Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and forty-five: a warm welcome from old friends

Little Jordan was so angry that it was originally his performance moment, but he was stole the limelight by Link.

Inexplicably, it became Link's background board. If Paul hadn't comforted him in time, it is estimated that Jordan would explode before the game.

Paul did serve Link. At that distance, even though he was undefended, he still didn't want to make a 100% goal. If it was Paul himself, he would not dare to play like that.

It would be shameful to miss that goal.

However, Link is so bold. He just dared to stand there holding the ball and bet one hundred thousand dollars.

There are many stars in the league, but not everyone has this kind of domineering...

Paul began to feel some lingering fears, and the confidence he built in the last round was a little shaken.

But Paul still told himself that warming up is warming up, and the game is a game. Link can do that amazing thing when warming up, but he may not be in good shape during the game.

The Clippers were desperate to get out of the Nuggets, not for the Grizzlies!

In the stands, the fans still talked about what happened when they just warmed up, and in the commentary stage, the T.NT funny trio also talked about what happened just now.

"Link's dominance of the Federal Express Arena is unshakable. Even if it is just a warm-up, he does not allow anyone to play wild. Such players are usually very scary! In their eyes, the home court cannot be offended" Barkley looked serious. Although it was just an episode of warm-up, he saw the desire to win in that number 0's heart.

Just warming up is not enough, Charles Barkley can't wait to see how Link makes Jordan misfire in the official game.

Finally, at eight o'clock in the evening, the referee urged both sides to prepare for the start and the game began immediately.

Link stood near the midfield line and pressed his leg. Next to him is Matt Barnes, who just scored a rebound in the last game.

Little Jordan glanced at Link when he stepped into the middle circle. Naturally, his eyes were not very friendly. Link said angrily, "I'm optimistic about the basketball, otherwise the ball is scrambled away. Don't say that you didn't see it clearly."

Matt Barnes on the side turned his head to stare at Link, but he didn't expect that Link turned his head to look at him immediately.

"Look at what? Any comments?" Link pointed at Barnes with his chin.

Little Jordan thought to himself, Link was over. In the entire league, few people dared to talk to Barnes like that. Barnes is similar to Stephenson of the Pacers. If you are a teammate, you will love him to death. If it is an opponent, you will absolutely hate him, because he is never soft to opponents.

However, to the surprise of little Jordan, Barnes didn't say a word in the face of Link's provocation!

Of course he didn't know how badly Barnes was cleaned up in that 68 win. To be precise, when Barnes was still playing for the Lakers two years ago, he was **** off by Link's trash talk.

Barnes decided to endure a wave first, and then compete on the court. And little Jordan, who had lost his "asylum", didn't pester Link anymore. He was embarrassing enough today.

In this way, the Clippers were temporarily stopped. With just a word, Link made Barnes and Jordan bow their heads obediently.

A third-year student has established supreme prestige in the Federal Express Arena.

The referee stood in the middle circle, Jordan and Gasol bent their knees to prepare for the jump. Paul moved his arms, constantly reminding himself how difficult it is for the Clippers to get this far. Can not give up, must not give up!

The basketball jumped into the air, and the arms of Gasol and Jordan were intertwined. In the end, Jordan was the first to call basketball, and the Clippers first attacked!

Paul sighed and watched as little Jordan was shown off by Link when he was warming up. As the leader of the Clippers, Paul naturally wanted to stand up to little Jordan.

So in this first attack, Paul showed extremely aggressiveness. Although he handed the ball to Billups, who played in the second half of the game, Paul's footsteps did not stop after the ball.

Although Billups plays the second position in the Clippers, he is actually an FMVP-level organizer. With him, Paul can temporarily put aside the organization of offense and focus on scoring!

The Clippers' double point guard lineup is arguably luxurious.

As soon as Paul ran out of space, Billups' pass was delivered! The cooperation of these two people is very tacit, and their thinking is highly unified.

After receiving the ball, Paul accelerated to the left, but after Conley moved along, Paul changed his body and wanted to thrust right.

Of course, Paul knew Conley was not that easy to mess with. Before speeding up, Paul took the initiative to lean against Conley. After taking off Conley, Paul just "shifted" to speed up!

"Chris Paul successfully broke through Mike Conley. The duel between these two top point guards in the league is a delight to watch!"

As soon as O'Neal's voice fell, Paul after the breakthrough faced Gasol and threw the ball to the basket.

Everyone thought it was a throwing shot, and it wasn't until Little Jordan's "Roshan" stood up behind Gasol that people realized that it was an aerial relay!

I saw the basketball jump over Gasol's fingertips and fell behind him. Little Jordan, who was temporarily let go by Little Gasol, received the basketball with both hands and easily completed the heavy dunk!

