Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and eighty-eight: immediate small lineup offense

Wade thought that the Grizzlies' inside advantage had completely disappeared, but he didn't expect that the first offense in the opening game would be targeted by the Link boy.

Link really played the role that the 4th position should play, and he protected the restricted area in a timely manner. Of course, this ball will undoubtedly make Link and Wade's fight continue to escalate.

Wade originally wanted to give Link a break, but now it's all right, but Link took the lead to clean up.

Although the ball still belongs to the Heat, they still have the opportunity to continue attacking. But there is no doubt that this ball has changed the momentum of the two sides. Once it came up, Link had some intentions of anti-objective.

"Don't worry, look for opportunities slowly! Calm down guys, calm down!" Spoelstra is more anxious than Wade, he doesn't want to be suppressed when the Grizzlies lose their inside advantage.

Since it is a small lineup, it must have the advantage of the audience!

Wade sighed and began to prepare for the next attack. Fortunately, Wade doesn't directly confront Link, otherwise Link will definitely catch Wade endlessly now.

Bosh sent the sideline ball. This time, James personally held the ball and prepared to stabilize the round.

Lin Ke was waiting for it. Now, there are no two insiders behind him to wipe his butt, everything can only rely on himself!

Gasol? There is no doubt that Gasol will definitely be pulled to the middle distance by Bosh and can't help himself. Link knows very well that he is now the second inside player!

James flicked a shot after holding the ball, and then took advantage of Bosh's screen to break through.

The quality of Bosh's cover this time was average, and Link flashed flexibly before passing by "Dragon King".

When James was about to layup, Link roughly posted it. Link's confrontation is very fierce. In front of the champion, no one will be tender to anyone.

James didn't expect Link to catch up so quickly. This guy's defense is perfect!

It is no wonder that he will be selected as the best defense team with himself!

James gritted his teeth and decided to go hard!

However, under this fierce confrontation, even James was somewhat overwhelmed.

In the air, his body staggered and he could barely throw the ball to the basket. What's even more annoying is that Link's defense is fierce, but quite clean. The arms raised high, without any downward pressure. James couldn't make a foul.

In this way, James extremely reluctantly knocked out the layup, and the Heat's offense failed again!

"It didn't make it again. Link kept defending the impact of James and Wade within one round. What a remarkable achievement! As the core of the Grizzlies, he set an example for the whole team!"

Mike Brin began to exaggerate, and the fans in the American Airlines Center Arena were extremely disappointed.

Finally, the atmosphere got up, but Janway didn't score a goal. It was really disappointing.

Link didn't hesitate to guard James and quickly jumped to catch the rebound! Randolph is not there, and Link is also responsible for collecting rebounds.

Playing the 4th position is not as simple as changing a person to match up singles like Anthony. What position to play, what position should be performed.

After catching the rebound, Link handed the ball to Conley, not in a hurry to move forward. Next, change the Grizzlies' small lineup to show their firepower.

Surprisingly, the Grizzlies' offensive rhythm is not fast. Conley's possession of the ball is very patient. Although the other three outside runs are active, they do not pursue speed. In the end, the Grizzlies played a positional attack.

But what is different from the past is that after a series of runs, the Grizzlies have four people standing outside the three-point line, and only Gasol is on the edge of the penalty area!

People originally thought that the Grizzlies would use speed to hit the basket like the Heat, or use their shooting ability to throw three-pointers.

But the Grizzlies didn't try that set in the first round of the merger. Instead, they scored the ball inside!

Who said that playing a small lineup will wipe out the Grizzlies' inside advantage?

After the lineup opened, Conley passed the ball into the low post and Gasol singled Bosh back!

Now, all Heat players are dumbfounded.

Although Bosh is said to be the Heat's defensive center, his defensive ability this year is not much stronger. The defense was okay, but Bosh couldn't stand up to the low singles with strong insiders.

Gasol didn't score high in the first two games of the series, mainly because the inside line was too crowded and he could not perform.

But now, only him and Bosh are left in the three-point line, and Gasol can attack as he pleases!

After catching the ball, he took two steps inside and Gasol went to the basket. Bosh couldn't withstand the impact of a pure center at all, let alone a star center who was selected for the double second team.

After reaching the basket, Gasol turned to hook.

The hook is inherently difficult to block, and Gasol has a height advantage. This ball is beyond the reach of Bosh!

Basketball hollowed into the net, but the Grizzlies away game took the lead in scoring! Moreover, the way of scoring is extremely retro!

"They actually chose to play inside singles. The Grizzlies' offense is very interesting. It can be seen that they don't want to completely give up their inside advantage. I have to say that even if the black and white bears only have one bear on the court, the power is quite amazing."

