Reverse Growth Superstar

: Seven hundred and seventy-nine: The old man's first adjustment

    122 to 105.

   Popovich was still thinking about these two **** numbers until he went to bed at night.

   The Spurs, the fourth-lowest conceded in the league in the regular season, gave the Grizzlies 122 points. With perfect wings, Link and Butler scored 60 points together.

  All the results point to the fact that it is almost impossible to contain the Grizzlies by defense.

   Link's ability to create scoring opportunities is so strong, he can even wear Leonard's crotch, what else can he not do?

   When he thinks of Link, Popovich goes crazy and can't sleep over and over again.

   Every provocation, every trash talk and even every wonderful goal of the Grizzlies No. 2 will be played in Popovich's mind.

   Link has completely become Popovich’s nightmare!

   Thinking of these messy things, Popovich sat up abruptly and looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 3 o'clock in the morning!

   This is the first time Popovich has suffered from insomnia after a loss.

  The old man got up and poured himself a glass of water and calmed down.

   The Grizzlies played really well in the first game. Not only the players, but the coach of Georgel also exceeded Popovich’s expectations.

   They took the lead in coming up with a large and four small lineup, allowing the Grizzlies to control the initiative from the beginning.

  Although the Grizzlies fell behind in the first quarter, the Grizzlies quickly made adjustments and regained control of the situation.

   From this point of view, the next Spurs will have to play one big or four small as soon as they come up.

   Popovich must ensure that the Spurs have the most powerful offensive firepower from the start of the game.

   Offensive firepower, offensive...

   Popovich stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room and looked down at the street view of Memphis from the 28th floor.

   If you want to conquer this city, you cannot rely on defense, you must rely on offense.

   The Spurs lost so badly. In addition to the defensive failure, there is another reason that goals will always be blank for a period of time.

   In the second and third quarters, the Spurs experienced embarrassment without a point for several minutes. The Grizzlies seized these two window periods and opened the gap in one fell swoop.

   is opened by the Grizzlies, it will be difficult to reverse the situation.

   Therefore, the key to the Spurs' second win is to avoid empty windows as much as possible.

  Today, if the Spurs won, GDP should have surpassed Magic, Kareem and Cooper to become the trio with the most wins in the playoffs in NBA history.

   The two teams' wins in the playoffs are now 110 games. The Spurs can break the record if they win one more game.

   It's a pity that the Grizzlies delayed this record again.

   At the thought of this, Popovich couldn't help clenching his fist.

   This year, various records and awards were taken by the Grizzlies and Link. It seems that the entire league has become a playground for the Grizzlies.

   Now, the Spurs finally have a chance to break the league record, and Popovich certainly doesn't want to let it go.

   This is a glorious moment for the Spurs. As the Ivy League in this league, when the Spurs won the championship, the Grizzlies didn't know if they could survive.

   In the bone, Popovich still has a kind of pride. In a great team coach, that unique pride.

   The Spurs are one of the most successful teams in the 21st century. How can they give up after a loss! Memphis Grizzlies, a mere Chinese player, can't stop the great Spurs from continuing their legend!

   Thinking of this, the old man lay back on the bed.

   It's just 1 to 0, which means nothing.

   The next day, Popovich also worried that the players would be in a bad shape because of the blow. However, when he went to the training ground in the afternoon, the Spurs players wearing training uniforms in the training ground practiced very seriously.

   Popovich has always disliked to arrive early in training because he firmly believes that if you come too early, the players will not treat you as the head coach, but only as a messenger.

   So for more than ten years, Popovich has become accustomed to appearing again after training.

   Therefore, when he appeared on the training ground, the Spurs players had already practiced.

   Popovich dazzled, and the training seemed to be the same as usual. It seems that the players themselves are very unwilling to the big defeat yesterday.

   Everyone must also want to break the historical record belonging to the Spurs early. In this league, not all records have to be related to the Grizzlies.

   "They seem to be in better shape?" Standing on the sidelines, Popovich chatted with his coaching staff member Chip England.

   Chip Englander is an important member of the Spurs coaching staff. Although he has never achieved decent achievements in the field of professional players, he has not even played an NBA game, but he has done a good job as a coach.

   In the 99-00 season, England and Germany began to serve as the shooting coach for the Pistons. In the 03-05 season, he became a player development consultant for the Nuggets.

   Since 2005, he has been playing for the Spurs coaching staff. With his help, "French sports car" Tony Parker made significant progress in shooting. Of course, Leonard's improvement in shooting also has England's credit.

   In fact, even Grant Hill finally developed a three-pointer under the guidance of England and Germany.

  England is one of the best shooting coaches in the United States, and he is also the basis for the Spurs to shoot such a high shooting percentage this season.

   Looking at Popovich’s two big dark circles, England knew that the old man must have not slept well last night. Presumably, he is still worried about the series.

So England smiled and tried to relax the old man, "Yes, the players' condition was not affected by the defeat. Even, because of the tragic defeat, they became even harder. Leonard is in Practicing his defense, Duncan tirelessly honed his shots at close range. But none of their performance surprised me too much. Do you know who surprised me the most today?"

   "Don't play Guanzi with me, Chip, just tell me the answer." Popovich waved his hand, saying that he didn't like to play this kind of "you guess" game.

   "It's Danny Green. His performance on the training ground today is amazing!" Chip replied directly.

   "Danny?" Popovich said, turning his eyes to Green. At this time, Green is practicing the interference shooting with the help of the trainer.

   One trainer was in charge of passing the ball, and another trainer held up a sign to interfere with Green’s shot.

   Popovich stared at Green for a long time, he didn't miss a goal!

   Danny Green is like a shooting machine that can't make mistakes. Every shot he shoots is so perfect, even the arc is exactly the same.

   "How is it? Isn't it amazing?" England De Chong Popovich raised his eyebrows.

   "Danny, when did he disappoint us again?" Popovich finally showed his first smile since the end of the game yesterday.

   "As long as I can get a chance, I will do whatever I want to do. I will hand out towels, hand over water, and I will do whatever I can."

   The words Green said to Popovich once again began to resurface in his mind.

   Danny Green at the time was just a development league player. He finally joined the Spurs, but still seems to be very worried about his prospects.

   So Green said those words to Popovich.

   At that time, Popovich only thought that the boy Green had a good attitude, not like a messenger.

   Therefore, the old man decided that Green would stay and cultivate slowly, and slowly find his own style and position.

   Facts have proved that the rewards for the Spurs are huge. Green is now definitely the top 3D player in the league. He may not be the protagonist, but he is definitely the most important player in a game besides the protagonist!

   He has never been high hopes, but he has never stopped Popovich held his chin, and the opportunity Greene dreamed of, it's time to give him!

   "Chip." Popovich stared at the training ground and spoke.


   "You said, if we give Grindor some three-pointers. With his status today, will we be able to solve the problem of the open window tomorrow?"

   "Of course, Green feels hot, and now is the best time to use him."

  England nodded affirmatively. He knew that after yesterday's defeat, the old man seemed to have found a way to equalize the score.

  Adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust continuously until victory.

   This is the key to Popovich’s victory.

   And now, the old white-haired man is about to adjust his strategy in the Western Conference Finals for the first time.

   Danny Green doesn’t know anything about it. At this time on the training ground, he is only thinking about one thing-how to shoot every ball into the basket.

   "As long as you work hard, many beautiful things will happen."

   This is Danny Green’s motto. He decided to take all of his beliefs to the Western Conference Finals.



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