Reverse Growth Superstar

: Seven hundred and seventy-three: the first to be strong

     The day before the start of the highly anticipated Western Conference Finals between the Grizzlies and Spurs, under the attention of fans, Link successfully detonated the entire world basketball scene.

   In the NBA's official best team list, Link squeezed out the scoring king Kevin Durant and successfully selected the best first team!

   The five players selected for the best first team are Paul, Harden, Link, James and Noah.

   Although in the selection of the All-Star starting lineup, the league has cancelled the center position and only divided the frontcourt and backcourt.

   But in the selection of the best team, it still retains the selection tradition of two backcourts, two frontcourts and a center forward. This rule has not been changed since 1989.

   Therefore, Durant was defeated in the fierce competition with Link and James. If anything, Durant is indeed more qualified for the first team than Bulls center Noah. But no way, who made Durant be divided into the talented forward line?

   And in this era when centers are scarce, even if Noah's data is not outstanding, it is enough to make him the best first team.

   After the results were announced, Durant and Link both created NBA history.

   But Link believes that Durant must be dissatisfied with the "achievements" he has achieved.

   After losing the best team this time, Durant became the tenth player in NBA history after Anthony last season. He became the scoring leader but was not selected for the best team.

   For Durant, this is really nothing to be thankful for.

But Link is different. He was selected for the best team. He became the third great star in NBA history after Jordan and Olajuwon. He was the third to win the MVP, Best Defensive Player and Double in a single season. A burst of stars!

   At the same time, he has also become the fourth player in the active league to be selected for the double team for consecutive years besides Paul, Howard and James!

   Link is like Jordan and Olajuwon, which is undoubtedly a very gimmicky topic. Link's enthusiasm alone has even overshadowed the Western Conference Finals itself.

Durant must be the saddest person in this period of time. He lost the MVP, lost the game victory, and now he can’t even make the best first team. He created a "mileage tragic", which is really miserable. . Durant is very uncomfortable, he can be described as a complete defeat of Link this year.

   At this point, the NBA regular season awards and competition results for the 13-14 season have all been announced. This year, several important awards were almost all accepted by the Grizzlies.

   They are like a group of bandits, harvesting all the wealth they saw along the way.

   The Grizzlies have played very well so far this season. And they are only one step away from perfection-the championship!

   As long as the Grizzlies can win the championship this year, then this may be the most successful season in the history of the Grizzlies, and even the history of the NBA!

   When interviewed by reporters that afternoon, Link's answer was quite firm, "We are ready to deal with it. For tomorrow night's game, our Spurs take advantage!"

   Seeing Link's serious attitude, the reporters were a little surprised. They thought that in the face of the aging Spurs, Link would be quite relaxed. After all, the whole world knows that Link's biggest opponent is the Thunder and Durant.

   The biggest opponents have already been out early, shouldn’t they let out a big breath?

   Besides, Link has just made history. Now, people say that he can match Jordan and Olajuwon! If ordinary players have received such praise, they must have long gone.

   But instead of relaxing, Link showed a rigorous side.

"So, what do you think of ESPN's approval rating survey? As far as I know, there is only one state in the United States that supports the Grizzlies to win, and that is Tennessee. It turns out that fans want to see the Grizzlies dynasty collapse. In this regard, Will you feel the pressure?" The reporter continued to ask questions and brought out the most popular approval rating survey result.

Faced with this problem, Link's tight face finally showed a smile, "If the approval rate can be linked to the winning rate, we may be eliminated by the Mavericks in the first round. If one day the number of people who support me suddenly increases, I would be surprised instead. Pressure? If it doesn’t exist, the less people don’t want to see the Grizzlies win, the more I want to win. So, thank you for this approval rating survey for giving me a powerful force.

   "Cut, naive idiot."

   At this time, Popovich, who was staying at the hotel in Memphis, was watching the live broadcast of this press conference.

   Popovich felt sick when he saw Link's face that was not afraid of fear.

   He has confidence in his team and tactics. Link is just like Durant, just a sucker.

   Popovich can guarantee that he will let the Grizzlies see what a true champion is!