Mike Brin applauded, the Grizzlies' tactics are very successful. The Heat did not dare to double-team, after all, the three-pointers of the four outsiders could kill the game.

James and Wade were very depressed and thought they could play a fast-paced confrontation happily. As everyone knows, it is so uncomfortable.

At this time, the Heat is equivalent to no dislocation advantage on the offensive end, but the defensive end continues to maintain an inside disadvantage and was eaten to death by the Grizzlies.

The only good thing about the Heat is that Gasol is not a very stable offensive center. He has never averaged more than 15 points per game in the regular season so far in his career. He is far from being a scorer.

He can't play like this every round, nor can he score every round. If Gasol is replaced by Yao Ming, the Heat can basically raise the white flag in advance.

If Gasol is replaced by Yao Ming, the Heat will have to switch to two insiders to fend off, and a small lineup will definitely fail. Therefore, the emergence of the small ball era has a huge relationship with the lack of quality centers.

Of course, it is precisely because of the emergence of the small ball era that big men are not developing in the same direction as Yao Ming and O'Neal, which makes low-level killers more scarce. These two factors are mutually dependent.

The Heat continued to attack. With both sides fighting for a small lineup, the Heat couldn't make a dislocation.

Wade was very annoyed by Iguodala, and James was naturally not easy to face Link.

Iguodala's comeback is still very effective, he has always been more experienced than Jimmy Butler. Although it was the first time to play the finals, the 9 years of hard work in the league were not in vain.

In the end, before the end of the 24-second offense, the Heat still did not pass the opportunity. James had to withstand Link's defensive jumper from mid-range.

But I didn't expect that James' slightly stiff jumper actually hit the board from the front... Link was really helpless.

To put it bluntly, this ball is just Meng.

The Heat fans cheered, and their team finally scored. However, James himself couldn't laugh. He knew that the kind of good luck just now would not accompany him the whole game.

"Good luck, LeBron." Link said to James with a deliberate smile, making the Heat's No. 6 brows frowned even deeper!

The Grizzlies continued to attack. This time, Bosh went directly to defend Gasol. At the beginning of the game, it was necessary to defend around the front, which shows how frustrated the "Dragon King" played.

Another meaning of defending around the front is, "I definitely can't prevent you in the usual way. I can only go to extremes."

But this time, the Grizzlies did not continue to feed Gasol the ball firmly. The reason why Gasol was given to Gasol in the first round was not to let Gasol take up the task of scoring, but to generate deterrence.

Now, Bosh had to focus all his attention on Gasol. For the Grizzlies, the tactics are even successful.

Bosh can't make up the restricted area, so the Heat's hinterland is really open.

Conley and Link made a hand-to-hand hand-to-hand, then Link paused, and James also slowed down.

Little did they know that in the next second, Link suddenly accelerated and killed James by surprise!

"Nice rhythm change, Link's breakthrough is always very smart!" Mike Brin sighed as he watched, watching Link's play is really a pleasure.

Although it's just a simple rhythm change, it's not easy to be flexible in this kind of detail in a fierce game.

Link continued to accelerate, but the Heat did not even block the inside. Bosh was completely restrained by Gasol, and the others were unable to rush back to the inside for the first The Heat’s defense is like a thin layer of paper. Link only takes a light poke and the line of defense is broken. Up.

Now, the only suspense is whether James can turn the tide like Link did Wade.

Link stabbed obliquely to the basket, James chased after him. Although he is a third player, James also averaged 0.8 blocks per game. Like teammate Wade and the Eagles' Josh, they are all chasing madmen.

This ball, James is bound to win!

Link took off to the basket, surprisingly high. But when it comes to athletic ability, James really won't lose to anyone.

He also jumped up suddenly, and his arms were full! If necessary, he did not hesitate to catch Link's basketball with both hands!

However, Link did not dunk from the front, but completed a 180° turn in the air! Then he stretched his arm to the other side of the basket and finished dunks with one hand!

James has enough take-off height, and the timing of the cover is very accurate. But under Link's action, James couldn't risk anything in the end!

"Nice turn and dunk, God, is it possible for Link to treat this as a dunk contest scene? This ball is very difficult, and he can calmly turn around in the air under LeBron's pursuit. The psychological quality is really strong. !"

Link's dunk is very exciting, James can not guarantee that he will be able to dunk just like the effect in actual combat.

The Heat fans were all dumbfounded. Someone dared to show dunk under James' chase, and the show was successful!

Link feels like he hasn't let go of James!

From tactics to personal ability, the Grizzlies seem to be no worse than the Heat.

After Link landed, he pointed to the championship pennant at the American Airlines Center, and then made a tearing motion with both hands.

This year, your championship pennants are gone!

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