Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and fifty-five: He is not worthy to compare with me

Popovich was able to escape the besieged reporters after the game, but he couldn't escape the press conference questions anyway.

At the press conference, the old man couldn't keep up his energy. He was overwhelmed by the tormenting questions of the reporters.

The bragging before the game is best realized with actual actions. Otherwise, there are endless troubles waiting for you after the game.

Popovich gave everyone too much expectations before the game, and people were waiting to see the Grizzlies losing streak.

As a result, the Spurs disappointed everyone, and everyone would definitely aim their guns at the Spurs.

On the other hand, Whiteside can finally challenge 2K through the media.

When a reporter asked Whiteside, "Why can you perform so well after returning to the NBA two years later?"

Whiteside became excited instantly, as if waiting for this question for a long time, "I have been working very hard in the game because I want to improve my ability in the NBA2K game."

Everyone at the press conference laughed. They all thought Whiteside was joking.

But only Link knows that this guy is very serious about his paranoid pursuit of his 2K ability value.

In any case, Whiteside did become famous in World War I. He became famous in this history, even faster than the original history.

In the original history, after joining the Heat, Whiteside spent more than a month in the Development League before finally showing results.

But in the Grizzlies, Whiteside made most people remember himself in the first game.

After the press conference, Whiteside was pleasantly surprised to find that NBA2K @ itself on the official social media.

2K said it will change Whiteside's ability value from 59 to 75. I have to say that the power of the media is huge.

As soon as they reported what Whiteside had said, 2K responded immediately.

"Did you see Link!? They really changed it for me, they really responded to me! Hahaha, I want to go home and update the game! Really look forward to it, now I won't be useless in the game, right? !"

Whiteside danced with excitement, like a child who received a response from Santa at Christmas.

Link on the side shook his head. The mental maturity of this guy is probably not as good as Cousins.

"Congratulations, Hassan. But don't take it lightly. There is more than one game in the NBA."

"Of course, Link! My goal is not just 75, I want to be the highest rated center player in the game!" Whiteside replied solemnly. Generally speaking, the motivation of this guy to play is still inseparable from the game ability value... ....

But it doesn't matter why Whiteside plays hard. As long as he can show this performance every night, Link believes that the Grizzlies' dominance will not weaken.

Three consecutive championships may be more than just a dream.

On the second day after the game, Whiteside's popularity was second only to Link, who had surpassed Kobe Bryant in his career triple-doubles.

Although Whiteside's 10 points and 8 rebounds are not amazing, everyone knows that Whiteside does solve the Grizzlies' urgent needs.

"The Memphis Grizzlies are really good at digging for gold. After Link continues, they might have to find another hidden treasure."

"Have you seen how that kid defended Tim Duncan? I can't believe that he has been wandering outside the NBA for so long."

"It turns out that there is still a market for defensive centers in the NBA. As long as you have the ability, you don't have to worry about finding a job. I think the Grizzlies may already be preparing for another 10-day short contract for Whiteside. "

Whiteside saw that he had become the focus of people again, and he was in a good mood.

So the next day training, Whiteside, who arrived in the locker room, yelled to Link in Chinese, "I am your father!"

Link, who was bandaging his ankle, "snip", tore the bandage, and looked at Whiteside dumbfounded.

Whiteside, who was still grinning, seemed to have noticed that something was wrong. He hung his right hand for greeting in the air, his smile gradually disappeared, and then scratched his head to ease the embarrassment.

"Huh? What did the kid say to you just now?" Tony Allen had a black question mark face. If Nick Yang was still there, his expression would definitely be more vivid.

"I also want to ask, what the **** he wants to say." Link turned his head and stared at Whiteside.

Whiteside knew that he was in trouble, and then simply sat next to Link and muttered softly, "Well, don't the reporters say you like to speak Chinese?"

"Yeah, do you know what you mean by what you just said?"

"When I was playing in China, one of my teammates told me that it means hello in Chinese. After that, I often use that sentence to greet my teammates. But they... seem to be the same as you I don’t like it very much. Am I? The pronunciation is not standard."

"Puff." After Link finished listening, almost no blood came out.

Who teaches Chinese is too wicked!

"It's okay, Hassan, your pronunciation is very standard, very standard. But the meaning of that sentence is not ‘hello’, but a curse."

"What!?" Whiteside's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief.

After hearing what Link said, Whiteside remembered the previous scenes of saying hello to others in China...It was terrible!

"Sure Link, I... I'm so stupid that I have been cheated for so many years."

"It's okay, you can find me if you want to learn Chinese in the future. I will definitely not teach you randomly." Link patted Whiteside on the shoulder. This guy is really as simple as a middle school student.

Before today's training started, Georgel praised Whiteside's performance last night. And he decided to start Whiteside offensive training ahead of time.

At first, Georgel only hoped that Whiteside would not be blown up during Gasol's rest. But after the last game, his requirements for Whiteside are definitely different.

If Whiteside can integrate into the offense in addition to offense, it will undoubtedly be a huge benefit for the Grizzlies.

"In the next game, our opponent is the current 7-4 Los Angeles Clippers. They are old opponents, and I don't need to say that you are particularly familiar with them. Tomorrow, we first need to limit the connection between Paul and the inside players."

Georgel began to lay out the general tactics for tomorrow night against the Clippers, but Link found that Whiteside, who had always been dumbfounded, clenched his fists when listening to the tactics today.

In the afternoon's confrontational training, Whiteside also played fiercely. Although Gasol is his teammate, Whiteside seems to treat the opponent as Jordan.

Link felt weird, and the fellow Jordan was not right, isn't it Gasol? How did it feel that Xiaojia's grievances all ran to Whiteside.

In the evening, something more bizarre happened.

When Link was watching TV at home, he happened to see an interview with ESPN. The target of the interview was DeAndre Jordan, who performed well this season.

After experiencing the fall of the previous few years, Jordan's second round show in 2008 has averaged 11.5 points, 15.0 rebounds and 2.2 blocks per game this season.

There is no doubt that in this age of center decline, his statistics are enough to make him the league's top center.

Coupled with the big market in Los Angeles, Jordan's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, so there are more and more interviews.

In the interview, the host asked Jordan a question about Whiteside, "Whiteside is very popular People say that he may become the most successful day-time player after Link. You will soon. It's time to fight, do you think you can withstand his impact?"

Link had thought that Jordan didn't even know who Whiteside was, and wouldn't be true to a day job.

As a result, Jordan waved his hand disdainfully, "Hassan? Haha, that guy. I'm different from him. He only relays in the air, and I can do a lot of things. To be honest, I don't like being used to fight He compares together."

"Oh? Do you know him?"

"Of course, when he came to try out some time ago, I beat him up. As a result, he didn't get the Clippers contract."

Link suddenly realized that, no wonder Whiteside would be so angry today when he heard that the next game was going to play the Clippers.

Little Jordan is really a "highly popular" player.

People who want to kick his **** are all in a long line.

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