Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and sixty-one: I'm not asking you, I'm telling you

Durant blasted 42 points under the Spurs defense, which is exciting.

Although the Spurs have adapted to the times, from a defensive team to an offensive team. But the Spurs' defensive heritage is always here, and they are still one of the best defensive teams in the league.

However, Durant still won. And, the winning is pretty beautiful. With 42 points, Durant is highly sought after by the media.

After the Thunder defeated the Spurs, fans all over the world were excited. Because the ultimate duel they thought about day and night was finally put on the agenda!

On May 19, the Western Conference finals between the Grizzlies and Oklahoma City is about to start at the Federal Express Arena! This year is the first time the Grizzlies have gained home court advantage in the playoffs with the Thunder. Of course, it is also the time that has the best chance to rush out of the west.

In the East, the Heat basically can't meet their opponents. The matchup in the Western Conference Finals has undoubtedly become the focus of attention of fans.

There is no doubt that the Thunder and Grizzlies, Durant and Link, will create another round of classics for fans!

The reporters were naturally not idle, and they interviewed Link and Durant one after another to build momentum for the upcoming Western Conference Finals.

On Link's side, he first accepted an interview with Rachel. Now everyone on the Grizzlies can see that Rachel and Link have an unusual relationship, so they kept booing when Link was interviewed.

When Link saw his teammates being so noisy, he naturally couldn't say anything cruel, so the content of his answers was very regular.

"We are confident to win the Thunder. Of course, the Thunder are really strong and we can't take it lightly."

"Kevin Durant is a good player, but we are never afraid to fight good players."

"Predict the score? Unpredictable, no one knows the result of the Western Conference Finals."

Link is calm and relaxed here, mainly because he is in a good mood. With girlfriends doing interviews and teammates joking, Link can't get angry.

But after the interview went to Durant's side, the situation changed 180 degrees.

At the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Kevin Durant accepted an interview with well-known journalist David Aldridge.

For the first question, David Aldridge asked Dee very sharply, "KD, your relationship with Link is well known. We all know that you two don’t like each other. In the past two years, you played against each other in the playoffs. It is also one win and one loss. This year, who do you think can win the final victory?"

Durant didn't even think about it, so he joked, "There is no meaning of disrespect, but Link's level is really not good. I have played in this league for six years, and I averaged 30 points per game in the third grade. However. Link, he just looks stronger."

Durant was very confident, and David Aldridge was not surprised by his speech.

In the face of Link, Durant certainly couldn't say anything good.

"It seems that you are full of confidence, Kevin."

"Yes, confronting Link, there is nothing to be excited about." Durant waved his hand.

The video of this interview was quickly posted on Twitter by David Aldridge. Information expert Randolph forwarded the video to the Grizzlies group for the first time, and then Link, who was originally calm, was no longer humble.

Originally, Linke didn't want to talk trash because he was recently "focused" by the alliance. But the guy Durant kicked his nose to his face, and Link couldn't bear it.

The next day, Link accepted another interview. The reporters naturally wouldn't let the news break, and they asked Link how to think of Durant's speech yesterday.

Link spread his hands and acted indifferent, "It's nothing great to average 30 points per game in the third grade. I won 20 games more than the KD in the third grade. That is the actual 20 games. I created it in the third grade. The history of the league, but the Thunder still don’t know what it’s like to win 70."

Now, the reporters were all excited. They originally thought that Link, who was currently being focused on by the Alliance, would not respond. Unexpectedly, Link's mouth was not at all gentler than Durant!

Even if the battle with Durant was just a battle of words, Link would never back down!

So far, Link and Durant's trash talk was completely blown out. Before the game started, the verbal battle between Link and Durant made people talk about it.

Just after Durant got off the plane after arriving in Memphis, he heard Link's response.

How can this be good? Wait for the reporter to interview yourself before responding? Durant can't wait that long, he wants to spray back now!

Now it's no more than in the 90s, and you don't have to wait for reporters to fight between stars. So Durant simply picked up the phone and started spraying on Twitter.

