Reverse Growth Superstar

: 515: Team history record? No, league records!

grim Reaper.

This has become Link's new image in the league.

In the past, people might say that Link is a very smart player, a very versatile player, a player who can make a team really good, and a Memphis iron guard.

But now, only one word is enough to describe Link-death!

Grim Reaper makes people feel desperate, and for the entire game today, Link is making the Jazz desperate.

At this point, the game has reached the last two minutes of the fourth quarter. The Utah Jazz, once known for his iron and blood, had already been beaten and bleeding.

The 15-point difference is firmly on the head of the Jazz, and a quarter of the fans in the Energy Program Arena have already left early.

Indeed, chasing 15 points in two minutes is not impossible. But everyone in the Energy Solutions Arena knows that as long as Link is there, this is indeed an impossible thing to happen.

"The Jazz are very glorious today. They fought to the last minute. But unfortunately, Link's performance today makes people feel desperate."

The local commentator in Salt Lake City took a look at Link's data today, 27 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 blocked shots and 3 steals.

It is not uncommon for Link to play such a close triple-double. After all, this kind of data is his regular operation.

But the key is that Link didn't feel much effort today, so he cut down this data easily.

Link felt that when the Jazz approached the score, he came up to fight the fire, and then went to rest. Unknowingly looking at the statistics, he was almost triple-double.

On the court, the Jazz players don't seem to have much heart. They just haven't given up "on the surface", in fact they have played a little lazily.

The efficiency of Al Jefferson's frame protection continued to decline. At first, although he was not good at defending, he would actively defend after all.

It's better now. Seeing the Grizzlies players break through, Jefferson simply didn't bother to make up for it.

The game is not over, and the Jazz have not lost. But in fact, in Link's counterattack again and again, the Jazz players have been defeated.

At this time, the sideline who got the most facial close-ups was not Link, who had already started to rest, but Ines Kanter, who was ranting before the game.

If it is said that Durant's verbal response to Kanter is just not painful. So today, Link's response to Kanter with action was completely out of the face.

Kanter was very embarrassed at this time. In this game, Link could not even find an excuse for Kanter.

If it was just the Jazz who lost the game, Kanter could still argue that the responsibility for the loss is not mine. The Grizzlies won't rely on Link alone.

But today, Kanter was blocked by Link, was separated by Link, and was swayed by Link so that his feet were soft...The several head-on confrontations between Kanter and Link were all humiliated by Kanter. The failure of the watch ended.

In this way, Kanter has no room for sophistry.

The Jazz lost, and Kanter also lost. Moreover, the loss was a complete mess.

The loud electronic buzzer finally rescued the Jazz players from the realm of death. 105 to 90, 15 points difference was finally maintained to the end.

The Jazz five scored in double figures, of which Hayward had 17 points, Millsap had 13 points, and Al Jefferson also had 14 points. As always, they played a superb team offense.

But Link's 27 points can be said to be fatal. The Jazz's plan to step on the grizzly bear's body to surpass the Rockets was officially aborted. There is still a big difference between ninth in the Western Conference and first in the league.

Today, Link is no longer the most popular player. The Turk Kanter ushered in the most popular night of his career.

Countless reporters flocked to Kanter, with microphones and cameras every day serving him.

Before tonight, Kanter had never received so much attention. But if Kanter were to choose, he would rather remain unknown all his life.

After all, who likes to be famous by being "beaten by others"?

"Kant, before the game you said you would make Link taste great. Do you think you made him taste great today?"

"Do you think your comments made Link angry? Maybe he used dunks to express his anger?"

"Ines, can you understand the feelings of Owen and Waiters now? If you were asked to choose again, would you still say those things before the game?"

One by one embarrassing questions rushed into Kanter's ears, and the Turks just wanted to go back to the dressing room and avoid these unfriendly gazes.

But if you don't say a word, the reporters will definitely not let them go.

So Kanter stopped and looked around the camera, "He does make many people feel scared, including me."

Kanter finally had to compromise and told reporters what they liked best.

The unruly and rebellious Turkish man could not withstand the harvest of the "sickle" this time.

Durant probably felt relaxed and aggrieved in his heart.

Happy, because Kanter finally paid the price for his big mouth.

But I feel aggrieved... Not even Link's face is as strong as Link, Durant feels like he has lost to Link again.

After this game, Link found that more and more media called him "Reaper".

Link shook his head, and Durant's nickname was "assigned" to him.

In Link's view, his own data, especially the scoring, is far less than Durant. Therefore, the nickname "Reaper" is not suitable for me.

But in the eyes of Link's opponents, killing and condemning the heart is the most terrifying.

When Link put out their hope time and time again, he was an image of a black robe holding a sickle.

Although the day after playing the Jazz, the Grizzlies lost to the Denver Nuggets by 7 points in another back-to-back game. But this trivial defeat still could not affect the spread of Link's new nickname.

After playing the Nuggets, Link found that many television media actually began to use this nickname to call himself.

Now, even if Link didn't like this unlucky nickname, he had to accept it.

The record of the Grizzlies was also hotly discussed with Link.

After losing to the Nuggets, the Grizzlies' record is 54 wins and 10 losses, still ranking first in the league!

In contrast, the Heat, the number one in the East, has a record of 50 wins and 14 losses. The second Thunder in the Western Conference is already 49 wins and 17 losses!

As long as the Grizzlies don't make a sudden business trip, they should keep the first place in the regular season record this season, there should be no problem.

After all, the Grizzlies have not had a losing streak this season, let alone a sudden four-game losing streak for the Heat to catch up.

In this season, the league's first place has almost been confirmed The media began to discuss one thing.

"Can the Memphis Grizzlies create the best record in a single regular season for an NBA team in the 21st century?"

As we all know, the best record of the NBA in a single season in the regular season is the 72 wins created by Dynasty Bulls.

Since entering the 21st century, the best record in the NBA's single-season regular season is 67 wins and 15 losses created by the Mavericks in the 06-07 season and the "OK" Lakers in the 99-00 season.

The incredible Big Three of the Green Army in the 07-08 season and the Cavaliers who killed the Quartet in the 08-09 season had only "only" 66 wins and 16 losses.

And now, the Grizzlies have a 54-10 record with less than a month left in the regular season. They are very likely to rewrite the history above!

Unknowingly, the Memphis Grizzlies, who have always been very "uninfluenced", are now linked to the league record...

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