Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and fourteen: Secret

Latest URL: Crazy, you **** crazy! "

Raymond Brasces, a famous manager in professional sports circles. He and his brother are both active in professional managers' circles. Although the names of "Raymond Brothers" are not as loud as Bill Duffy and Jeff Austin, they can be regarded as very important.

But now, the well-known manager swears in front of Zach Randolph. He walked around anxiously, upset.

And Randolph? The man who was about to get married sat on the sofa with a relaxed face, in stark contrast to the anxious Brasais.

"Do you know what you are doing? Do you know how much salary you can get next season, do you know?" Brassese stopped and opened his arms to Randolph.

"Next season, 16.5 million." Randolph shrugged.

"Thank God, you still remember! Then you tell me why you want to jump out of the last year's contract worth 16.5 million annual salary, and sign with the Grizzlies for 2 years 20 million, an average of 1 year 10 million annual salary. ?The 6.5 million, isn't it fragrant?"

"What's the matter, I'm 33 years old. After the last year of the contract of 16.5 million yuan is executed, my next contract may not be 10 million. Now I will sign a two-year 20 million in advance and wait until I am 35. Now, I can still get ten million annual salary, and I can only make money without losing it." Randolph grinned.

"Nonsense! Don't think I don't know what you are thinking, Zach. You took the initiative to cut your salary to make the Grizzlies eat Iguodala! Am I right?"

This time Randolph did not speak in the face of Blasseth's roar, as if he had been exposed to a lie.

"Sure enough, it is so. I really don't understand. What does this have to do with you? If Chris Wallace has the ability, he will naturally persuade Iguodala to stay. This is the NBA, Zach, this The **** NBA! It's normal for players to come and go. You can't treat yourself badly to keep a teammate. I don't agree. As your manager, I must fight for your best interests!"

Blasseth took advantage of the victory and gave an ultimatum to Randolph.

Randolph didn’t smile anymore, his expression became serious, and he stared into Blassese’s eyes, “You’re right, you don’t understand. You’re not a player, you’ve never played for the Grizzlies, so You won’t understand it forever."

"I..." Brassese was so angry that his face was black, of course, his face was already black.

"Every team wants to win the championship and is pursuing the secret of winning the championship. Many people think that the secret to winning the championship is to pile up the stars, which is to pile up all the great players. Haha, what an idiot." Randolph He was not interrupted by his own manager, but continued to talk.

"Year after year, the championship team wins because of a good atmosphere and everyone works hard to dedicate themselves to their roles. Everyone puts the team on top of themselves, sacrificing themselves in terms of data and even money."

"This is the **** secret to winning the championship. The secret to winning is outside the basketball court, not even basketball! Do you know? Brasces."

"Moreover, Memphis has given me too much. As a **** and bad guy like me, how can Hode get two championship rings? I should have been bad in New York and Los Angeles until I was kicked out of this league one day. , And then forgotten by people. It is not until five years later that people see a big, sloppy fat man on the street, and they will not remember, hey, the one that just walked in the desert is Zach Randolph?"

"Memphis saved my career and even my life. They generously gave me respect, trust, honor and big contracts. Now, it's time for me to give back to Memphis."

"I don't want to discuss this anymore. The big deal is that I will give you more advertising rake. 20 million in 2 years, I have made up my mind."

Randolph said a lot of words seriously, then waved his hand. His love for Memphis has long gone beyond the relationship between the player and the city where the team is located.

"It’s not a question of rake, Zach. I have been working with you for so many years, and I have treated you as my own person. I just... don’t want you to suffer. Don’t let you suffer, let You earn more, this is my duty." Blasseth also calmed down, did not continue to yell.

"Of course I know that you have been doing well, Brasces. I am very grateful for that. This time, at least this time, let me make my own decision, let me make the right decision myself. Let me do something for this team and for this city."

Brasets looked at Randolph's firm eyes and sighed. He knew that he couldn't hold back that guy.

"If you insist on what you want to do, I will contact the Grizzlies. But you'd better make it clear with Iguodala first, lest you get a pay cut, and he also reached an agreement with the Warriors. At that time, it will be Both lose out." The tough Brasseth finally compromised. He must admit that there are some things that he really doesn't understand.

"Hey, I love you, buddy. I knew that you could understand me." In an instant, Randolph changed back to his usual hippie smile.

"Leave'I love you' at the wedding and tell your wife. I will contact Chris Wallace tomorrow. I hope you are right, Zach." Blasseth shook his head and obeyed Randolph took a can of beer in the refrigerator.

All night, Blasseth was thinking about a question-what is the magic of the Memphis Grizzlies?

The next day, news of Randolph's departure from the contract spread throughout the United States. The "Big Black Bear" also sent a text message to Iguodala, as Braces suggested.

"Don't worry about anything, sign the Grizzlies."


Link drove his Ford Mustang on the empty streets of Memphis. He couldn't believe what happened these days.

Originally on holiday in Europe, he suddenly learned that Randolph was planning to take the initiative to cut his salary a few days ago. The reason for the salary cut is to allow the Grizzlies to successfully eat Iguodala...

Link was shocked, really shocked. Money is important to everyone, let alone 6.5 million dollars!

He didn't expect that Randolph, a guy who is usually a fool, would take the initiative to stand up at a critical moment. Therefore, Link quickly terminated his travel plan, rushed back to Memphis, and rushed back to the signing site.

In any case, he must personally say thank you to Randolph.

When Link arrived at Chris Wallace's office, Randolph and Iguodala were already inside.

"Hey, I said you don't have to come." Randolph waved to Link with a relaxed expression, as if today's signing had nothing to do with him.

Link did not speak, but walked up and hugged Randolph. Link feels extremely lucky to meet such a teammate in his career.

"Damn, what the hell? I'm a person who is about to get married. My sexual orientation is normal." Randolph pushed Link away. "2 years and 20 million. If nothing else, I will retire in Memphis. . So be nice to my old man in the future, do you hear?"

"Zac..." Iguodala was also very moved. In fact, he had already prepared to take the initiative to cut his salary.

After serious consideration, Iguodala found that he could not abandon the brothers who fought with him and the opportunity to establish a dynasty for 48 million.

But what Iguodala didn't expect was that Randolph made the decision earlier and more decisively than him.

After Randolph cut his salary, the Grizzlies also offered Iguodala a four-year, $48 million contract. So Iguodala has no reason to leave.

"Let's sign it, let the Warriors die." After pushing Link away, Randolph blinked at Iguodala again.

Iguodala nodded slightly, and then wrote his name on the new contract.

Finally, the Grizzlies’ championship main frame was successfully retained this summer. Although, at the cost of Randolph's salary cut by 6 million.

Two hours later, the news that Randolph and Iguodala renewed the Grizzlies contract was officially announced.

Steve Kerr looked at this report and found it unbelievable. The price was reduced by 6 million. There is such a thing in this world.

At that moment, Cole seemed to realize. The Grizzlies can win the championship with more than just the first and fourth minors and Link.

Their energy is beyond imagination, even beyond basketball itself.

They have mastered the real secret of winning...

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