Reverse Growth Superstar

: Eight hundred and ninety-three: Link’s 1 Dragon Service (Wednesday/Friday)

7 points behind halftime, although this is not the end of the world, but it does make the Grizzlies passive.

During the intermission, Iguodala gasped. Defending Josh Smith is harder than he thought.

"We must establish an advantage in the third quarter, and there is no need to continue to wrestle with them. Link, strive to open the score in the third quarter. Andre, this time, you must stop Josh Smith in the rotation time. Keep your spirits up Come on, you can."

Dave Georgel’s arrangement is very clear. So far, the Rockets’ biggest trouble is not Harden, but Josh.

Harden's touches and high scores were expected by Georg. That is to say, even if Harden gets high points, Joerger is confident that he can win.

But Josh Smith was an accident, his appearance completely broke the game plan.

In the past two quarters, the Grizzlies' main lineup has not been bad. But almost every time, it was mixed by the "hair band gang" composed of Josh, Terry and Brewer during the rotation.

Brewer and Terry were so-so today, and the number one threat was mainly Josh.

As long as it can contain Josh, the Grizzlies can take the lead!

Iguodala nodded silently, without speaking. He knew that he did not perform well in the first half, but he still did not give up.

"Hey, how is your body adjustment?" Link sat next to Iguodala and patted him on the shoulder.

"I...not sure if I can recover in the second half."

"Don't worry, it's just Josh Smith. Last season, LeBron was not tempered by you." Link shrugged and let Iguodala relax.

From the start of the game to the present, the one Iguodala has heard the most is "You can."

From coaches to teammates, no one blames him, but encourages him.

Iguodala didn't want to disappoint his teammates, he put aside the memories that were not good in the first half.

In the second half, start over!

The intermission time is very fast, especially in the case of today’s intermission and "special programs".

In addition to the regular performances during the intermission today, the president of the league, Adam Joke, also appeared in the center of the court in person, blessing every fan who came to watch the game.

"Thank you for your support and wish you all a Merry Christmas. This wonderful game is amazing, I hope there will be a perfect ending in the end."

The joke seems to be in a good mood, I don't know if it has something to do with the Grizzlies being behind.

The joke originally thought that his blessing would usher in the cheers and applause of the fans, but after he finished speaking, he got only endless boos.

The Grizzlies fans are not stupid. They all know that the All-Star voting reform of the joke is aimed at Link.

They also know that the league wants a more noble team to replace the Grizzlies.

Los Angeles, Oakland, Chicago... No matter which, the market size is several times that of Memphis.

Therefore, jokes are not a good fruit in Memphis.

The joke resisted the embarrassment and returned to his seat, but at this time, his face could no longer hold a smile.

The bald head couldn't help but look at the big screen at the scene and check the score.

He really hopes that this gap can be maintained until the end of the game! In this way, he can say Merry Christmas to himself!

The second half started quickly, and Link was gearing up.

Whether Iguodala can hold Josh is only part of the winning plan. The other part depends on whether you can open the score before the rotation time comes.

Link scored 13 points in the first half, not many points, mainly because he put more energy on the team.

6 assists in the half is the biggest return for Link.

In the second half, it was time to refocus on the basket.

In the third quarter, the two sides are still fighting with the starting five tigers, no one took the lead in changing the lineup.

On the first goal of the opening game, Link hit a jumper from the mid-range back and Ariza had a cold back. He always felt that this feeling was a bit familiar...

That was the feeling when Link scored 63 points last time.

After one round, Link made a jump shot from the mid-range and scored 4 points!

Not long after the second half started, the Rockets had only three points left.

McHale was also shocked. Link's 63 points left a shadow in the hearts of every Rocket member. Seeing Link started to score consecutively, they were all too scared.

So, "Refrigerator" turned his head to look at Josh, hoping that Josh would play in the fourth position to help Ariza share some of the pressure.

"Tobias Harris can't kill the game, don't care too much. Actively double-team Link, even if you foul it, you don't hesitate to do it! In short, you can't let him score easily anymore, I heard no!"

"Leave it to me, I'll take care of it." Josh hammered his chest hard, then went to the technical desk to prepare.

At this moment, James Harden successfully touched porcelain again. The game entered a dead-ball state, Josh jumped up and stepped into the court!

"McHale let Josh Smith play early in the third quarter. Now that both Josh and Ariza are on the court, the Rockets have a lineup of one big and four small! I think, coach Kevin McHale's. The intention was obvious. He wanted to increase the defensive strength of the Rockets' wings. After Link scored 4 points in a row, McHale was alarmed."

Josh Smith clapped with his teammates, then looked at Link viciously.

It seems that he is the protagonist of this Christmas Eve.

Link and Josh looked at each other for a few seconds, without shunning the guy's gaze.

Lost the game because of a mere Josh Smith? What a joke!

Mrs. President is here, he must be "returned with full satisfaction"!

Harden made two free throws and narrowly regained the difference to 6 points.

But the whole momentum has now fallen to the Grizzlies.

Link personally took the ball this time for half the time, and he waved his hand to signal Harris to set up a high screen for himself.

The shouts in the Federal Express Arena increased a lot, and all the fans stood up.

Link deliberately forced Josh to defend himself!

