Reverse Growth Superstar

: Seven hundred and ninety-nine: 7 games are too much trouble, just be neater

The electronic buzzer finally sounded, cold and merciless.

  , the away team is in front and the home team is behind.

   The Miami Heat were almost able to win, maybe, it was missing LeBron James’ open three-pointer...

   At the end of the game, James seemed to be emptied of his energy. He knelt on one knee and supported the ground with one hand.

   A few drops of liquid fell on the wooden floor. James didn't know if it was sweat or tears.

   Next to James, Link is like a musician who just finished his perfect performance. He raised his arms gracefully, closed his eyes, and enjoyed his moment of victory.

   James, who was kneeling on one knee, and Link, who raised his arms, were only separated by a midfield line.

   A midfield line isolates heaven and hell.

   Countless reporters filmed this classic and dramatic scene, which reminds people of Kevin Garnett and Chris Weber who met in the playoffs in the 03-04 season.

   In the Western Conference semifinals, the Timberwolves and the gorgeous Kings fought 6 games and still tied. At the time, the battle between the up-and-coming KG and veteran star Chris Weber was even more intense.

   Before the tiebreaker, KG told everyone, "My gun has been loaded with bullets."

   At the end of the tiebreaker, Garnett really shot the bullet in his gun. In the final quarter of the game, Garnett scored 13 points, leaving the then Kings coach Rick Adelman stunned.

   At the end of the game, the King actually has a chance to redeem himself. But Webber is like James today. Under Garnett's defense, the great Chris Webber missed the key three-pointer, and the Sacramento Kings eventually lost.

   After the game, Garnett raised his arms and cheered and Webber fell to the ground and cried, forming a cruel contrast.

  From that day on, people said that the handover ceremony of the league's best power forward was officially completed.

   James and Link today are like Garnett and Webber ten years ago.

  Countless reporters have preserved this historic scene. They believe that this will become one of the classic scenes in NBA history.

   Link was quickly surrounded by his teammates, and people cheered for the terrible three-pointer Link made one minute before the end of the game.

   James was also surrounded by his teammates, Wade and Bosh worked together to pull James up.

   At this time, Wade or Bosh should have said comfortingly, "It doesn't matter, we have two home games next."

   However, neither Wade nor Bosh spoke. They just looked at James, reluctantly patted the Heat on the shoulder of No. 6, then turned and walked towards the player tunnel.

   Today, Wade scored 38 points in the audience and he has done his best. Today, the Heat’s 3-pointer percentage is as high as 51.4%, and they may not be able to perform such a three-pointer again.

   Even so, they still lost.

   Two consecutive games, the Heat did their best to win the game. Will they definitely win the next two home games?

   No one wants to deceive themselves, everyone on the Heat knows what this situation indicates, but everyone is reluctant to say it...

   Before James walked back to the player channel, he glanced back at the Federal Express Arena and Link, who was being interviewed.

   A few seconds later, James left in frustration.

   He doesn't want to admit that his era is over, but this season... there shouldn't be much hope.

   James, who left silently, has no relationship, and Link on the court has become the focus of time.

   a rebound, 12 assists, and a triple-double in the second consecutive finals.

   In the decades before the NBA, countless stars have been born, but none of them can do what Link did tonight.

   In addition, Link’s 12 assists also tied the record for the most assists a forward player has ever received in the Finals.

   These two brand-new records have brought Link to the spotlight.

   But for Link, the most exciting thing today is the victory.

   2 to 0, the Memphis Grizzlies saved their first two home games. Since Link joined the Grizzlies, the Grizzlies have never lost a game if they get a 2-0 lead in the playoffs.

Therefore, Link is also very honest when facing the camera, "I said more than once that personal records are only a subsidiary reward. For me, only victory is the most valuable. I am very happy that we have made it to the end today. We will go to Miami to face the heat wave, but to be honest, we have no pressure now!"

   Link’s “no pressure” made the Miami fans and media listened very heartily.

   They didn't experience this battle personally, thinking that the Miami Heat are only one step away from victory. Back at home, maybe this step can really go out.

   In their opinion, it is nothing terrible to be behind the Grizzlies 0-2, and the Heat's Big Three can definitely turn the tide at home. O'Brien Cup, who may I go home with.

So in the press conference after the game, the Miami media did not let Link go, "You mean, do you think your team can continue to win the next two away games? I have to remind you, Miami The Heat have never lost a home game in the playoffs this season! So, do you really know what you are talking about!?"

Link was not angry. He looked at the angry Miami reporter and joked, "Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Reporter. My expression may have misunderstood you, but I didn’t say that I would definitely win the next two. Away. I mean, I hope to end the pain of the Miami Heat soon and end your pain."

   Link is certainly not afraid to say that. He knows that the Heat's confidence has been completely defeated. It's just that these people who have not experienced the game personally don't know how terrifying this game is.

   "Really? How fast do you mean as fast as possible?"

   "Well... if you really want to hear it, I certainly hope it will be 4 to 0."

   Link finished, leaned confidently on the backrest, admiring the surprised expression of the Miami reporter.

"4 to 0...Are you sure? There have been only a few 4-0 finals in NBA you know? Haha, you are right, like this You can only think about the score."

"I said, I don’t like to study these historical records. So, I really don’t know how many times in NBA history there have been 4-0 in the finals. I only know that the last time there was a 4-0 in the finals was In 2007. And that year, the one who led the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Miami Heat this year was the same person. Okay, let’s stop here today, everyone has worked hard."

After    Link was finished, he stood up and announced the end of the press conference, without giving the frustrated reporter a chance to come back.

   Although Link said these words in response to reporters who didn't know how to respect the winners, he also knew that these words might irritate the Miami Heat.

   But Link is really not afraid to provoke them now. In the two games, Link has figured out the full strength of the Miami people.

   And their strength is far from being able to knock down the Grizzlies!

   When the Grizzlies defeated the semi-championship Spurs 4-1, Link was wondering what score they would make with the Heat.

   Now, he has the answer in his heart.

  Kevin Garnett took the baton from Chris Webb and it took seven games.

   But Link felt that the seven games were too troublesome. Of course, the sooner the better, he took over the crown on the head of the "little emperor".

   Since it is going to be handed over, it should be more neat.

   The war in the finals will stop completely on the South Coast.

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