Reverse Growth Superstar

: 534: The value of rising tides

The Los Angeles Clippers lost to Memphis. The next day, many media made special reports on it.

What's more, from the Grizzlies' first victory, it has been looking back to the 68th game.

However, in many special reports, a photo is always placed in a very conspicuous position.

In the photo, the calm Link formed a sharp contrast with the excited crowd around him.

He did not hug his teammates, nor did he fly around the court with his arms raised. Instead, he stood there coldly, and pointed to the empty dome of the Grizzlies.

Everyone knows what this means. After winning the record of 68 wins in a single season, Link is about to start making an impact on the title!

"Link will officially launch an attack towards the championship. Are everyone else ready?"

"In fact, Link has already won the championship pennant. They are the regular season champions in the Western Conference this year, and they have finally surpassed the Spurs to become the champions of the Southwest Division. There is no doubt that when Link points to that place next time, The dome of the Federal Express Arena will no longer be empty."

"The Grizzlies have made a remarkable achievement. The last team that could win 68 games in the regular season dates back to the Celtics in the 71-72 season. In modern basketball, they can get 68 games. Victory, this is simply a miracle!"

The whole world is praising the Grizzlies, a situation that Memphis has never encountered before.

The popularity of the Grizzlies' 68 wins even surpassed the playoffs. At this time in the past, most of the media were looking forward to the playoffs.

But this year, through all the basketball media, they are reporting almost all news related to the Grizzlies.

Amidst the joy, people found that the Grizzlies official did not respond much. Except for the relevant news on the official website that night, it remained silent.

They neither set up the arena for the number "68", nor did they sell commemorative t-shirts like they did when they won 60.

Grizzlies fans all chanted, "Take my money, hurry up and get a commemorative t-shirt."

However, the Grizzlies remained motionless.

The reason is actually very simple. The Grizzlies still have two games to play. This group of "bandits" was not satisfied with the 68 wins.

Wouldn't it be fragrant if you could round up a whole number?

With 68 wins, he can only rank third in NBA history. Moreover, it is tied for third place with the Celtics of 1972 and the Philadelphia 76ers.

Although great enough, the Grizzlies can do even greater.

Become the second team in league history to win 70 in a single season? Well, it sounds a lot of bluffing.


Before going to the training hall the next day, Link had lunch with manager Jeff Austin.

Jeff Austin hasn't been in contact with Link for a while, because he is busy with the draft. For every manager, the closer to summer, the busier they are.

The players' various renewal, signing and other matters have to be handled by the manager.

In summer, it is the peak period for such matters.

"Busy draft? So, you have officially become the manager of the Greeks?" Link sat in the restaurant and joked with his manager.

"To be precise, he has not yet obtained Greek citizenship. But no matter what nationality he is in the future, I believe he will become a player as good as you. Well, maybe he will be worse than you, but he will definitely change. Very good."

Austin spread his hands, and Jeff Austin has become more and more convinced of his own vision since he bet on Link's undrafted draft. Therefore, when he first spotted the guy who was under 18 years old in the second division of Greece, Austin decided to help him break out in the NBA.

"Forget it, my physical condition is not as good as his. That kid has an innate advantage compared to many people. By the way, what is his name?" Link asked knowingly, wanting to hear Austin read that name. Crappy accent.

"Yunis Antetokounmpo, that kid's name is Yangnis Antetokounmpo. Don't worry, Link. You can play against him next season."

Jeff Austin smiled slyly, he could read the name fluently.

Link and Jeff Austin are very busy lately, so naturally they can't be so idle to talk about a rookie who has not yet entered the league, and they make time to meet.

Today, Jeff Austin is mainly here to deal with Link's problem.

Link's contract with Nike will expire in June this year. Signing a new shoe contract is Link's only signing task this summer.

When the two sides met last time, Austin had already told Link about Nike's offer. In order to keep Link, Nike did not hesitate to bid hundreds of millions of dollars!

As a failed draft pick, it would be thank good to get a shoe contract. And Link, is about to break the record of the largest sneaker contract for a losing player, and will also produce signature shoes.

But this time, things have changed. It is estimated that Nike did not expect that Link could achieve such a huge leap in just half a season. From a potential new star, he directly transformed into a top player in the league.

Therefore, Nike re-evaluated the value of Link.

Like the NBA contract renewal, the renewal of the shoe industry also has their own standards and rules.

If a player's contract with a brand of sneakers is about to expire, then other brands can also bid. If the original brand wants to retain this player, it must match a contract of the same size as the offer.

The more famous one is Durant. At the end of his first contract with Nike, Under Armour offered a high price to grab someone. As a result, Nike did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to match.

Facts have proved that leaving Durant is the most correct decision for Nike. Now, Durant's kd series is already a very important branch of Nike.

Now Nike has made a similar decision after reassessing Link's commercial value.

"Did you know? Nike has decided that no matter how big other brands offer you this summer, they will choose to match, unconditionally match! Nike decided to pay the full price and keep you. At the beginning, their offer price is still capped Yes. But now, there is no cap on your price!"

Austin looked at Link proudly while eating. Business contracts are the most drawn by managers. The larger Link’s contract, the greater Austin’s profit.

"Um...I'm not surprised at all. Didn't you also say it last time? They already have plans to prepare signature shoes for me. But I'm curious, this summer, what exactly will my sneaker contract be? What's the price? Can you predict? Jeff."

Link still remembers that the last time Austin came to him, Nike's offer was between 120 million and 150 million.

So how much will it become after half a season of tossing?

"Swallow all the soup in your I don’t want to be sprayed on your face. Hear it clearly, kid. According to the current situation, your value in the sneaker market this summer is probably close This number." Austin said, comparing three fingers.

"Close to 300 million?" Link couldn't help shivering when he said the word "300 million."

How much is this **** money!

Austin nodded slightly, and the latest quotation indicated that the value of Link's mistakes on sneakers this summer is about 300 million!

When Link calmed down, he leaned forward and fell onto the back of the chair.

After a superstar season, now he finally has a superstar worth!

Next, just use 70 wins to put an end to this superstar season.

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