Reverse Growth Superstar

: Seven hundred forty six: The old man's ambition

The Grizzlies won 72 victories and became the second team in NBA history to have 72 wins in a single season.

  Although as early as March, people had a hunch that the Grizzlies could achieve this record. Since then, people have been mentally prepared.

   But when this happens, any psychological preparation is futile. The reason why a miracle can be called a miracle is because it can break through everyone's psychological defense.

   Memphis as a whole went crazy, fans rushed to the streets, like a championship parade until the early morning.

   The next day, almost all the news media reported on this incident. Attention, not only sports media, but all news media!

   Memphis Grizzlies is a small team city, this is completely popular all over the world.

   Now, everyone knows that the 72-win record is no longer exclusive to the Dynasty Bulls, nor is it exclusive to the "god" of Jordan. Some people even think that Link has "shoulder to the gods"!

   Although the Grizzlies may still win in the future. But the moment they tied their 72-win record is undoubtedly the most exciting moment.

"Wade, James, Bosh, Link pulled three superstars as background boards for himself at once. There is simply no more perfect script than this! This is the most tragic loss of the Heat's Big Three after the Christmas War last year! "

"With the Grizzlies, James achieved the ninth time in his career that he scored 2000 points in a single season, second only to Malone and Jordan in NBA history. But how many people know or care about this? His The limelight was all taken away by Link, who had won 72 wins! Helpless LeBron, he could only silently achieve the'mileage sadness' of his career."

   "Link used his unparalleled performance to break the myth of the Bull Dynasty. People are starting to compare him with Jordan more and more. I think it's hard to believe that this is a history created by the losing draft!"

   The next day, there were overwhelming reports about Link and 72 wins. As long as people in various countries and regions pay attention to basketball, no one does not know that the Grizzlies tied the 72-win record.

   Of course, it became popular with Link's 72 wins, and Link said after the game, "I still envy them!"

   Link's remarks in an interview after the game aroused heated discussions among the fans. Some people say that Link deserves such arrogance. Although he has not won the championship yet, Link has already stood on top of the world. He was like Bird who was in full swing back then, and he couldn't be too mad.

   Of course, some people think that Link does not respect his opponent, he is a scumbag.

   But in any case, Link did cause a large-scale discussion, which itself has been successful.

   When people would rather discuss whether Link’s remarks were appropriate than to care about James’ ninth career with 2000 points in a single season, the league’s structure has actually changed.

   "You are such a bastard, Link. I'm a **** enough, but I can never say that." Randolph smirked at Link cheerfully as he watched the news on his phone.

   "Where am I asshole, you see how friendly I smile." Link curled his lips. At the time, he really didn't want to deliberately provoke his opponent, saying that those were just blurting out.

   It seems that I really have the potential to be a badass. Before, Link was just considered a badass. But now, he is really a badass.

"Miami people must be furious, they must be very eager to take revenge on us on the finals stage. Haha, I can't wait! Let them come, Daddy Zach, I get 19 points in a quarter!" Lando The husband is gearing up, already considering the playoffs.

   After playing the Heat, the Grizzlies have four games left to play in the regular season. But in fact, for the Grizzlies players, the game against the Heat is the last one. The next four games are really irrelevant.

   Until now, the Grizzlies players really started to think about the playoffs.

   After listening to Randolph, Link couldn't help but look at the ranking table for this season. Unknowingly, midsummer is coming again, and the bloodiest fight is about to begin again.

   So far this season, the top eight in the West are the Grizzlies, Spurs, Thunder, Clippers, Rockets, Trail Blazers, Warriors and Suns. The top four have basically been determined, and no matter what happens in the last few games, the top four will not be changed. In other words, the two rivals, the Spurs and the Thunder, will definitely not meet the Grizzlies early.

   I don’t know if the Spurs or the Thunder will be able to come out this year.

   Before the Western Conference Finals, the Grizzlies’ opponents in the Western Conference semifinals will be the winners of the Rockets and Clippers.

   The Clippers have improved tremendously this season. The trio of Paul, Griffin and Jordan has become more mature, while Jamal Crawford and J.J. Redick have made the Clippers' offensive options more abundant. Not surprisingly, the Clippers shouldn't have a big problem trying to kill the Rockets. On the Rockets' side, Howard and Harden didn't move in the same direction, and they would beat themselves.

   If you meet the Clippers, Link believes that the ending will be the same as last season-the Grizzlies won easily.

  Because there is no player in the Clippers who can match Link.

   Although Paul is an excellent point guard, even he can't play against Link. Link believes that the Western Conference semifinals will definitely not overturn.

   In the first round of the playoffs, the Grizzlies' opponents will be the winners of the Suns and Mavericks. But to be honest, no matter who the two teams play, they are not bad.

   On the sun side, Dragic and Bledsoe are not superstars at the playoff level. How much they can play in the playoffs is simply unknown.

   is now ranked ninth in the West, and it is possible that the Mavericks who counterattack to eighth are more difficult to deal with.

   After all, the Mavericks are the team that has just won the championship in three years. The offensive skills of Dirk who returned from injury are still superb, although the Germans have lost their speed, explosiveness, endurance and flexibility. He can no longer use individual singles in the entire court, nor can he play Golden Roosters all-weather independently, but he can still help the team with off-the-ball running, mid-range jump shots, solid three-pointers and high position support.

  Monta Ellis has also completed a gorgeous transformation this season. He has transformed from an independent man who competed with Curry for the ball and scored with Jennings into a perfect team player. Tough, tough, able to score key goals, can share the ball... He has become a well-deserved master of Dallas.

   But even so, the Mavericks are still not enough. Whether Dirk can hold Randolph now is a problem. What's more frightening is that you can't imagine what the 37-year-old Carter and 36-year-old Marion will be tortured by Link.

   For these two veteran wings, if the Mavericks make the playoffs, then they are tantamount to hell.

  Thinking about it, it seems that this year will only feel pressure from the start of the Western Conference Finals.

   Thinking of this, Link stopped his thoughts. In the next four games, the Grizzlies will start their rotations, breaking the 72-win record by the way. But those are not important anymore. After the Grizzlies won the game yesterday, people knew that it was only a matter of time before the 72-win record was broken.

   Link now has to focus on the playoffs, Thunder, Spurs and Heat. For Link, he only needs to beat two of these three teams to achieve consecutive championships!

   In the NBA, consecutive championships are not easy. In so many years of history, there are so many championships, and a total of 5 teams have achieved consecutive championships.

   Even the "Ivy League" like the San Antonio Spurs has never experienced the taste of consecutive championships.

   Also, Link doesn't want to carry the title of runner-up with 70+ wins. In the past history, because the Warriors failed to win the championship, it seemed that their 73 wins were not as great as the Bulls' 72 wins. After all, the criterion for determining whether a team is successful this season is the championship.

The omnipotent Grizzlies are ready to kill all quarters in the playoffs. At this time, in Dallas, the German Hannowitzki, who will be 36 years old in two months, is not expecting. Prepare to give it a go and write another legend of your own.

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