As soon as the game opened, Jr. Jordan responded to Link with a dunk! And unlike the performance just now, this is a dunk in actual combat!

"A beautiful goal, this is the charm of the empty city! Gasol's defense is not wrong, he chose to fill the defense is the right decision. In fact, Gasol has also blocked Paul's pass to the center. . But no way, the passing route of Paul and Jordan is in the sky!"

Little Jordan was cool now, and screamed up to the sky after landing. He said that Gasol is the best defensive player in history, it is not difficult to score on Gasol!

Dunk dunks at the start, which kept the Clippers' morale up. There was a faint smile on Paul's face, and it seemed not as difficult as he imagined to score points on the Grizzlies.

"Don't worry, find it back sooner or later. Don't panic, we continue to fight steadily."

Link picked up the basketball on the ground and handed it to Gasol, who was responsible for the baseline kick. By the way, I also said some words of encouragement to Gasol.

Gasol nodded, he didn't panic. In this alliance full of birds and beasts, it is not the first time that Gasol has been shown his athletic ability by others. But not once, those jumping men can beat him!

The increase in morale of the Clippers was immediately reflected on defense.

All the Clippers guarded very hard, and Link could clearly feel the anger in the hearts of the Clippers players.

Barnes was no exception. When he was just assaulted by Link, although he didn't speak, he was definitely angry.

Now, all this anger was vented by Barnes with small gestures.

Grabbing the jersey, pulling the arm, these are all pediatrics. Barnes even gave Link a dark elbow when he was stuck, and Link's chest was so painful that it was tight for several seconds before he eased.

In the case that Link could not catch the ball, Conley's mid-range shot regretted hitting the iron. Link knew that Conley was definitely not going well. After all, Paul is also an out-and-out "villain".

The Clippers succeeded in the opening attack and defense! Now they firmly believe that they have really improved! After the baptism of the previous round, they are no longer the Los Angeles Clippers that were torn down by the Grizzlies during the regular season.

The Clippers continued to attack. This time, Paul restrained a lot. He started trying to stop the attack unhurriedly and started trying to control the rhythm!

"He is really a bold guy. He actually tried to lead the Grizzlies by the nose in the Federal Express Arena." Barkley admired Paul. Paul dared to try this, or the Clippers were really strong today, or Paul was crazy. ! In either case, Barkley will accept it.

Paul pretended to break through, in fact, the real offensive point was Barnes!

Barnes pushed Link, and then quickly ran towards the bottom left corner.

Although he was pushed away by Barnes, Link quickly reacted and prepared to chase.

However, in the next second, the hard and dark little Jordan crossed in front of Link without the ball to cover!

Little Jordan didn't give Link any good fruit. When he came into contact with Link, his upper body secretly pushed hard, which was equivalent to directly ramming Link. It's just that the action of sinking the shoulders is not so obvious, so the referee didn't see it.

Little Jordan’s upper body strength is very Although little Jordan has rough skills, he is indeed a player of amazing physical quality. After being hit by little Jordan, Link was overthrown directly!

In the end, Link could only see Barnes on the floor receiving a breakthrough point from Paul, and then an open three-pointer.

In the last game, Barnes scored 6 of 7 three-pointers, hit 30 points, and directly killed the Nuggets. Today, Barnes's fiery feel remains the same.

The arc of basketball is not high and uneven, just right. In the end, there was a "spray" in the Grizzlies penalty area.

Barnes raised his right hand and stared viciously at Link lying on the ground, as if announcing that he had won.

"The confrontation between the two sides was very fierce, and the game turned upside down. The Clippers are 5-0. This start is really unexpected." Kenny Smith is very optimistic about the Clippers. The stubbornness of the Clippers' round left him. Impressed.

Conley and Iguodala ran up and lifted Linkla to his feet. Link was also a little helpless. At the beginning of the game, he was warmly welcomed by the Clippers' "old friends".

Link can't help thinking, is it because he is too exciting for them?

It shouldn't be, Link hasn't even held the ball in this game!

Before the real excitement comes, I'm afraid the Clippers can't stand it!

In the next round, Conley was intercepted by Paul before he could pass the ball. Taking advantage of this fast break opportunity, Paul assisted Griffin with a one-handed buckle, and the Clippers went to three consecutive cities!

So far, the Clippers played the Grizzlies a 7-0 start!

Little Jordan actively rushed up to meet Griffin. What best defensive player, what is rising star, are all bluffing! The end of the Memphis Grizzlies is here!

At the same time, the Grizzlies took the lead in calling a timeout. Link walked down the court with arms akimbo, a little impatient.

I haven't even touched the ball yet, you are anxious and happy with a hammer!

:. :

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