Reverse Growth Superstar

: Six hundred and seventy-six: Kneeled and licked (5/5)

John Newell is the chief consultant of the NBA.

White, about 50 years old, bloated and full of silver hair, looks like an official.

But Newell was kind, kind, and totally unassuming. In his words, "Aren't we still a group of workers working for the team, the team owner asked us to help manage the league, the team owner is no longer playing, I'm still the chief adviser shit."

With just a joke, Newell managed to narrow the distance with Link.

Link is actually reluctant to have any contact with the league's senior management, because after all, the league's senior managers are businessmen, not pure basketball practitioners.

Basketball and commerce are inseparable, but if the commerce goes too far, it will definitely change its flavor. And some league leaders always think highly of themselves, which makes people disgusting.

Therefore, Link has never had much contact with the league's senior management. Pay the fine when it is time to pay, and accept it when you accept compliments. At other times, I basically don't meet.

But Newell is an example, because sitting with Newell, Link felt like he was just chatting with an uncle who likes basketball.

"Your performance this season is really amazing, Link. 23 wins and 1 loss, God, in 2014, you only lost one game! LeBron will definitely not give up during the Christmas game. How are you preparing?" New After Will and Link talked about a lot of things, they began to move closer to the subject.

"Good preparation, by the way, John, you said that the league has something to ask me, what's the matter?" Link heard that Newell was about to enter the subject, so he went down and said.

"Hey," Newell placed his fat palm, "Speaking of which, I feel sad. You know, the influence of the All-Star Weekend is not as good as one year."

Hearing Newell's words about the All-Star Weekend, Link probably had a score in his heart. It turned out to be this!

But Link didn't "answer", he was waiting for Newell to finish.

"In the past, All-Star Weekend was a carnival for fans. But now, All-Star Weekend has been labelled as nothing new and boring. In fact, we are also working hard to save the situation. Last year, we challenged dunk contests and skills. The competition and the three-point contest have been changed to the form of confrontation between the east and the west. In the early years, we no longer divided the rookie challenge into the first and second grade teams, but mixed teams. But all we did was in vain The fans don’t buy it at all."

Newell said, taking a look at Link. Link nodded slightly, motioning for Newell to continue.

"Later we discovered that this is not a matter of rules at all. People don’t like to watch All-Star Weekend not because they hate the current rules, but because they don’t see stars on All-Star Weekend! Think about it, in the 80s and 90s. In the slam dunk contest of the age, you can see MVP dunking in front of you. In the three-point contest, you can see legendary superstars like Larry Bird! But now? Who remembers the 2012 slam dunk contest champion Jerry Who is M. Evans? After the announcement of several dunk contests, fans even said that they didn't even know who was participating."

"So?" Link finally took a word.

"So, we intend to change direction. We hope that some real stars can participate in the All-Star Weekend games, especially the most high-profile dunk contest. People do not hate the dunk contest, but hate to watch the shrimp soldiers participate in the dunk contest. When Dwight Howard participated in the slam dunk contest, the effect was amazing. But he did not participate in the third year, and the game immediately dimmed. When Griffin participated in the slam dunk contest, the actions were not very novel, but because he was a star player , So everyone buys it. We need a real superstar to participate in the Dunk Contest Link, such as a great superstar like you!"

After waiting for a long time, Newell finally said the purpose of this conversation. Link was not surprised, the result was exactly as he expected.

And this also explains why Link can get such good treatment these two days.

Do you think the league does not want stars to participate in the dunk contest? They must think too. But there is no doubt that the big-name players have rejected the invitation of the league. Only those newcomers who have not yet become famous and hope to gain popularity by relying on the dunk contest will drip this muddy water.

Therefore, the Alliance will do its best to Link this time. The purpose is to increase the goodwill of Link, hoping that he can accept the invitation to participate in the dunk contest.

Kneeled and licked by the Alliance... Link believes that this kind of experience is not available to all superstars.

"The slam dunk contest needs to be saved again, Link. And the one who can save the slam dunk contest is you! If you participate in the slam dunk contest, I believe you will be as famous as Vince Carter in 2000! I Believe that your reputation will be further improved. I believe that you will become the most popular athlete in the league! Of course, I know you don’t need to rely on dunk contests to prove yourself, I know you are already the best athlete in the league. It can further enhance your historical status. It doesn't hurt, right?"

Link could hear Newell's words very carefully. No wonder the Alliance sent Newell, a kind old man, to talk to Link, just for fear that he didn't say anything right and annoyed Link.

If this is to send Adam Silva, the iron man, it is estimated that "you can participate if you like to participate, and you will be pulled down if you don't participate."

It's not that Link is slandering, Adam Silva's negotiating level is really so bad.

"Link, please! Think about it, the dunk contest needs you, the fans need you."

Newell used the word "Please", and even if Link understood this word as "please" in Chinese, it would not be an exaggeration.

To be honest, Link really doesn't dislike participating in the dunk contest. He has always wanted to play.

But in the face of Bill Simmons' provocation and the expectations of the fans, Link has not made up his mind.

This time, the league actually came forward to invite Link to participate in the dunk contest, and still with such a humble attitude.

I have to say that Link still has a good opinion of this.

"I'll think about it, Newell. Give me some time and I will write back to you."

"Really?" Newell didn't expect Link to agree so readily. Although he only agreed to consider it, things have gone a lot smoother than he thought.

When the league invited other stars in the past, others basically refused directly. The most euphemistic thing is to find some excuses.

It was the first one to be considered as simply as Link said.

"Of course it is true, but I don't guarantee that I will participate in the end. The only thing I can guarantee is that you will get my answer by mid-January."

"Thank you so much, Link! I believe that the 2014 dunk contest will definitely be recorded in history!"

Link said goodbye to Newell with a smile, and then immediately discussed with Jeff Austin. Of course, I did not forget to inform Pella and Georgel.

In the afternoon, Link joined Durant, James, Harden, Ross, and Curry to participate in the shooting of the Christmas campaign advertising.

This advertisement is very creative. The staff put five basketball hoops in the basketball court, and each basketball hoop is placed horizontally on the bottom line next to each other.

Then, the net is full of bells, and as long as the players can throw the ball, the bells will ring.

The bells hung on the net of each basketball hoop are different so the sound is different. If you throw the ball into the corresponding basket in sequence and rhythm, you can play a simple "Jingle Bells" with the different silver colors of the bells.

Relying on basketball to play music is really great.

Several superstar players dressed in short-sleeved jerseys for the Christmas game shot one after the other, and then one after another. The shooting of the commercial went smoothly, and it was over after only three times. Among them, the main reason is that Rose and Harden missed each shot, and the others did not have accidents in their shots.

After the commercial shooting, Link wanted to "reminisce about the old" with Durant.

However, James took the lead in coming up.

"Link, this Christmas, we are not too busy."

James is smiling. Unlike Kobe, he is not the kind of player who can ignore his teammates because of anger.

But Link knows very well that under this mature smile, what awaits him will be a tougher challenge than Kobe.

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