder in the American Airlines Center became more and more intense. James patted his chest, which is considered to be a boost to himself.

The Heat’s starters have not changed much from before, Chalmers, Wade, James, Haslem and Bosh. There is no need for a major change in the Heat’s starting lineup, after all, the most important thing is those three people. As long as the Big Three are present, the Heat will not collapse.

A team with three people selected for the All-Star starting lineup, and what bikes are needed.

The Grizzlies also didn't let Harris, who has performed well recently, start. In Stevens's expectation, what he needs is a four-position substitute. What's more, the Big Black Bear is now a veritable All-Star player. No one will replace an All-Star for a young player who suddenly appears.

After the referee's whistle, Gasol rushed to get the ball before Bosh. The Heat retreated quickly, and did not give the Grizzlies any opportunity to take advantage of it.

James opened his arms while commanding others to defend. It can be seen that the Heat are now very integrated, they can win 12 consecutive victories, not James alone.

James walked up to Link with a serious face, and there was no dialogue between the two. This is the style of the No. 6 Heat, he just wants to focus on basketball itself.

But Link knew that James was not a seamless egg. In the future, Stephenson and "The Egg Chaser" Green will also upset this seemingly serious No. 6.

To put it bluntly, everyone is human. As long as it is a human, there must be emotions.

"Hey, do you think you can really score 30+ points on us? Oh, no, you said that as long as you want, you can score 100 points every night. Haha, since I was born, I still I have never seen anyone score 100 points in the NBA. So, try it tonight, I won’t guard you too much.”

Link started chattering as soon as he came up, but James still had no response. He didn't seem to be affected in any way, but to make Link shut up, James still replied, "Your trash talk is too bad, man."

As he spoke, Randolph's turned jumper shot out of the frame with his back. Haslem's defense today was very tough, and after several defenses, Randolph's rhythm was completely disrupted.

The Heat captain did his best. As Stevens said, the Heat are in the state closest to the Finals.

Seeing that the Grizzlies missed their first attack, all Heat fans stood up and applauded their captain. Link couldn't even catch the ball in his first offense. This is the result Spoelstra hopes to see.

What is the result of James's full confrontation with Link? In Spoelstra's view, Link will lose miserably. In the previous few fights, James did not try his best, and the result was not much behind Linkby.

Today, Link will be completely destroyed! His failure to catch the ball on the first attack is an omen.

The Heat attacked, and Wade found out that Link was in front of him, and Stevens really used Iguodala to smash James.

Speaking of, the Grizzlies have really many perimeter defensive talents, which is what makes the Grizzlies different from all other teams.

It's already great that other teams can come up with a player who can match James, and there are three players like the Grizzlies!

This number does not include Jimmy Butler.

Therefore, the Heat played the Grizzlies very seriously today. Because in Spoelstra's view, if the Grizzlies reach the finals, they will be more dangerous than the Spurs and Thunder.

It's like back then, the league teams hoarding inside shields to resist O'Neal. The Memphis Grizzlies are the team that stocks the most defensive experts at the third position.

As soon as Chalmers passed the ball to James, he encountered Iguodala's strict defense. Iguodala's task today is very simple, watch James on the defensive end at all costs.

He doesn't have to think about scoring and can focus all his energy on defense.

While everyone was waiting for James to show off, Wade suddenly cut to the inside! Link reacted quickly and moved across, preparing to prevent Wade from cutting into the basket. However, as soon as he moved a step, he collided with Bosh.

"Damn it!" Link didn't notice that Bosh had come to him at all, and Wade hadn't even exchanged a glance with Bosh.

As soon as Link was blocked, Wade quickly reached the basket. Outside the three-point line, James lightly threw the ball into the air. The Heat No. 3, wearing a white and red jersey, rose from the ground, received the basketball with both hands in the air, and easily pushed it into the basket.

Janway connect!

"Nice aerial coordination, and Wade's cut is very timely! Do the Grizzlies think they can win the game by blocking James? They were so wrong!"

The live commentary roared with the cheers of the fans. After landing, Wade put his hands together and put his hands together on his head, making a sleeping action.

The meaning of "Flash" is very clear-did you just fall asleep watching?

Link shook his head. During the Heat's 27-game winning streak, Wade's condition was also too good. He knows that the water in the "Flash" knee is actually very serious now, and he often pumps water after the game. This is also the reason why Wade's condition declined so quickly in the future.

But for now, Wade is still the best quintile in the East. A healthy, even if only temporarily healthy Wade, is extremely terrifying.

Wade is not like James, as the League B king, he will naturally not let go of the opportunity to play prestige in front of Link. Every superstar is very happy to pack up the young and popular fried chicken and let them see who is the boss of the league.

"Hey, let's change defense directly in the future!" Gasol patted Link on the shoulder, and Link moved his gaze away from the pretending Wade.

"Oh, no problem. Just shrink, Dwayne's shot is not Link and Gasol discussed a few words, and then the baseline ball was sent out.

"Didn't you just be great? Now, you have lost once on both ends of the offense and defense." When facing James again, Link was surprised to find that the guy actually spoke.

Link said that James is not a stone statue, this guy also has emotions.

"I haven't played with you yet, where did I lose this." After Link answered, he suddenly pushed James away, and then quickly approached Conley.

Conley delivered the ball with his heart, and Link steadily caught it. But James is not worried. Even if Link receives the basketball, he is confident that he can stop the young man.

At this moment, Link directly changed direction after receiving the ball. James was about to move laterally, but found that there was no one in front of him!

"Why so fast!?" James was startled in a cold sweat, Link was right to Rachel, he was different from the beginning of the season.

Unfortunately, James still doesn't know this.

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