Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred twenty-three: He is God

With 18 seconds left in the first quarter, J.r. Smith held the ball from beyond the three-point line to face the grim Tony Allen.

As the best sixth-man prediction player of the season, j.r.'s offensive power is unquestionable. Averaged 18.1 points per game, the highest in his career! You know, j.r. Smith in the Nuggets period, the highest scoring season only 15.4 points.

Therefore, even if Tony Allen is one of the league's best perimeter defense experts, j.r. is not afraid. He took two steps outside the three-point line and suddenly accelerated!

Tony Allen naturally wouldn't let j.r. break through easily, he immediately posted it, blocking the opponent's breakthrough route. Tony Allen's reaction was almost at the speed of light, no one knew how he did it, but he was able to kill the opponent's scoring opportunities in the first place.

However, j.r. Smith was stunned to make a jump shot when Tony Allen pressed close!

Don't forget, j.r. is not the kind of regular offensive player. Most of his shots are unreasonable.

With Tony Allen's near-perfect blocking, j.r.'s mid-range shot still made it.

When Mike Woodson saw the basketball hit the net, he sat back on the bench and let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I made it, otherwise, the Knicks would lose miserably!

That's right, after seeing j.r. Smith score a goal, Mike Woodson's first reaction was not joy, but luck!

Because after j.r. scored, the Knicks are still 5 points behind the Grizzlies! 30 to 25, the Grizzlies scored 30 points in a single quarter, making the offensive Knicks faceless. j.r.'s last moments of the ball, can be regarded as bringing back a bit of face for the Knicks.

Thinking of this, Woodson couldn't help but set his sights on the Grizzlies bench. At this moment, Link was resting and looked very calm.

But Woodson knew that that guy had fire in his hands today!

In the first quarter, Link scored 15 points in a single quarter! 4 of 4 three-pointers! In the middle of the first quarter, Link scored three consecutive three-pointers before leaving the field.

In addition to three-pointers, Link also repeatedly sent wonderful passes today, 4 assists in a single quarter! You can say that it was Link who supported the Grizzlies' offense in the first quarter!

Therefore, even if Woodson sent Anthony and j.r.'s double gun lineup, they couldn't compete with the Grizzlies.

Throughout the first quarter, the Knicks lived under Link's terrible firepower. Therefore, when j.r. scored this exciting ball, the Knicks' bench was unexpectedly calm.

In the last 2.3 seconds of the first quarter, Vasquez missed an ultra-long three-pointer and the game ended.

Woodson immediately called everyone out. The first quarter was barely alive, but Woodson now has no idea what he will experience in the second quarter.

"Keep oppressing Link in the second quarter, his fiery touch will always be broken. Maybe, after a few minutes of rest, his hand will have been broken! You have also seen his performance in the first half. Never let him find that feel again!"

Woodson shouted nervously, Anthony and J.r. Smith actually performed very well in the first quarter. They are efficient, and they have caused damage to the Grizzlies' inside line.

But this is exactly what Woodson is worried about. Anthony and J.r. Smith have played so well, and the Knicks are still behind.

This is not a good sign.

On the Grizzlies side, the players are also actively preparing for the second half. Before leaving the field, Link stood up and put everyone in a circle with their shoulders on their shoulders.

"We have lost two games in a row, guys. It would be unbearable to lose one more game. So today, we have only one goal, to knock them down! 1, 2, 3, Grizzlies!"


With the imposing shout, the Grizzlies players stepped onto the court again. From the momentum, the Knicks at home are weaker.

The Knicks' second-quarter start is no longer the same as at the beginning, and J.r. Smith replaced the old rookie Prigioni.

The Grizzlies also continued to play small lineups, with Nick Young starting for Randolph.

The Knicks want to attack, then have a good time!

In the second quarter, the Knicks led the attack. Thanks to the incredible goal scored by j.r., there are now only 5 points left. There is no doubt that this offense is a good opportunity for the Knicks to approach the score.

If you can reduce the difference to two points in one go, that would be the best.

Anthony was not greedy this time. Link was surprised to find that this guy was actually making j.r. Smith's wedding dress.

Anthony pulled to the right bottom corner, the purpose of which was to open up space for J.r. Smith to avoid interference from Link and others.

Facing Iguodala's single defense, j.r. called a pick-and-roll. After the pick-and-roll, taking advantage of the environment where Iguodala was not sealed, he made a decisive jump shot!

Another opportunity that is not considered a chance, but for the current j.r. Smith, as long as there is a little space, he dares to vote!

The basketball crosses Iguodala's fingers, the arc is very flat! But with this weird arc, the basketball finally hit the board into the frame!

Seeing the basketball hit, Link really had no temper at all. Three-pointers have to advance in the front board, that is really no way.

"J.r. Smith started. After the difficult mid-range shot at the end of the first quarter, he hit a three-pointer as soon as he came up in the second quarter! The Knicks are approaching the score. Don't think the Grizzlies are stable!"

J.r. Smith's three-pointer awakened the vitality of Madison Square Garden. When the Knicks were most desperate, the super sixth man stood up.

But soon, everyone became nervous again. Because of the death **** holding a sickle, he approached the Knicks at halftime.

Mike Woodson had a fluke mentality. Link went to rest in the ninth minute of the first quarter. Counting the break time between the festivals, it also took a while.

