Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and eight: Have you started? It has ended

Latest website: Nikola Jokic has been to several teams to participate in trial training, but no one is as nervous as coming to the Federal Express Arena today.

Because he knows very well that the Grizzlies are the championship team. It has the best team atmosphere, and it is also one of the few teams willing to use a big center. Therefore, he very much hopes to be favored by the Grizzlies.

Of course, what makes Jokic nervous the most is that the owner of the Grizzlies is the most successful basketball player today.

And when Jokic saw Link walking into the training ground, he was even more nervous!

After going to so many teams, Jokic, as a second-round pick, has never met the head of any team. After all, which star is willing to waste time in the draft, or the second-round pick?

Although he had heard that Link would be at the trial site, Jokic didn't take it seriously.

He never expected that Link, who was still holding the O'Brien Cup on the TV a few days ago, stood in front of him alive at this time!

Looking at Link, who was chatting and laughing with the team general manager and the head coach, Jokic's mind went blank, but the trainer's shout pulled his mind back.

"I said, how many catties do you have?" A trainer looked at Jokic's fat body and asked curiously.

This trainer has worked for the Grizzlies for 6 years. He has never seen such a fat professional player!

He can guarantee that the big guy in front of him is full of fat!

"Uh...226 pounds." Jokic hesitated for a while and reported a false number. In fact, when he first weighed, he weighed 252 pounds!

Jokic was afraid that he would be removed by the trainer because he was too fat, so he lied. At the very least, let the trainer see his strengths first.

"Well... if you really want to stay, you have to lose weight, man. Okay, don't run, stop. Before the training officially starts, we have a few quizzes. First of all, we need to look at your core strength. Maybe, your thick fat contains powerful strength? Don't worry, Marc Gasol was also very fat when he first came."

"Core strength? Okay, sir. What should I do?" Jokic stopped running and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's very simple. After a few minutes of rest, you do a set of planks. Let's see how long you can hold on. It's simple, isn't it?" The trainer smiled. He already knew that the fat man in front of him was the focus of observation. So I don't want to create a serious atmosphere.

"Um... yes... very simple... very simple..." Jokic smiled on his face, but he was panicked.

After a few minutes of rest, Jokic started doing planks.

For an ordinary person, and an ordinary person who is not so athletic, there is no problem at all for a few minutes of plank support.

Although this process may be very "painful", it can still be done if you stiffen it.

Professional players are very abnormal, because their core strength is extremely strong and they have high-intensity training every day. Therefore, playing with a plank for more than ten or two minutes is not a problem at all.

And the limit of human plank support is no longer calculated in minutes. At present, the world record for human planks is 8 hours and 01 minutes...

The trainer estimated that Jokic was heavy and fat. But as a professional player, even if it doesn't help, there must be three or four minutes.

Then, he just prepared the stopwatch, only to find that Jokic was already on the ground.

" can start, Nikolai Jokic."

"Ah? But I..." Jokic was a little embarrassed, he wanted to say that he was actually over. But in order to strive for better results, Jokic made his plan and did it again.

After seeing Jokic propping up his body, the trainer pressed the stopwatch in his hand.

He was just about to put down the stopwatch to look at the other Joe Harris's amazing three-pointer, but he heard a "bang".

The trainer looked down and found that Jokic was sweating on the ground!

The trainer hurriedly pressed the stopwatch, and the time on it was exactly 20 seconds. At first, the trainer thought Jokic was injured. As a result, Jokic’s "pork belly" lay on the ground and waved, "Coach, I'm not working anymore, I'm at my limit."

"What!? It's the limit!?" The trainer's eyes widened. As a professional player, the plank is only 20 seconds...What an international joke!

"Are you...sure?" The trainer swallowed and asked Jokic again.

Jokic nodded awkwardly.

After that, the trainer shouted at the colleague who was responsible for recording the data on the other side of the court, "Nikola Jokic, plank...20 seconds!"

The shout made the entire training ground suddenly quiet, and everyone turned to look at Jokic.

Jokic's face suddenly turned red and rose. He didn't expect that his achievements would be shouted out! He thought it would be a secret between himself and the trainer!

"Pork belly" immediately got up awkwardly from the ground, and then he found that Link was also staring at him!

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm done." Jokic lowered his head and muttered to himself nervously, like a kid called to the principal's office.

After all, 20 seconds is already his highest record! In the last test, he only persisted for 18 seconds before "falling to the ground". But Jokic is also very clear that his limit is worthless in this alliance of birds and beasts.

When Link saw Jokic's dilemma, he almost didn't laugh. Plank support for 20 seconds, this is a new record for Federal Express Arena!

But Link finally held it back, knowing that Jokic was not good at it. So he took the initiative to help Jokic get out of the siege.

"Why are you stunned? Go ahead, cheer up guys." Link shouted and clapped his hands, which broke the awkward silence of the training ground.

Afterwards, everyone went into their own training again. Jokic raised his head and glanced at Link. Link said "Come on" and deliberately turned his attention away from Jokic.

Jokic had imagined countless scenes of his meeting with Link, but never expected it to be like this.

Under the reports of the media, Link seemed to be a wicked wicked person. He talked about rubbish, and even sprayed the former general manager of the Rockets until the end of get out of class.

But just now, Jokic felt... Link seemed to be kind...

On the other side, the gazes of Wallace, Snyder, and Georgel all fell on Link.

"That's the Nikola Jokic you mentioned, planking for 20 seconds...I don't think he can play in the NBA, Link." Chris Wallace said bluntly, the reason why the Grizzlies Jokic was invited because he gave Link's face.

Originally, Jokic was not on the training list. After all, the Grizzlies already have Gasol, and if you are just looking for a backup center, it seems that you don't need to make such a big fight.

"I have to admit...the plank for 20 seconds, he is really a talent..." Link was also embarrassed. Jokic's performance was not good. That doesn't mean slapped him in the face.

"But, we can't deny him just on this point. In short, let him finish the trial. And I just suggested, I didn't say that we must choose him. If he does not impress us afterwards, we will have a big deal. No choice. Anyway, there are still more candidates." Link shrugged and observed the other rookies.

"Apart from Jokic, what alternative do you have?"

"Joe Harris is our primary goal. He has played in college for four years and is very mature. He has been training all day and has very few words. He is willing to listen to the words of the old players. He can be integrated into almost all systems~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Moreover, he has a positive style and suits our style of play. We are a champion team and we should find this kind of immediate combat power. And he is a marksman who does not occupy the ball, that is what we need most! "Wallace began telling Link's draft plan that every one of his picks was carefully thought out.

"The second candidate is Jeremy Grant. He is not a scorer, but with long arms, explosive power and tough style, he may become the second Tony Allen."

"The third candidate is Dinwiddie. He is very versatile and a tall point guard. There is no problem playing position 1 to 3. If it were not for the torn ACL in college, he would not have fallen into the second round. ."

"Well...they are all good players." Link nodded. The people Chris Wallace liked were also very reliable.

It seems that if Jokic really wants to be selected, he has to work harder.

At this time, the trainers completed various tests and then blew the whistle to gather all the rookies who participated in the trial training.

Next, came the key link of the 5-on-5 group confrontation.

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