  His small lineup can just restrain the Grizzlies' twin tower lineup. It should be easy to fight!

   As for Link... Popovich believed that the guy who was more silent than Duncan would fix him.

   The old thief is full of confidence. The Grizzlies will be completely shattered by the Spurs in this fantastic season!

   When the time comes, he will see if Link can face all this calmly.


   After the training, Link took a shower and prepared to leave. I don’t know why, but he clearly achieved a remarkable achievement, but he just couldn’t get excited.

   Those various titles, the XXX player in history, can indeed contribute to a player's career.

   But in the final analysis, if a star wants to be great, the championship is still the most important measure.

  The battle with the Spurs is imminent. Link is full of tomorrow's game. There is no "salary space" in his head to leave the emotion of joy.

  Only after defeating the Spurs and winning the Heat for the second time, Link guesses that he will really get excited.

   After changing his clothes, Link walked out of the locker room. But when he passed the training hall, he found that Jimmy Butler was still practicing on the basketball court.

   "Jimmy, there is still a game tomorrow, let's go!" Link stopped and shouted at Butler in the field.

   "There are 100 shots left, I'll leave after shooting!" Butler waved his hand at Link, and then continued to shoot.

   Surprisingly, after being interrupted by Link, Butler's hand still felt hot, and he took another 10 shots before hitting the iron.

   Link shook his head and left alone.

   This team may only have Jimmy Butler staying for extra training is the most reassuring. Because that guy's stamina is like water in the sea, it will never dry up.

   Even if the extra training is late, Butler will show up to you energetically the next day.

   After all, in the original history, he was a player who was still strong after being killed by Thibodeau for 48 minutes.

   Link’s physical stamina is excellent in the entire league, however, Link thinks Butler’s physical stamina is better than him!

   At least let Link play for 48 minutes without rest, Link can't do it.

   Butler, it’s okay to find the status in advance today, after all, tomorrow, it will be the first time that kid will start in the Western Finals in his career!

   Because the Grizzlies have a very healthy lineup this year, Butler has almost never gotten a chance to start.

   Tomorrow, facing an important game, but suddenly got a chance, Butler naturally wants to seize it!

   So, he tempered himself frantically tonight. First, I hope I can sleep well at night, and second, I hope to stay in a good state.

   Seeing Butler working so hard, Link became more confident about tomorrow's game.

   Popovich must have thought he would have eaten a Grizzly, then, let's see!


   On May 20, 2014, Tennessee, in the only blue piece of land on the ESPN approval rating survey list, the 13-14 season's Western Peak battle finally started!

   74 wins the Grizzlies VS62 wins the Spurs, this is undoubtedly a strong dialogue. Not only the fans, but even the two sides themselves can't wait to hope that the game can start quickly.

   The Spurs fielded today the same lineup as the Western Conference semifinals. Parker, Green, Leonard, Duncan and Split are the Spurs' starting five.

   It seems that this lineup is pretty mediocre. But in fact, apart from Split, the other four are very powerful players even if they are picked up individually. Split cannot be called strong, but it is not weak to be honest.

   But Popovich knows very well that this is just a fake starter. After the Grizzlies adapt to the traditional rhythm of the game, he will suddenly send Burris Dior to disrupt the Grizzlies defense in one fell swoop! At that time, the black and white bears will become a burden to the Grizzlies.

   At this time, the Grizzlies’ starting five also stepped onto the court. Then, before the match started, Popovich's eyes widened.

   The Grizzlies disrupted his plan!

   The Grizzlies actually changed their starting lineup for an unprecedented time! Georgel dropped Randolph and replaced him with Jimmy Butler.

  As soon as the game started, the Grizzlies put up a big and four small lineup!

   "The Grizzlies have changed. This is really a once-in-a-century experience! But why did Randolph be removed? Is he injured?" The commentator was puzzled. He didn't know what the Grizzlies wanted to do.

   Link blinked from Butler, then waited!

   Today Link wants to let old thief Bobo know what it means to start first!

   The referee blew his whistle and Marc Gasol got the first strike for the Grizzlies.



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