After the end of the game for so long, it is difficult for Link to maintain his fiery touch. Woodson believes that Link will not be able to play the same state as in the first quarter.

4 three-pointers in a single quarter. This is abnormal enough. Link can't do better.

But Link doesn't believe in this evil, he really wants to try it, his hands feel whether it has continued.

So in the second quarter, the Grizzlies attacked first, and Link was very active in asking for the ball.

Anthony's nerves tense suddenly, and Link's terrible performance in the first quarter is still imprinted in his mind.

After Link received the basketball, Anthony immediately got close without hesitation.

Link only lowered his center of gravity, pressed his head against Anthony's chest, and forcibly kept his distance from it.

While Anthony was still clinging to Link, Link suddenly moved a step to the left.

Anthony immediately followed, but in the next second, he banged and collided firmly with Iguodala.

Pick and roll!

Link used the pick and roll to pass Anthony and then immediately jumped. Another quick shot outside the three-point line after borrowing the pick and roll, the Grizzlies and Knicks seem to be addicted to the three-pointer.

But this time, J.r. Smith switched defenses very quickly, and he almost blocked Link's shots by raising his hands for the first time.

Link feels that he still feels good, but because of interference, the shooting timing seems to be earlier.

Sure enough, the basketball finally knocked to the front of the rim, and Link hit the iron for the first time after hitting 4 consecutive three-pointers!

"Great!" Mike Woodson yelled with excitement, and Link's hand felt really cool! This time, the Knicks will launch a Jedi counterattack!

However, before the Knicks coaches and players were happy for long, Iguodala grabbed the long rebound.

J.r. Smith is not a player with a strong sense of rebound protection. When Iguodala grabbed the rebound, j.r. Smith was still thinking about how to counterattack.

"Hey, the Knicks lost too many offensive rebounds today!" The local commentators patted the table annoyedly, and finally prevented the opponent from attacking, but was snatched offensive rebounds. This is the most morale injury.

Iguodala didn't hesitate to get the offensive rebound, and immediately passed the ball to Link!

At this time, Link had already ran to the right horn. He was within the three-point line, but after another thought, he took the initiative to take a step back.

Link has to shoot three points!

This time, Link was undisturbed, and his hand was still hot. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the final result.

However, the results disappointed New Yorkers. Link's just missed a three-pointer was just an accident, because his second attempt made a goal!

In the middle of three points, the point difference has changed back to 5 points. At the same time, this is already Link's fifth three-pointer in this game!

"This..." Woodson was speechless, his good wish lasted for less than 20 seconds before being ruthlessly broken by Link.

Feeling cold after resting for a few minutes? nonexistent!

I thought this was the end of Link's crazy performance, but as everyone knows, this was the beginning of Link's more crazy performance.

After this three-pointer, Link was out of control, making the Knicks completely desperate.

At 10 minutes and 34 seconds of the second quarter, Link suddenly took a three-pointer while he was marching, and hit Anthony by surprise, hitting a three-pointer, making the sixth three-pointer in a single game!

One minute later, at 9 minutes and 38 seconds of the second quarter, Conley pushed for a fast break, struck a pass after halftime, and sent the ball to Link who was ambushing in the right corner.

Faced with this open shot, Link did not hesitate. He dropped the knife in his hand and hit three points again!

The seventh three-pointer in a single game!

You know, Link has already made 7 three-pointers before the first half is over. It's only 3 points short of Anthony's record of three-pointers in a single game!

After this, Link stopped for two minutes without scoring. But the Grizzlies' offense did not stagnate. Link's offensive role is more than just scoring.

Two minutes later, at 7 minutes and 22 seconds of the second quarter, Iguodala missed a three-pointer. Link succeeded in scoring and scored an offensive rebound.

After winning the basketball, Link didn't directly attack the frame, but passed the ball to Conley outside the three-point line, and then went out again!

With Gasol's pick and roll, Link's move was very successful. When he ran beyond the three-point line, Anthony was still a full distance from Link.

Catch the ball and shoot! Link didn't care too much. At this time, you must strike while the iron is hot, and you must resolutely vote if you can.

In this way, Link's eighth three-pointer in a single game was born!

"God! How is this possible!?" The New York commentator covered his head in disbelief!

"Of course it is possible, because it is God who wears the No. 0 jersey today!" And his partner responded like this.

Anthony was completely shocked, and he and J.r. did their best. But in front of 8 three-pointers, any effort is useless!

It's been like this, but Link's performance continues!

Three minutes later, Link singled out the corner to defend his j.r. This time, Link took a few tentative steps and directly pulled up to shoot, and he has now reached the point where he can do whatever he wants.

j.r.'s heart is cold. When defending Link, he has only one emotion-fear!

Fear allows Link to breed power His ninth three-pointer in the half game completely destroyed the Knicks' confidence.

Before the start of the second quarter, Mike Woodson thought Link couldn't be more magical.

But now, it turns out that he was so wrong!

In the end, Link scored 10 three-pointers in half the game! It broke the league record of 9 three-pointers at halftime created by Deron Williams half a month ago!

When Link scored his 10th three-pointer, his personal score in the half of the game has come to 35 points! More than j.r. and Anthony combined!

Looking at the deadly Madison Square Garden, Link, wearing a "villain jersey", was very proud.

He found that he seemed to like to play the role of "Reaper".

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