Reverse Growth Superstar

: 884: Miracles are just a routine operation for him (3/5)

With only 30 seconds left until overtime ends, the San Antonio Spurs are 8 points behind the Grizzlies.

They are almost hopeless in victory.

The ATT center was lifeless, but when the regular time game just ended, they were not like that.

At that time, everyone was waiting to see Link, who had just missed the lore, be completely sealed off by Leonard.

At that time, all Spurs fans were waiting for the Grizzlies to be beaten to the ground.

At that time, almost everyone thought that there was no suspense in the game.

But everything that has happened now is very different from what people expected.

The entire overtime was completely ruled by Link.

At the beginning, Link used a dragon dunk and two 2+1 consecutive scoring 8 points, leading the team to an 8-0 offensive climax.

Later, although the Spurs began to score, they were unable to stop Link on the defensive end.

Link's breakthrough was very determined. He was like a sharp knife. Every time he plunged into the Spurs restricted area, a white knife went in and a red knife went out.

In this way, you play one ball and I play one ball, and the Spurs can't even the score at all.

The San Antonio Spurs could not fight back. In the third quarter of the game, the Grizzlies also played a wave of eight zeros. But at that time, the Spurs crisis was resolved by Danny Green.

But now, when Danny Green's magical three-pointer is no longer accurate, the Spurs seem to have lost their only means of winning.

Link controlled the tempo from outside the three-point line, ready to make the final attack.

With 8 points in the lead, if Link can score this goal again, it would be equivalent to nailing the Spurs' coffin lid.

"How many points Link has scored in the overtime game so far?" The live commentator looked sluggish. For this overtime game, his only impression was that Link was constantly scoring goals.

"So far, 15 points... less than 5 minutes, Link scored 15 points. His total score in this game has reached 44 points. This is 63 points against the Rockets. After the battle, Link scored 40 points in a single game for the second time this season." Another commentator also stammered, but the Grizzlies generally won't lose in games where Link scores high points.

Of course, it's not just 44 points that really let the fans on the scene explain the silence.

It's because if Link scores another goal, he will have the highest personal score in overtime in NBA history and the triple-double data of eight consecutive games!

Breaking the league record in back-to-back matches... This kind of perverted thing, Link can do it.

Prior to this, the NBA's highest scoring record in overtime belonged to Gilbert Arenas, who had tried three-point shooting with Link.

In December 2006, Arenas and Kobe, the two leading scorers, met at Staples.

Kobe was exhausted that day and prepared to step Arenas on the ground, but Arenas' character is actually somewhat similar to Kobe, and he refused to admit defeat.

Few players will win Kobe in the big game, but Arenas is not convinced by Kobe, he thinks Kobe can become the protagonist in the spotlight, so can he.

It can be said that Arenas played the game with dissatisfaction.

As a result, the two sides contributed a brilliant offensive battle for the fans. After four quarters of regular time, Kobe scored 41 points and Arenas scored 44 points. The two teams tied.

From individual performance to the result of the game, both sides played equally well.

But after the overtime started, the situation changed suddenly.

The unconvinced Arenas seemed as if the gods descended from the earth, and the unforgiving three-pointers made the audience look dumbfounded.

The "General" almost used his own power against the entire Purple and Golden Army. In overtime, Kobe only scored 4 points and 2 assists, while Arenas scored 16 points in one go, directly exploding Kobe and driving him away. The ground left behind.

The unconvincing Arenas finally won the game, and in that game, his final score was 60 points in a single game! With 16 points in overtime, it also created the highest scoring record in overtime in NBA history.

There is no doubt that this is one of the best masterpieces of Arenas' career. Even one of them can be removed.

Today, Link’s situation is actually similar to Arenas.

He was also not convinced, dissatisfied with the result of the game. But the object of Link's dissatisfaction is not the Spurs players, but himself!

Poor shooting performance in regular time and missed throws at critical moments made Link into anger.

As a result, Link bombarded 15 points in overtime. And there are no three-pointers in these 15 points, basically they are obtained by breakthroughs and free throws.

Now, as long as Link scores this goal again, even if it only scores a 2 point, he will break the overtime scoring record created by Arenas!

Yesterday, Link just became the second most consecutive triple-double in the league. Today, we will break the league's personal scoring record in overtime.

His magic is no longer limited to Memphis and Tennessee.

Leonard is now using the method of defensive James to deal with Link, Link has been breaking through the entire overtime, which surprised Leonard.

In that case, don't let it go!

Link slowly approached Leonard, Leonard also slowly backed up, keeping a safe distance from Link.

Time passed by, and the Spurs almost had only a trace of light left.

When Link stepped into the three-point line, he suddenly pulled up the shot without warning!

Leonard panicked, Link broke through an entire overtime, but unexpectedly changed his offensive choice at the last moment.

Link's shooting percentage in regular time today is indeed not high, which is very low.

But at this time, Link was full of confidence. He believed that the Spurs couldn't stand a blow in front of him!

Link's shooting movements were very smooth. The basketball didn't touch the basket, or even the net, but went straight through the basket in a perfect arc and fell to the ground.

With 17 points, a brand new personal scoring record in overtime was born!

At the same time, Link also blocked the only light source for the Spurs! For the Spurs, this game is left with desperate infinite darkness.

"The ball... the goal was scored. Link broke the record for the highest scoring score in overtime set by Arenas 8 years ago. At the end of the regular game, Link only scored 29 points. But now , His personal score has become...46 points. Michael Jordan is right, Link is creating his own legend!"

Although there are dozens of seconds left in the game, the probability of the Spurs winning has been reduced to 0% by Link. Even if the Spurs have the same luck as Gasol hitting the buzzer, they can't make it back.

Now, no one will question Jordan's praise to Link. And the "Jordan's law of poisoned milk" of Bill Simmons was also broken by Link himself.

Jordan may have poisoned many people, but the powerful Link will not be affected by those force majeure.

His game will only be controlled by himself in the end!

Popovich buried his head between his hands and was extremely disappointed.

The Spurs made 17 three-pointers in this game! Few teams can win the game even with so many three-pointers.

If even this can't beat the Grizzlies with Link... then the Spurs want to rush out of the West, there is really no hope at all.

In the Western Conference finals last season, Popovich was kicked off the altar by Link.

And this year, the Spurs seem to be no longer worthy of such an identity as a "strong enemy".

As the old man thought, the buzzing sound hit the cochlea.

114 to 102, the Grizzlies scored 22 points in five minutes, of which Link alone accounted for 17 points. The other two goals were not directly scored by Link, but they also came from Link's assists.

All the points scored by the Grizzlies throughout overtime are directly related to Link!

The Spurs broke the Grizzlies' record of no losing streak last time, but this time, Link did not let the Spurs succeed again.

"The Grizzlies won, they actually won...According to the data, the Grizzlies are the seventh in NBA history to be able to make 17 or more three-pointers even after their opponents The team defeated the opponent in the away game. Although I don’t want to admit it,...the Grizzlies brought their magic to San Antonio." The on-site commentator sighed. Unexpectedly, they were defeated by Link’s terror. Under the strength.

46 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists, the highest scoring record in overtime, the eighth consecutive triple-double...

Before the game, Popovich believed that no player in this world could remain magical at any time. Link's miss in the fourth quarter seemed to confirm this view.

But in an interview after the game, the old man changed his mind.

"How to evaluate Link? What can I say? There has never been a player like him in NBA history. The special thing about Link is that creating miracles seems to be a routine operation for him. As long as he wants, miracles are It can happen at any time."

The old man's eyes are lonely, he has stopped his fantasy of defeating the Grizzlies this season.

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