Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and forty-nine: Nothing to do with inspiration

Latest website: The defending champion ushered in a new member during the team training the day before the Grizzlies and the Spurs started.

While everyone was warming up, a big guy with long arms and a strong body walked in from the gate of the training hall.

In an instant, everyone stopped their movements and stared at the strange face for a long time.

"God, look at him, he can scare people just by standing under the basket and doing nothing." Tony Allen looked at the rookie at the door who was not inferior to Gasol and couldn't help but joking. .

At this moment, the team's head coach Dave Georg came out of the office and beckoned to the big man standing at the door, "Hassan, come here and introduce yourself to everyone!"

Whiteside nodded slightly, then walked to the middle of the training ground. The rest of the Grizzlies also gave Whiteside enough respect, kept quiet, and got together.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hassan Whiteside, I am from Gastonia, North Carolina. I just signed a 10-day short contract with the Grizzlies, and I hope to help everyone." Whiteside's attitude is very humble. , Which made Georgel on the side laugh with satisfaction.

Because Whiteside used to be, but not now. If he had the humble attitude he has now, he might not be too humble in the NBA.

"Okay, Hassan, today you will train with everyone. The next arrangement, you listen to the trainer. By the way, you are fine, don't mess with him, Hassan scored 24 points in the Development League last game With 16 rebounds and 4 blocks, this guy is a real dangerous man." Georgel finally ended Whiteside's simple entry ceremony with a joke.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed, and Whiteside began training at the request of the trainer.

Link looked at the young Whiteside, thinking of tomorrow's game, still very worried.

Indeed, in the original history, Whiteside seized the opportunity of a 10-day short contract in Miami.

But Whiteside was lucky to be able to return to the league in Miami. Because of the heat at the time, it can be said that it is very suitable for the growth of Whiteside.

"Birdman" Anderson was injured, Bosh was injured, McRoberts was reimbursed for the season, Haslem is 2.03 meters tall and still water...The Heat's inside vacancy is bigger than the Grizzlies and even more unavailable.

Therefore, Whiteside had many opportunities.

At that time, the Heat's inside line relied on Whiteside alone, and everyone cheered for him. There was no way for his teammates to count on, and they had to rely on themselves.

It just so happens that the team's main attacker is not inside, so Whiteside is able to flex his muscles and only need to think about rebounds and defense. It can be said that no team has a better living environment than the Heat at the time.

But in the Grizzlies, Gasol is definitely an unbeatable starter. Whether Whiteside can still succeed as a substitute, no one knows.

Whiteside is a rookie in 2010, the same class as Link. But for the past five years or so, when Link ruled the league, Whiteside played in various low-level leagues.

In addition to the NBA Development League, Whiteside has also been to Lebanon and China. Of course, in China, Whiteside can't even play CBA, he played NBL. Simply understood, it can be compared to China's second-level basketball league.

This kind of player, normal judgment is impossible to do in the NBA. Link believed that Georgel and Chris Wallace just wanted to take a gamble, and they didn't expect much from Whiteside.

But Link is also very curious about how a player with such an unbearable resume suddenly succeeded. If he has real potential, how has he been ignored in the past five years?

Link went to the office to find Georg, he wanted to know more about Whiteside.

Link didn't have to help Whiteside gain a foothold in the NBA, he just didn't want to lose to the nasty Spurs.

But if you don't want to lose to the Spurs, you must get through the two lines of Whiteside.


"Hassan's information? Why are you so interested?" Georg looked surprised when Link came to him specifically for a guy with a 10-day short contract.

"Just want to know, after all, we will fight together tomorrow." Link spread out and sat down at Georgel's desk.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, because Hassan will only be responsible for rebounding and defending during Gasol's break tomorrow. He doesn't have to do anything else. Of course, he can't do it. Damn, he even plays pick-and-rolls in one day. No, you don’t have to cooperate at all...but it’s no harm to understand. Hassan should have a better situation than now."

"Oh? As far as I know, he is just a second-round pick. How good is his situation? Uh...Of course, he is better than me." Link curled his lips, he almost forgot about himself. Especially not even participated in the draft.

"Haha, there are many reasons why he fell in the second round. Hasan's static talent is very strong, you can see his height and wingspan. In his freshman year, Hasan was selected as the best defensive team, second in the division. The lineup, once won the Rookie of the Week. He averaged 13.1 points, 8.9 rebounds and exaggerated 5.4 blocks per game. He also scored 3 double-block triple-doubles. He was indeed considered to be a lottery at first. Rookie."

Hearing what Georg said, Link felt incredible. If a freshman center strikes like this, he doesn't need a bicycle, so he shouldn't fall to the second round.

"But, um, everything has one but. Whiteside's extremely naive mind and incredible self-confidence make him untrustworthy. According to the scout report, Whiteside can't stay focused on the court and can't control his emotions. During the physical test, Whiteside wore a pair of slippers to touch the heights. Although his grades are still much better than others, his attitude is suspicious."

Link's eyes widened, and he went for a physical test in slippers? This is too much! No wonder Georgel just used the word "unbelievable" to describe Whiteside's self-confidence.

"Is it incredible? Wait, it's not over yet. In the 15-minute one-on-one interview before the draft, Whiteside showed almost naive arrogance. He likened himself to superstars such as Howard and Olajuwon. , And complained why he was not ranked high in the mock draft, and thought that the scout report ignored his three-point shooting ability..."

"In the King's first NBA season, Whiteside was injured in the first game, but he didn't take it seriously anymore. He basically just followed the team with checks. The first training camp contract between Whiteside and the King probably earned him money. It cost $480,000, but what is incomprehensible is that he actually drove a Mercedes-Benz worth $200,000 to work on the first day of the training camp."

"In the training of the Kings, Haitian center Dalem Porter wanted to teach Whiteside some blocking skills, but was bluntly rejected by the self-esteem Whiteside...Well, you heard that right. He rejected the teachings of his predecessors...because he thought he was as good as David Robinson."

Listening to Georgel telling a story, Link really felt that he was worthwhile.

If he didn't come this time, he might not have known that Whiteside had so many "wonderful stories" in his life.

Why hasn't Whiteside been favored by the NBA in the past five years, because he is so capable!

People used to say that Whiteside was as inspirational as Jeremy Lin. But now, Link found that Whiteside had nothing to do with Inspirational. He was just paying for what he had done.

From a potential center predicted to be selected in the lottery area to now having to live on a 10-day short contract, Whiteside paid a great price for his naivety.

After listening to Georgel telling Whiteside's story, Link is even more worried about tomorrow's That guy won't be so naive to provoke Duncan...

"By the way, I have another anecdote about him, I don't know if you are interested. It is said that he cares very much about his rating in the NBA2K game. I know, this is incredible. But there are few incredible things about him. Is it? But he is indeed talented, I hope he knows his current situation."

Link nodded, indicating that he knew it almost.

In general, Whiteside is a tougher Cousins. Link can handle Cousins, and he believes he can handle Whiteside too.

Speaking of which, the king was also good enough, and he chose two centers with not very bright minds...

With one day left before the game started, Link decided to start with 2K and let Whiteside do nothing unusual in the game.

So after the training that day, Whiteside, who had just come to the team for a day, received an invitation from Link to play games together...

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