Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and eighty-two: "Facial Palsy" worries (1/5)

Marc Gasol put in a key mid-range shot and dragged the game into overtime, which was considered a life for the Grizzlies.

Link let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he knew Gasol's position in his heart, and then he hit the ball for the first time.

But Link didn't think it was his key rebound that saved the game. On the contrary, Link blamed himself for his last miss.

The biggest responsibility of the star is to kill the game in difficult times, but Link failed to do it today, even he felt a little sorry for the team and fans.

"My fault, my fault, I should have killed the game." Link raised his hand and gestured to all his teammates.

"Hey, don't care, we still have a chance." Gasol touched Link's head to show comfort.

This scene is somewhat similar to the scene of Gasol touching Kobe's head.

Link can always save the Grizzlies in desperate moments, as if he would definitely score a goal as long as he handed the ball to Link at the critical moment.

Everyone is used to this, even Link himself is used to it.

Since the first lore match on Chris Paul a few years ago, Link seems to be synonymous with "Mr. Key".

As everyone knows, the success rate of the lore match has not been high.

Link is used to creating miracles, but he forgot that miracles don't happen often.

The Grizzlies players understand Link, no one blames him. Everyone's performance was the same as Gasol, and they encouraged Link.

But what about Link? He seemed unable to forgive himself.

The Grizzlies walked off the court silently, with a serious expression.

He doesn't want to disappoint his teammates anymore!

When a paranoid starts to compete with himself, something unexpected happens again...


At the end of regular time, the battle between the two sides reached 92 ties.

Scored 92 points in 48 minutes, neither team scored high today. After all, the hit rate of both sides is very urgent.

But the low shooting rate did not compromise the viewing of this game.

Today's game is not inferior even when compared with the two teams' first two matches this season.

The main reason is that the battle between the two teams at critical moments is very intense.

Danny Green's life-saving three-pointers and Marc Gasol's last-minute buzzer shots were enough to push the game to a climax.

Therefore, even though the game was dragged into overtime, the fans still didn't feel bored, on the contrary, they still didn't get enough.

18,000 fans at the scene are very willing to continue to observe how the Spurs slowly tortured the Grizzlies to death.

"I said, the Grizzlies are just lingering. The only change they can bring after the game is dragged into overtime is to postpone the time of the loss." The live commentator was very confident, when he saw Link missed a shot at a critical moment , He was convinced that Link could no longer perform miracles today.

Even Link could not resist the power of Michael Jordan's "poisonous milk".

"Overtime is really bad for the Grizzlies. Teams that have just finished back-to-back games often struggle to perform well in overtime. Tiredness and physical fitness will become their biggest enemy. After Link's victory over the Warriors yesterday It was said that he would lead the team back to No. 1 in the West as soon as possible, but now it seems that the Grizzlies' plan to return to No. 1 in the West may be a bit unexpected."

The tone of the two commentators is very relaxed, as if the Spurs' victory has been written on the record sheet.

In fact, it is not just two commentators, even Popovich also recognized the victory of the game.

"Kavai, continue to smash Link in overtime. You did a good job in the previous four quarters. As long as you can maintain it, the victory must belong to us!"

Popovich was very excited. The Spurs, as the only team that could lose to the Grizzlies in the playoffs last season, seemed to have a special "bear-resistant" body fat.

Although winning this game cannot change the Spurs' losses in the playoffs over the past few years.

But at least, the Spurs can see the dawn of victory over the Grizzlies.

The Spurs won the game last time when Link was away. People said it wasn't because the Spurs were strong, but because the Grizzlies were weak.

But today, if the Spurs win again with Link playing, there will be no excuses for the outside world!

Both Popovich and the Spurs need such a morale-enhancing victory, and they desperately need to prove that their elderly are still competitive in the league.

Leonard nodded silently, then wiped his sweat.

What makes Leonard feel strange is that everyone present seems to be full of confidence in the game, saying that Link is not performing well.

But is Link really bad? The audience had 27 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists, shooting 42.5% from the field.

If such data is placed on other people, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to say that this is a bad performance.

Leonard was not easy to defend against Link today. On the surface, Leonard suppressed Link, but Leonard himself almost disappeared on the offensive end.

Human energy is limited. If Leonard wants to guard Link, he is destined not to waste too much energy and energy on the offensive end.

Playing this season so far, Leonard has averaged 18.5 points per game. At first glance, this score is not much, not even 20. But considering that the Spurs are an equalitarian team, this score is already a lot.

But today, Leonard only scored a third of the points per game.

Although Link scored fewer points, Leonard himself was unable to score. After all, isn’t it the same as before.

So in Leonard's view, he is not at all able to contain Link today.

