Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and fifty-two: Is the inside line weak?

Link flew Leonard as soon as the start, which gave Leonard a lot of psychological pressure.

Don't look at that guy is still expressionless, but he just doesn't like to reflect emotions on his face, it doesn't mean he has no emotions.

Leonard has played 11 games this season, and it can be said that in almost every game, he has restricted his matchup.

Playing the Mavericks, he was prevented from just signing 2 of 10 shots from the "rich and handsome" Parsons who just signed a big contract.

Playing the sun, Bledsoe was stared at 3 of 15 shots.

In the Hawks, Korver, an efficient striker who has always been an efficient shooter, also overturned because of Leonard. He made only 1 of 5 shots from beyond the three-point line and made only 30% of his field goals.

Leonard's defensive ability is tested by the game, and he has become a nightmare for countless perimeter players.

If he was just beginning to show his talent in the playoffs last season, then this season, he is already an out-and-out star player.

The name "GDP successor" has been increasingly used on Leonard.

Therefore, Popovich and many fans and the media's expectations of Leonard are not blindly confident. Leonard's performance this season is indeed very gratifying.

But they all overlooked one point-in the past 11 games, none of Leonard's defensive players can be compared with Link.

Although Leonard also defended Kobe with a 14-for-1 during this period, he did not give face. But even today's Kobe, the offensive power can not be compared with Link.

Their example does not apply to Link at all.

Leonard can prevent them, but that doesn't mean it can prevent Link.

For the Spurs' second offense, Duncan went inside to play Harris. But Gasol doubled up for the first time and did not leave much room for the "Stone Buddha".

In fact, when Gasol is on the court, the Grizzlies' inside defense is still quite good.

In the end, Duncan had to pass the ball back to Parker, and the Spurs' plan to hit the basket failed.

Once the first offense fails, it is very difficult to break through the Grizzlies' defense.

This time, the Spurs exhausted 24 seconds, but still did not find any decent offensive opportunities.

Leonard finally had to withstand Link's defense and make an emergency stop for the shot. He failed to prevent Link, but Link took the lead in preventing him.

Leonard missed a shot, one offense and one defense. The Spurs' future stars were all suppressed by Link.

Link rushed to the front court as soon as he completed the defense. Now the Grizzlies are a large and four small lineup. Compared with the Spurs, the biggest advantage is fast!

Therefore, Link wanted to increase the pace of offense and defense.

Harris grabbed the rebound and handed it a long pass to Link. Link leaned on Leonard to directly kill the penalty area, playing very simple and rude!

The Spurs' defense was drawn by Link to shrink, and almost everyone was chasing in the penalty area.

At this moment, Link passed the ball from a bunch of guys wearing black Spurs jerseys!

No one knows how Link sees the outside, and no one knows why he always finds the pass between people.

He can do it.

The basketball fell precisely to Tobias Harris, who was outside the three-point line, and at this time, Duncan was beside Link, in the penalty area!

Link attracted all the Spurs' defense, Harris was unmarked!

Harris didn't hesitate, he knew that he had been criticized a lot during this time. People say that his data is inflated, but it has no practical effect. It is not as practical as a Randolph in his 30s.

Harris can hear these voices. Now, it's time to show value and let everyone shut up!

Resolute shooting brings a very high shooting percentage. Shooting this thing, the more hesitated, the feeling will not go well. The smoother the action, the higher the hit rate.

Harris' shot did not appear to be accidental, Link managed to get an assist, and the Grizzlies evened the score.

The Spurs thought that a 5-point lead was the beginning, but unexpectedly, it was the end.

Facts have proved that the Grizzlies' offensive firepower is not discounted at all. As long as Link is here, the Grizzlies' offense will not stall.

Becky Harmon realized the strength of the NBA championship team for the first time. They had done so much preparation before the game, and Popovich was so confident before the game.

But in the actual game, in only two rounds, the Grizzlies let the Spurs' paper advantages disappear.

The two sides played so anxiously, the Spurs did not take the slightest advantage, this game for the Spurs is as difficult as last season's Western Conference Finals.

When the first quarter of the game went to the seventh minute, Link hit the target again with a toss under Leonard's interference, giving the Grizzlies a 4-point lead.

Leonard was out of breath, and shortly after the match, Link had already scored 7 points and 2 assists. And to do all this, Link only took 4 shots!

In other words, Leonard has only defended Link once. Of course, most people think that it was only Link's poor feel that caused the strike, and it had nothing to do with Leonard's defense.

After Link scored the goal, Popovich had to call a timeout. Although the Spurs are not far behind, Popovich wants more than just not being behind.

What he wants is to control the game, what he wants is to gain an advantage. Only in this way can the Grizzlies lose streak after a year!

Let the Grizzlies lose in a row, this is Popovich's only goal today!

Therefore, during this timeout, Popovich was very irritable, and his voice was much louder than before.

