Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and sixteen: the summer twelve years ago

Latest URL: Paul Pierce, who made 37.3% of his three-pointers last season and is a reliable long-range shooter. But Pierce's asking price is too high to fit the Grizzlies' salary space structure. Moreover, Pierce estimates that it is difficult to adapt to the three-point turret play.

Caron Butler, who won the championship with the Mavericks a few years ago and played against Link more than once, last season was able to hit 39% of his three-pointers and averaged 10 points per game. In addition, there is an active defense, which seems to be suitable for the Grizzlies. But he was picked up by the Pistons for 2 years and 9 million.

3D forward P.J. Tucker, who made 38.7 percent of his three-pointers last season, is also a good choice. But the Sun’s 3 years of 16.5 million offers, the entire league estimates that there is no second team to come up, including the Grizzlies.

Lewis? Too old and too slow. Sefrosa? Too expensive. Ariza? More expensive!

After thinking about it, Wallace couldn't find a suitable candidate for the Grizzlies.

Don't underestimate role players. For a championship contender-level team, the quality of the team depends largely on the role players.

The star determines the upper limit, and the role player determines the lower limit.

If the role players are not strong enough and the bench depth is not enough, then in the playoffs, when it comes to fighting for the foundation and the limit, it will only be destroyed.

NBA championships are not so easy to take, let alone the Grizzlies are advancing towards three consecutive championships, and all teams will try to stop them. In the playoffs this year, the Grizzlies may have more trouble than the previous two years.

Therefore, Wallace must carefully consider candidates for reinforcement. If you wait until the middle of the season to find a deal, it will only be more difficult.

Seeing more and more free agents have ownership, Chris Wallace is becoming more and more anxious.

Even if Dinwiddie is called back to the main lineup, his three-point ability will not work. Dinwiddie’s three-pointer is precisely his current shortcoming.

At this time, Link sent a text message to Wallace, "Have you ever contacted Vince Carter?"

"Vince Carter?" Seeing this name, Wallace's first reaction was, "What kind of three-point shooter Carter is."

But when you think about it carefully, Carter’s three-pointers seem to be good! The season just ended, the Mavericks played the Grizzlies in the first round of the playoffs.

During the game, Carter's three-pointers frequently penetrated the Grizzlies' defense, and his hit rate was very stable.

Wallace opened the data to check and was shocked!

In the playoffs last season, Carter averaged 45.8% of three-pointers when he averaged 4 more three-pointers per game!

Although the sample of 4 games is too small to explain the problem. But last season's regular season, Carter played in 81 games with 39.4% of his three-pointers, which is also very high! The sample of 81 games is also large enough.

Pushing one more season forward, Carter's three-pointers hit 40.6%!

Indeed, Carter has been labelled as a "detainer" until now. But in fact, he has always been a very deadly player with three-pointers.

Carter, who has played in the league for 16 seasons, has made more than 40% of his three-pointers in 5 years and more than 35% in 10 years!

In addition to the rookie season, the lowest three-point field goal percentage of his career, the shooting rate was also 32.2%. Carter is also currently the fifth star in the history of the NBA in the number of three-pointers made. Above him are historic shooters like Ray Allen and Reggie Miller!

Vince Carter is completely an "invisible" marksman.

The only problem is that Carter is almost 40 years old and no one knows whether he can keep up. The decline of a player's physical fitness in all aspects will not only affect the ability of jumping and breakthrough, but also directly affect the shooting ability.

Therefore, Chris Wallace returned to Link very cautiously, "Carter's uncertainty is too great."

However, Link was not worried about this. Because just an hour ago, Carter also made an appointment with Link, saying that he would go to Link's training camp to train together in the summer.

This was when the first round of the playoffs was over, Carter said okay to Link.

At first Link thought Carter was just talking casually, but he didn't expect it to be true. It was also because Carter contacted him that Link remembered that maybe the Grizzlies could try to contact Carter.

Old Carter has been fascinating for a lifetime, but he has never become attached to a championship. Therefore, his desire to win the championship should also be very strong, it is unlikely to refuse the invitation of the championship team.

At the end of the first round of the playoffs last season, Link also regretted that Carter could not play in a better environment. If he can join a championship-level team, such as the Grizzlies, it will definitely play the best role and show greater value.

Unexpectedly, now, the opportunity for Carter to join the Grizzlies really came!

If Carter really trains with Link in the summer, then Link promises that Carter's state will definitely be stabilized!

And a veteran like Carter can play a bigger role in the playoffs. His experience, his perseverance, and his professional attitude are all outstanding.

After discussing with Wallace for a while, the Grizzlies decided to try. But it was not Wallace who contacted Carter first, but Link went to contact Carter.

Wallace believes that if Link goes out in person, the possibility of successful recruitment is greater. After all, it can be seen that Carter admires Link very much.

So Link dialed Carter's phone that afternoon.

"Is the training camp time determined so soon? When I called you in the morning, didn't you say it was still planning?" Old Carter was surprised when he received a call from Link.

When he contacted Link for training in the morning, Link also said that it might take a few days before the training time was scheduled. But he didn't expect that just a few hours later, Link called back.

"I didn't call you for training camp, Vince."

"Oh? Do you still want to ask me to play golf?" Carter smiled.

"It's not golfing either. I called to confirm that after your contract with the Mavericks expires, you haven't reached an agreement with any team this summer, right?"

When Link asked this question, Carter became serious in an instant. As an old river and lake, he certainly knew what Link meant.

"I heard it right? The best defensive player, MVP, FMVP and double-one Grand Slam winner are actually recruiting an old man who is almost 40 years old?" Carter asked with self-deprecating.

"Hey, didn't you say you want to train with me? If you come to Memphis, we will be able to train together every day in the future. Moreover, no matter how old you are, as long as you have that kind of desire, you can perform. I believe you still have that kind of Desire, desire for a championship, right?"

Hearing what Carter said, Carter fell silent suddenly.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered the summer of 2002, 12 years ago. Perhaps it is because this is the first time Carter has had a conversation with a Chinese for so long since that summer.

In the summer of 2002, Carter came to China for the first time and accepted an exclusive interview with a Chinese reporter.

At that time, the Xinlang reporter asked him a question, the same question about the championship, "Does the Raptors still hope to win the NBA championship?"

At that time, Carter replied very confidently, "Of course it is possible. If the Raptors lineup can be adjusted well, on this basis, a relatively stable lineup can be maintained for one to two years or even longer. Then, on the basis of the core players, the potential of these players can be used. I think it is entirely possible to win at least one NBA championship ring in the The summer of this year, the world still doesn’t know. Who is Yao Ming, the "OK Group" has just established a dynasty. Vince Carter is still energetic and youthful. He firmly believes that he can at least win a championship.

and then?

Twelve years later, he still hasn't tasted the taste of a championship...

Accidentally, the years have taken away the original vitality. As for the word champion, Carter hasn't imagined it for a long time.

Until now, the Chinese player who called has once again awakened something in his heart...

"Vince?" Seeing Carter hadn't spoken for a long time, Link thought that the phone was out of signal.

"Link, I...when are you going to talk to me?"

The UFO, who hadn't taken off for a long time, decided to plug the last bit of remaining fuel in the fuel tank and fight it again!

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