And every second of the matchup with Link on the court, Leonard was worried about one thing-whether the guy would burst out suddenly.

In the playoffs of last season, Leonard was able to experience the power of Link's magical ability.

There were several games where the Spurs seemed to have a winning side at first, but Link was always able to turn the tide and extinguish the flames of victory for the Spurs.

When Link broke through the throw at the last moment, Leonard felt as if he was more nervous than Link who made the last shot!

Speaking of it, Link's consecutive triple-double record this season started with the first time he hit the Spurs.

That guy, would he really let his record be ended like this?

Leonard felt very disturbed, and the danger of Link could never be underestimated before the end of the game.

From the end of regular time to the start of overtime, there is no more than 100 seconds of rest.

Soon, the players of the two teams must re-enter the court and start shopping again.

When the overtime started, the cheers in the ATT center were full of thunder. It seems that everyone believes that these five minutes will be **** for the Grizzlies.

Leonard has been staring at Link since he came on the field. It is not difficult to tell from Link's expression that the guy has not lost his fighting spirit!

Leonard couldn't help swallowing. Five minutes was enough for Link to do a lot of things.

Take the last game as an example, the Grizzlies beat the Warriors 20-0 in five minutes.

The starting points of the two sides remained the same. After the referee's whistle, Duncan fought for basketball on Gasol, who was too exhausted to jump.

Overtime scrimmage can be more meaningful than regular time scrimmage. In regular time, no matter who gets the first strike, each team will serve the same number of times at the beginning of each quarter.

But overtime is different. Being able to compete first in basketball means getting a chance to strike first.

And because there is no follow-up game, getting the ball first means getting an extra right to attack.

The Spurs are winning basketball and are gaining momentum. On the first offense, the Spurs found Danny Green.

This amazing shooter is now more than satisfied with saving the team, what he wants now is to kill the game!

But the moment Danny Green received the basketball, he found Link's face appeared in front of him.

The first change for the Grizzlies in overtime was to allow Link, who originally defended Leonard, to switch to Green!

Green panicked for a moment. For some reason, Link just stood in front of him, and he felt panicked.

Link's defensive deterrence prevents even more accurate shooters from taking easy shots.

Everyone hasn't forgotten the scene of Curry being taken off by Link outside the three-point line in the last game.

So Green handed the ball to Leonard, but Leonard faced Butler and was destined to be unable to score easily.

The Spurs once again sacrificed their crazy passing game, but after a round of passing, they found that they couldn't make a gap at all!

"The Grizzlies' defense... seems to have increased again! But how is that possible? Shouldn't they be more tired!?" The live commentator panicked, and the first round of the game was different from what he expected. !

Indeed, the Grizzlies, who were still the first to die in the West last night, should be more exhausted than the Spurs.

But Link's aggressiveness infected the entire team. The appearance of Link's self-blame during the break made everyone realize the importance of this victory.

The dignity of the championship does not allow them to fall now!

In the end, Boris Dior had to shoot three pointers against the defense. Dior may be a reliable vacancy projection point, but the giant planet is far beyond the ability of the French.

Dior's shot came out the most, and the Spurs had a bad start on their first attack!

Link leaped high and grabbed the rebound in the air.

The moment the basketball held the ball tightly with both hands, the basketball made a crisp sound.

This shows how hard Link grabbed the ball.

He was hungry and thirsty like a wolf hungry for three days and three nights.

After landing, Link didn't hesitate, as if a car had already burned on the spot, waiting for the green light to light up and soar into the sky.

Leonard was just about to retreat when he found Link rushed towards him quickly.

In the process of fast marching, Link's beautiful upper body swayed, causing Leonard's center of gravity to fluctuate.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Link changed to speed up, leaving Leonard behind him beautifully!

"In the high-speed fake action, Link cleaned up Leonard! A Pingchuan in front of him, he left everyone on the Spurs behind!"

In the horrified shouts of the live commentary, Link violently dunked and pulled the basket with both hands!

When he was just off the court, Link had already decided on his way of playing overtime.

Since you can't make a shot today, or even a throw, then you will die!

Use the most simple and rude way to hit the basket!

Seeing Link's one-stop fast break from rebounding to passing to dunking, everyone in the ATT center was shocked.

Link's aura is completely different from what he expected...

After landing, Link raised his mouth viciously, and pointed to the number behind him in the surrounding stands.

What does that 0 stand for? In the eyes of different people, it represents different things.

But in San Antonio, that 0 only represents one thing-death!

The basketball hoop was swaying "creaking" and the Grizzlies were already 2 points ahead of the Spurs.

Link stepped back to his own half, then stared at Danny Green, patted the floor hard with both hands.

Link is very angry, angry with himself, the consequences are serious.

What Leonard was worried about really became a reality.

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