"Next, if nothing happens, it's Gasol's break time! You all paid attention to me and hit the penalty area with all your strength! Once Gasol is off the court, the Grizzlies' penalty area is the cash machine! Anyway, We all need to overtake the score before the end of the first quarter!"

After Popovich finished speaking, he slapped the tactical board hard to express his dissatisfaction.

The old man knows very well that the next few minutes will be the key to the Spurs' ability to win the game. If the Spurs are not playing smoothly even when the Grizzlies are weak inside, the game will be quite difficult.

On the other side, on the Grizzlies bench, Georgel and Popovich are completely in two states.

Georgel is in a good mood. The Grizzlies have not played such a smooth game for a long time in recent times.

But whether this momentum can be maintained in the future is the key.

Georgel had planned to let Whiteside continue to watch for a few more minutes. After all, this was only the second day after Whiteside came to the team, and the joint training between him and the team was still quite immature.

But Whiteside's hot gaze caused Georgel to change his mind.

Whiteside doesn't have to do anything on the offensive end anyway, just go up and do the dirty work. If you don’t play well, you can change it at any time.

So Georgel waved his hand and yelled.

"Hassan, Azeri. Next, your two partners are inside. Your task is very simple. Do your best to defend and do your best to grab every rebound. Don't let the Spurs attack the basket easily, understand?"

"Yes!" As soon as Georgel's voice fell, Whiteside suddenly "flicked" as if lying on his hips and responded loudly.

He can't wait to improve his 2K score!

"Huh? Hassan Whiteside pushed off the training uniform. Could it be that he is going to play?" Mark Jackson on the commentary stage saw Whiteside leaping up on the sidelines and couldn't help but guess the Grizzlies. Employment strategy.

"Whiteside only practiced with the Grizzlies yesterday and played today. Isn't it a bit too hasty?" Even Hubie Brown was a little worried about this substitution.

Although Whiteside is tall and long in arms, his body is much stronger than when he first entered the draft. But static talent does not mean everything, height and arm length does not mean that a player can perform well.

It's not just Mark Jackson and Hubie Brown. In fact, most fans on the scene are a little worried.

Whiteside, a stranger, can he withstand the pressure?

Link looked at Whiteside who was eager to try, and walked up and looked into his eyes seriously.

The trouble is over, now is the time to be more serious with him.

"You know, you can't fail." Link smiled nonchalantly, completely missing the image of yesterday's "game otaku".

"I know, I won't fail."

After Whiteside finished speaking, the electronic buzzer sounded and the game restarted.

For the Spurs, Dior replaced Duncan, Mills replaced Parker, and the rest remained the same. Popovich still kept Split on the court.

When Popovich saw that the Grizzlies actually sent the day-time job they had just signed on the court, he felt so happy.

He believes that in the last few minutes of the first quarter, the Spurs will regain their advantage!

"The game restarts and the Spurs are offensive. Now that Gasol is not there, the Spurs will definitely make a fuss on the inside. I don't know if the new Grizzlies can withstand the pressure." Hubby Brown is talking, live camera Just gave Whiteside a facial close-up.

"Haha, that guy said in an interview before the game that he was playing to improve his 2K score. I think he was just as naive as before." Mark Jackson smiled, ready to watch Whiteside's joke.

Leonard doesn't want to be suppressed by Link for the entire game. He has already given Link to score 7 points, and this number will definitely continue to rise.

If you want to suppress Link, you must also work harder on the offensive end!

So after Leonard received the basketball, he called Dior to play a pick-and-roll cooperation with himself. Leonard wanted to hit the basket!

Dior was able to extend his range beyond the three-point line, making Azeri afraid to change defense easily. When the old spicy Dior was blocking Link, he was also suspected of moving cover.

After all, it is an old fried dough stick, he will seize any opportunity to gain an advantage.

Link tried his best to squeeze the Frenchman, but Leonard had already penetrated into the penalty area, even if Link was lightning fast, he could not catch up.

Leonard gritted his teeth and jumped towards the basket. Just now Link's throw is refunded!

Popovich stood up, ready to applaud Leonard's goal. That No. 2 didn't let him down, and the Spurs will be able to carry him over the next ten years.

Leonard stretched his long arms and threw the basketball to the hoop. But just when Leonard thought everything was ready, he suddenly felt that the basket was dull, and he seemed to be covered by a mountain.

"I'm the **** I won't be separated by you!"

Leonard only heard an inexplicable The next second, the basketball that was about to fall was blown out by a powerful hand!

"What!?" Leonard turned his head in surprise, didn't he say that the Grizzlies are currently very weak inside?

Weak shit!

In the end, Leonard only saw the unknown center who landed heavily and the basketball flying to the audience.

He suffered a 10-day short-term job in the restricted area!

Everyone opened their mouths, including the Grizzlies players themselves. They would never have imagined that this day-time worker could actually blood Leonard!

Only Link went up to high-five Whiteside with a smile on his face.

Now Link believes that the miracle of Miami will be performed in Memphis.

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