"It's useless to win 70 in the regular season. Even if you break the record and get 73 wins, you probably won't win the championship. After all, the playoffs and the regular season are completely different concepts. What's more, the Grizzlies have not yet Get 73 wins." Once Durant's Twitter was released, countless fans immediately liked and commented.

"Don't say anything, the Thunder didn't have a chance. They got a chance last year. But did they win the championship? They didn't get anything." Link also responded directly on Twitter, he didn't want to let Du Rand was triumphant.

"Yeah, don’t look at whose corpse we stepped into the Finals last year. It was the Memphis Grizzlies! This year, we are also the only team that can win the Grizzlies at Federal Express Arena. That’s deadly. 0.9 seconds, you must be impressed."

"Oh, then the referee should let us get more free throws this year." In the end, Link did not forget to remind Durant that the Thunder actually hit the seventh game last year when the referee's whistle was directed at them. .

The fighting between the two of them was completely intensified. Fans swiped their phones day and night to see if Link and Durant’s scolding battle on Twitter was updated.

The popularity of the Western Conference Finals also continued to rise because of the relationship between Link and Durant. As a result, even the Miami Heat have been "automatically blocked" by fans, as if the Grizzlies and Thunder played in the finals.

Finally, the time came to May 19th. Today, Grizzlies fans gathered outside the Federal Express Arena from noon to help out for the game.

ESPN sent several OB vans at the entrance of the arena, and the live broadcast of the game started three hours before the game!

ESPN intervened in all aspects, starting from the players' training to expose all aspects of the game for the fans.

Of course, after obtaining the consent of the league, ESPN also installed two miniature microphones on the jerseys of Link and Durant, which did not affect sports at all, and were invisible from the appearance. The purpose was to collect the two in the game. The voice of speaking.

Installing microphones on players is actually not a new operation. The famous black director Spike Lee used this technique to capture every word Kobe said during the game when he filmed the documentary "Kobe Work In Progress" in 2008.

Link also knows that in the future, major TV stations will promote this technology in the alliance. Sometimes, the players of a team even take turns to put microphones on their clothes.

But for now, installing microphones on the players is still a very new concept.

There is no doubt that ESPN's move has greatly stimulated fans' interest in this game.

"What is it? This little thing can record everything you say on the court?" Randolph looked at the small square on the inside of the collar of Link's jersey, very curious.

"Yes, including the sentence you just mentioned, has also been recorded. However, ESPN has a confidentiality agreement, and they will not disclose the tactical dialogue to the public. UU reading" Link smiled and ESPN installed a microphone. Isn't the purpose of it simple? I just want to hear myself and Durant spray each other!

At eight o'clock in the evening on the 19th, this highly anticipated game finally started. The scene was naturally overcrowded, and even the expensive luxury boxes were full. Outside the stadium, local fans in Memphis packed the outer plaza of the Federal Express Arena.

In addition, ESPN's ratings have also soared. The game has not officially started, the ratings are already the highest in the playoffs this season!

"The curse between Link and KD has been going on for two days. Today is finally the time to end! Although the first game of the Western Conference Finals cannot determine the outcome of the series, the impact on the entire series is self-evident! I think today, Link and KD will definitely present us with a sufficiently exciting duel!" Mike Brin is very excited, this round of the Western Conference finals completely created the feeling of the finals!

The two sides stepped onto the court in the first start, and Link and Durant's eyes never moved away from each other from the beginning.

The ESPN staff immediately put on the headphones, looking forward to hearing what the two will say after they meet.

Then Link did not let them down.

"KD, you have enough noise in San Antonio." Link and Durant stood together when the two sides were preparing to face off. Link didn't look at Durant, but didn't let his mouth fall.

"No, not yet. I will continue to make noise in the Federal Express Arena, old friend." Durant didn't look at Link, but just answered with his mouth.

"Hahaha, you made a mistake, KD. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you that you are making enough noise! ​​Next, I should be making noise!"

While Durant was stunned, Marc Gasol won the first strike for the Grizzlies.

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