Reverse Growth Superstar

: 527: Smiling Male Conley

60 wins, the Grizzlies won 60 wins for the first time in team history!

After the game in March, Memphis fell into a carnival again. The Grizzlies took advantage of the heat and launched a 60-win commemorative T-shirt. Needless to say, the sales of T-shirts are more than the combined sales of the Grizzlies' jerseys three or four years ago.

Outstanding results have brought considerable economic income to the Grizzlies. Those who prevented Robert Pera from acquiring the Grizzlies in the past must regret it now.

Today, the Grizzlies have become one of the league's most profitable teams.

In the media, the Grizzlies are all over the world. 60 wins, in any season, this is a remarkable achievement. Throughout the history of the NBA, each season, at most two teams can get 60 wins.

And now, the Memphis Grizzlies is one of them. Fans of the Grizzlies couldn't even imagine that the Grizzlies could enter the ranks of the top teams.

But now, with their 60th victory, the Grizzlies have successfully entered the ranks of the top teams.

Now, the most depressed estimate is Durant. The Thunder had just been upset by the Timberwolves, but the Grizzlies took the Timberwolves away without much effort, which was like a bear paw on the face of the Thunder.

"Sports Illustrated" magazine is right, Durant is indeed under pressure now. The hotter Link is, the more pressure he is.

Fortunately, the game has entered April, and the regular season will end with only more than ten days left.

The ultimate battle between Thunder and Grizzlies is slowly approaching.

Durant is extremely troubled, but Link and his teammates are not too happy at this time.

April 1, April Fool's Day. The Grizzlies officially announced that Link will be transferred to the Development League for training.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just an April Fool's joke between the Grizzlies and the fans.

Although it's just a joke, it's not difficult to see that the Grizzlies are in a good mood from top to bottom.

After all, not all teams are in the mood to joke with fans. If you let the Lakers officially come out and joke on April Fools' Day, they probably won't be able to laugh.

In addition to the April Fools' Day joke, all the Grizzlies gathered in Link's cottage today. In order to celebrate the team's historic 60 wins, Link called everyone to gather together at home, which can be regarded as a little relaxation after a stressful March.

At this time, Link's mansion was already very lively.

Randolph was playing with the boat, preparing to "go out to sea." Gasol looked at the vast backyard of the Link's house, mumbling what is best to grow.

Tony Allen gathered a bunch of people and started playing cards, Link was speechless. No matter where Tony Allen went, playing cards was indispensable.

Everyone had a good time and had a great time. This was the first time Link invited his teammates to come home, after all, the small place where he lived before could not accommodate so many people.

But now, even if a dozen strong men gather together, they will not feel crowded.

As the host, Link played haha ​​everywhere. Chat with this one for a while, and chat with that for a while. Link strives to keep everyone closer, this kind of activity is very necessary.

If everyone only plays ball together, they are at best colleagues.

But if everyone can get along with each other in private, the relationship can be further sublimated.

And this kind of feelings that are more advanced than colleagues may play a huge role in the game.

Just like Kobe and O'Neal back then, if their relationship can surpass the level of "colleagues", then they can get more than three championships.

In this happy atmosphere, Link found that Conley was standing alone by the lake holding the juice.

Neither talked with other people, nor did they find things to do on their own.

He just stood there, looking into the distance, as if thinking about something.

Link didn't know what he was thinking, but Link couldn't see joy on his face.

"Hey, Mike, why don't you go to the lake to play with Zach?"

It was not until he heard Link yell that Conley turned his head and forced a reluctant smile.

"Forget it, actually, I don't like boat rides, Link."

Conley is smiling all the time, which seems to have become his label.

Facing his teammates, he smiled. Facing the reporter, he smiled. Even in the face of some questionable whistles on the court, Conley just smiled and shook his head silently.

But this kind of person who smiles all the time, you just have a hard time seeing what he is thinking.

"Hey, what's the trouble Mike." Link is different, he knows the character of everyone on the Grizzlies too. He could tell who was abnormal. Even if Conley tried to cover up with a smile, he couldn't fool Link.

Conley is not a gregarious person, if he is in a good mood, he won't come here and stand alone.

"Nothing, really. We won 60 wins, what can I worry about. Go play with Link and leave me alone." Conley waved his hand, still with an impeccable smile on his face.

Link curled his lips, others didn't want to say it, and he couldn't pry them open.

There is no way, only to give up.

In the evening, everyone went back early. After all, there is still training the next day, and there are games to be played the day after tomorrow.

Although the Grizzlies scored 60 wins, it was amazing. But everyone knows that this is not a goal.

After everyone was gone, Link finally got down and looked at the phone when he had time.

In the next game, the Grizzlies' opponent is the San Antonio Spurs. There is no doubt that this is a battle of focus, broadcast live across the United States.

Before the game started, there were naturally many reports on both sides.

In these news, Link seemed to have found the reason for Conley's bad mood.

"Tony Parker will be the X factor of this game. The Frenchman has been in a very good state in recent games. He seems to have returned to the season when he won the FMVP."

"Tony Parker's ranking in the MVP rankings has soared and is now ranked fifth! If Parker really wins the MVP, he will become the first foreign player ever to win a double MVP."

"With the Clippers, 24 points and 8 assists. Against the Nuggets, 26 points and 11 assists. Against the Jazz, 34 points and 9 assists! In the past month, Tony Parker's performance was completely dominant. Thanks to him, the Spurs I don’t know what it's like to lose in a row for three months."

"The Grizzlies and the Spurs are old rivals, but this time, things may be different. Tony, Parker, will definitely make Mike Conley, who has no All-Star experience, fight all over."

When Link saw the headline of the last news, he suddenly realized it.

Without an All-Star experience, this is the biggest pain point in Conley's heart.


On the second day, training continued as usual.

Everyone is in good shape. No one wants to lose in the Spurs.

Yesterday, when the Grizzlies players were eating, drinking and having fun at Link's house, the Spurs suffered a three-pointer by Bosh in the last 1.9 seconds of the game against the Heat at home.

Although the Spurs regretted their defeat, Parker's performance was still eye-catching. With 27 points, 8 assists and 5 rebounds, the "French Sports Car" seemed to have been modified and reborn.

Because the Spurs have not lost a losing streak for three months, many people believe that even if the Spurs face a 60-win Grizzlies, they will not give up easily.

This game is destined to be extremely exciting.

Therefore, during the media opening hours in the afternoon, there are too many reporters to come to interview.

And the one name most mentioned by reporters is Parker.

"Link, do you think Parker can continue that incredible performance in Federal Express Arena?"

"How many points do you think Parker can score? How threatening is he to the Grizzlies?"

"Link, will you voluntarily give up this game? After all, the Spurs are in the right shape. Fighting with them is not worthwhile for you at this time."

Don't talk about Link always feels a little annoyed to hear Parker Parker. Although he and Parker have no personal grievances, they are opponents after all.

Who wants reporters to keep their opponents' names on their lips all day long.

Link cleared his throat when facing the reporters' microphones, indicating that he was about to speak.

"I don't worry about Tony Parker at all, because we have the best number one in the West, Mike Conley." Link said, blinking at Conley.

He believed, he heard it.

The reporters looked shocked, but Link showed an expression that could not be denied.

He is very clear that what Conley needs now is not encouragement, but trust!

The others didn't care about Link, but Link had to let Conley know that his teammates trusted him 100%.

In his mind, Conley is an All-Star, no worse than anyone else.

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