Josh quickly completed the shift, and he believed he could handle the 0!

The most powerful thing about Smith is his self-confidence. His "honey self-confidence" even made him dare to call himself a "CIC pretty boy."

This nickname was as funny as Curry suddenly called himself a buckle master one day.

Link, who had already scored 4 points in a row, signaled everyone to pull away. This is a great opportunity to destroy Josh Smith in advance!

Link, who had been approaching slowly, started suddenly, scared Josh back quickly!

But as soon as Link ran near the free throw line, he stopped abruptly. God knows how strong Link's core strength is now, and it will be enough to stop.

Seeing this situation, Josh wanted to stop, but because of inertia he still staggered a few steps back and almost fell!

The audience screamed, and Link shook Josh with a simple gesture!

"Be careful, don't use too much force." Link sprayed trash at Josh with a playful look, and then Link started dribbling with his back near the free throw line.

Josh was a little angry, he didn't want to be played like a clown.

Back attack and back defense, this is Josh's strength!

On the defensive end, Josh's low post defense is actually stronger than the outside defense.

Josh intends to use his strong body to hold Link and prevent Link from pushing in.

As a result, Link pushed back hard, and Josh took a big step back and felt as if his ribs were broken!

He thinks that his ability to fight is invincible in the world, but in fact, his body is not as strong as the Eagles.

Before Josh knew what was going on, Link continued to lean a second time.


Josh heard a muffled noise, a sharp pain in his chest, and took a big step back!

At this point, Link had already reached the three-second zone, and after driving Josh, he easily scored the hook.

McHale was stunned. He didn't expect that this would end in the end!

He thought that Link might pass Josh in one step, and even prepared for the worst-Josh was embarrassed.

But McHale really didn't expect that Link would directly drive Josh to the basket to complete the goal...

Originally, I hoped to use Josh, a muscular man, to cause trouble for Link, but for now, it is Josh who is in trouble.

After the goal, Link made a "hush" gesture to Josh, as if telling him, "You have no right to speak here."

With just one attack, Josh's magical aura seemed to disappear.

In front of Link, all the ghosts, ghosts and snakes were exposed.

Josh was so angry, it was the first time he was scorned by a three-positioner in physical confrontation.

Josh quickly plunged into the offense. He actively screened Harden and actively sought opportunities to cut into the basket.

Finally, after a screen, Josh cut into the basket with Harris hesitating to change defense!

Although Harden is a shooting guard and a scorer, his passing vision is very outstanding.

Harden’s assists per game have exceeded 7 this season, so he clearly saw Josh’s opportunity and delivered the ball in time!

Josh got the basketball and was about to attack the frame, but a black figure stopped in front of him.

It's Link!

Josh and Harden are different. This guy who is obsessed with shooting and scoring doesn't have that broad passing vision.

If Josh chooses to pass the ball to Ariza, who was temporarily emptied by Link, the latter can still get a fleeting shot.

But Josh didn't. He who played smoothly in the first half is now full of confidence. Moreover, he also wanted to let Link taste his own power, a shame!

Josh slammed into Link and took the initiative to confront him, hoping to push Link away and throw his shot.

But the first step of Josh's plan failed. He did reach Link, but Link was like a statue. On the contrary, it was Josh himself who was bounced out of focus.

Josh had to shoot before the center of gravity was lost, and he did.

But that's what Link waited for. He jumped into the air with his extremely fast projectile speed, and with a wave of his arm, like a fly swatter, he flew back Josh's hasty shot!

"Josh Smith found the wrong opponent. He can beat Iguodala, who has recovered from injury, but doesn't mean that he can defeat Link in the same way!"

The corners of the joke's mouth twitched twice. Why doesn't that guy have a B number in his heart?

Strongly beat Link? What are you thinking about! ?

Conley received the basketball that was slapped by Link and quickly re-passed the ball.

And the person who catches the ball is the quick forward Link!

Josh was chasing wildly behind him, hoping to make up for it with a chase.

But Link is not an old-fashioned Carter, and Josh can't catch up with Link at all, let alone chase him.

In the anticipation of the fans, Link made a 360° turn and dunks against the unmarked basket!

The small spinning top spun over the Federal Express Arena, and with this button, the Grizzlies fans’ Christmas Eve is also worthwhile.

Land, straighten your back, put your hands around your chest, smile and face the camera.

Link did not shy away from posing in front of the photographer under the basket.

The appearance of Josh Smith still did not change the fate of the Rockets' striker being blown up.

In the next few minutes Smith experienced the darkest minutes of the game.

Strikes iron, is pretended to be taken, is smashed, is robbed... Link directly gives Josh a "one-stop service", which makes this substitute Titan deep in the mud.

By the eighth minute of the third quarter, Link, who scored 13 points in a single quarter, gave the Grizzlies an 8-point lead!

The Rockets paused, and Josh Smith waited for this moment for too long.

Link is off, and Josh thinks it's finally time for him to be proud!

During the rotation time, he will throw all his anger and unwillingness on Iguodala!

But on the Grizzlies side, Iguodala's mental state has been completely different from the first half.

"Good job Link, leave the rest to me."

Iguodala and Link lightly high-five, and Link has completed his mission. Now, it's his part.

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