Reverse Growth Superstar

: 512: Suddenly nervous

Mo Williams was chased and violently chased, and only in the second round of the opening, there was such a spectacular scene.

However, there was no cheering at the scene, but it was quiet a lot. After all, this is the Energy Solutions Arena, the home of the Jazz.

Link's slap not only slapped Mo Williams' layup, it also hurt the hearts of Jazz fans.

Just before Hayward's joy of scoring on Link's head lasted long, Link brought everyone back to reality.

In Kanter's yelling, Link held the ball for halftime. Iguodala had the ball in just two consecutive offenses. This time, the Grizzlies changed their strategy.

Iguodala is not a scorer. Although he has a height advantage, if I force Iguodala to play singles because of this, it is indeed difficult for some strong people. Originally, Iguodala came to the Grizzlies to be an improper scorer.

Link made a few gestures from outside the three-point line and instantly became a playmaker. It is not difficult to see from Link's expression how focused he has become.

Link handed the ball over to Randolph, and then pulled it beyond the right three-point line.

Hayward is inseparable from Link. He is worthy of Stevens's student and has high demands on defense.

Just when people thought Randolph would give the ball to others, Link suddenly cut in! Hayward posted it immediately, but Link was faster than Hayward. After two or three steps, Link opened up half of his body.

Randolph, the "control tower" gently sent the ball in, half of his body space was enough for Link to receive the basketball.

Link went straight to the basket and Al Jefferson stood ready.

Don't look at Jefferson's fierce face and strong body, just like a shrunken version of O'Neill. But his defense has always been a weakness, mainly because his speed is too slow and his defense awareness is not active enough.

Link had already reached the basket, and Al Jefferson had just arrived.

In the face of this "late" remedial defense, Link will naturally punish severely.

With a beautiful two-handed dunk, Link still chose to use a dunk to end the offense under the besieged by Hayward and Jefferson.

Since the chase just now, Link completed the aerial work again.

"You can still dunk forcibly without getting rid of Hayward completely. I have to say that Link's current style of play has become more and more rough."

"No, he can just become very rough. But Link has not lost those technical things. His speed of improvement is indeed unmatched."

Even the local commentator in Salt Lake City had to admire Link.

Lin Ke let go, and the basketball made a "creak".

Hayward and Jefferson, you look at me, I look at you, very helpless.

They both knew that today, they had a big deal.

Link's extremely violent attack and defense suppressed the arrogant momentum of the Jazz in an instant.

Now, they all see the difference in strength between the two teams. Aside from anything else, Link alone was enough for Jazz to have a headache.

The oppression of superstars is sometimes so powerful!

The Jazz tried the offense again, and they played a tactic exactly the same as in the first round. Millsap held the ball high and Hayward thugs handed it.

But this time, as Link and Randolph discussed. Randolph switched defenses at the moment the opponent handed over, and he did not give Hayward a chance to shoot easily.

Hayward was ready to take off, but found himself standing in front of a "roshan".

The first reaction of this white forward is to break through. It is the best choice to break through.

However, Randolph was not so easy to get rid of. Perhaps Randolph's reaction was timely in anticipation of Hayward's breakthrough. In the first step, he moved laterally and blocked Hayward's path.

Although Hayward has strong antagonism ability, compared with Randolph, his weight and strength are a bit worse.

Hayward was forced to stop, and in desperation, he had to pass the ball to Millsap who cut into the penalty area!

Although Millsap is a power forward, his height is similar to that of Link. Therefore, Link did not lose the position to defend him.

On the contrary, Millsap, whose dribbling and speed can't be compared with the third player, struggled a bit when facing Link's defense.

Before Millsap received the basketball, Link took the opportunity to make a sudden move, causing the basketball to lose control.

Millsap didn't expect Link's hand to be so fast, and he usually matched up with the fourth position, Millsap didn't have to worry about being intercepted. But this time I met Link for the first time and suffered a big loss.

The out of control basketball was finally picked up by Randolph, Millsap made a mistake, and Link got a steal!

Kanter didn't speak anymore. From Mo Williams, Hayward, Jefferson to Millsap, Link has lost 4 of the Jazz's 5 starters.

Facts have proved that Link is not only bullying small people. From position one to position five, Link can bully!

Link's steals finally allowed the Grizzlies to form a 3-on-2 frontcourt situation.

Iguodala assisted Conley to complete a layup, and the score on the court became 6-3. It seems that the difference is not big enough. But Tyrone Corbin knew that the Grizzlies were gradually controlling the situation.

So Corbin yelled into the court and signaled to get the ball inside as much as possible.

Millsap and Al Jefferson are two inside offensive artifacts, and it would be a shame if they weren't used.

It was not until Al Jefferson scored a goal from the low post that the Jazz finally stabilized the situation.

Gasol defended very hard, but Jefferson was just for offense. Not to mention Gasol, even in the face of Yao Ming, Jefferson played like a duck on the offensive end.

His low post offensive skills are very solid and his footwork is very superb. Few centers in this league now have such superb low-post offensive skills. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the "living fossil" of the center position.

However, Jefferson's goal only eased the Jazz's decline. In the subsequent games, the Grizzlies still played vigorously under Link's leadership.

Conley's three-pointer, Gasol's mid-range and Randolph's turnaround jumper all cost the Jazz.

After playing for eight minutes, Link assisted Gasol and made a hit, which widened the point difference to 6 points!

Tyrone Corbin hurriedly called a timeout, and he needed to make some adjustments.

You can't be complacent just because they are only 6 points behind the league's first place. The Cavaliers were only 3 points behind the Grizzlies before the start of the fourth quarter final. The results of it? Tyrone Corbin didn't want to go the way of knights.

Al Jefferson walked off the court panting, the brawny man was soaked.

No way, Jefferson's consumption in the first quarter is indeed huge. He can indeed score a goal on Gasol, but it is undoubtedly very expensive to score a goal under the defense of that "European fortress" and fight Gasol in the low post.

In addition, the Grizzlies' frequent breakthroughs also made Al Jefferson exhausted. His defense has not been good, but not good does not mean that he has to give up defense.

Seeing someone break through the restricted area, Jefferson naturally couldn't sit back and watch.

On both ends of the offense and defense, Jefferson will be "tortured." This resulted in the game playing only 8 minutes, and Jefferson gasped.

"Al, good job. Let's take a break and wait until the second quarter to start, and then you can play again." Tyler Corbin patted Jefferson on the shoulder, then turned to look at the other side of the bench. .

When he turned his head, he found that Kanter was also looking at him.

"Ennis, ready to replace Al. I don't care what you said before the game, anyway, everything went according to plan, okay?"

Sure enough, Tyrone Corbin let Kanter play.

For some reason, Kanter was a little nervous. At the beginning of the game, he was very eager to fight. But now, Kanter's desire to fight is a little more anxious.

"I want you to keep the advantage as much as If the opponent goes to Azeri, you will teach me a good lesson to the first-year center! You don't need to say more, you know, from now on, every game The victory of the game is very important to us! And every round of competition has played a decisive role in every game. Don't mess it up, perform well!"

Tyrone Corbyn gave Kanter some encouragement before he played.

Kanter nodded slightly, eager to try. But before playing, Kanter looked nervously at the Grizzlies halftime.

Kanter found out that on the Grizzlies bench, Link was waving at himself!

In an instant, what Tyrone Corbin had just said to Kanter had no effect.

Link's performance today is obvious to all. Basically everyone has suffered from him.

Kanter couldn't help swallowing, he was spotted before he even played. But who can you blame? He started the war himself.

Now, he finally found the source of his nervousness.

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