Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine hundred and twelve: the beard is about to move

When the game progressed to the fourth quarter, one-third of the stands in the Moda Center were empty.

All Portland fans had been looking forward to a big victory, and expected their losing streak to end.

But now, their wishes have all come to nothing.

On the court, both sides are already playing on the full bench.

There were three minutes left in the game, but the point difference was widened to 25 points. There is no doubt that the game has entered garbage time.

Not only did the Blazers fail to win, they couldn't even offer the fans a close match.

Throughout the game, the Blazers did not have the upper hand even for one minute. After a strong start by the Grizzlies, they seemed to have lost their souls. In the following three quarters, no decent counterattack was organized.

When the Trail Blazers were the closest to an equalizer, they were only 4 points behind.

But under the joint offensive of Link and Randolph, the points difference was quickly opened up.

The Blazers today are equivalent to chasing points from the first second of the game, but they can't catch up no matter how they chase them.

With only three minutes left, the Blazers finally gave up on catching up.

The scene was lifeless, even Trailblazers coach Terry Stotts simply sat on the bench with his legs up.

No one knows what the expressionless Stotts is thinking, but everyone believes that Stotts must be very suspicious of life now.

Yes, the Blazers are now third in the West.

But sometimes, the gap between third and first is so huge.

The on-site camera moved away from Stotts's face and turned to Zach Randolph.

Randolph leaned easily on the back of the chair with a smile on his face, and his cheerful expression contrasted sharply with Stotts.

At the bottom of the TV screen, Randolph's data for tonight was displayed.

7 of 13 shots, the audience efficiently hit a large double-double of 20 points and 15 rebounds.

Below Randolph's data, the director also "closely" put Aldridge's data together for comparison.

With 14 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists and 5 turnovers, his shooting percentage was only 39.6%, which was less than 40%.

Without a doubt, this is definitely one of Aldridge's worst performances of the season.

Even one of them can be removed.

Aldridge was completely deterred facing Randolph who was in good shape.

Throughout the second half, Aldridge didn't make much active shots. He always wondered if Randolph would suddenly interfere, and wonder if Randolph would suddenly cut the ball... He always worried too much and had no choice to face Randolph directly.

Before the game, fans and reporters all expected the advantage of the fourth position, Aldridge did not play out at all.

So from the second half, more shots fell to Damien Lillard.

However, the young Lillard did not make the Blazers much better. Under Conley's steady defense, Lillard instantly became a medieval blacksmith.

Even the on-site staff were worried whether Lillard would knock the basket crooked.

In the game, Lillard made 26 shots, but only hit 9 of them!

36.4%, this is Lillard's shooting percentage today. His high number of shots resulted in a high score of 23 points.

But a high score based on a 36.4% hit rate is of no practical use.

With the exception of Lillard and Aldridge, the Blazers have no players to score in double figures.

Kaman was 2 in 9, Batum was 1 in 6, and C.J. McCollum did not have a mobile phone meeting.

Such a trailblazer naturally has no way to compete with the Grizzlies.

On the bench, Link yawned. He didn't expect this game against the third in the West to be so boring.

He easily scored 25 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists today. Nicholas Batum is no opponent at all.

In a game, if a certain position of a team is completely blown by the opponent, it will undoubtedly cause the whole team to be very passive.

What's more, the Blazers exploded five in one burst today...

"It's all on you, Zach, you are responsible for the cliff-edge ratings of this game. People are watching Aldridge beat you, not you."

Link stretched, he hasn't played for a while.

"I'm so embarrassed to say, I don't think you were very happy just now. Now, we are going to disappoint a bunch of reporters again. What should you do?"

Randolph naturally didn't let Link go. It was not his "fault" that the game was played like this.

Old Carter sitting between Link and Randolph was speechless. If reporters and fans heard the conversation between them, they would have to be furious.

At this moment, the electronic buzzer sound of the end of the game cut through the silent air.

The buzzing sound was like a signal. As soon as it sounded, there was a fierce hiss on the scene.

Although only about two-thirds of the fans are left in the Moda Center at this time, their boos are still deafening.

Link shook his head. He believed that these boos were not for the Grizzlies, but for the Blazers by home fans.

Their performance today is really disappointing.

Aldridge did not play as expected. The Blazers experienced three consecutive losses. The Blazers have lost seven of the last eight duels against the Grizzlies...

All these factors combined make the Trailblazers fans really intolerable.

After the game, Terry Stotts and his players walked back to the locker room quickly, not planning to stay on the scene more.

They took the initiative to give up their home court, allowing the Grizzlies players to celebrate.

It was like a group of deserters who had abandoned the city, very embarrassed.

Link and Randolph naturally became the two most popular with reporters. They had been absent from interviews for a long time, and the reporters were finally able to ask questions that they had been holding back.

"Zach, can you talk about what happened in this game? You controlled Aldridge the entire game. Is this related to Link? Are you fighting him? Or, you want to Prove that you still have value for the team?"

The ESPN reporter asked several questions in one breath, Randolph listened carefully, and then showed white teeth.

"Isn’t it normal that I can control Aldridge? Fight with Link? Why should I fight him? I know, there are some rumors recently. But honestly guys, you can’t just say what others say. What do you believe. Rumor-making is one of the lowest cost things in the world, as long as a dumb enough audience is enough."

Randolph was in a good mood, completely different from the previous few days.

On the other hand, when Link faced the reporter's camera, he even more confessed to his "fact i".

"Contradiction? No, no, it's just a little game between me and Zac. We agreed to spray each other like enemies in the game, and whoever looks first will lose. The result is obvious. We didn't lose. The Blazers lost. ."

Seeing the reporter's incredible expression, Link laughed contentedly.

Surprised? The accident is right! The media always thought they could dominate everything. This time, Link and Randolph undoubtedly taught the media a lesson.

They are only responsible for reporting, and it is the players who really determine the direction of the matter!

After Link and Randolph finished the interview, they walked into the player tunnel with their backs on their shoulders, leaving the reporters stunned and staring at each other.

No Grizzlies were defeated, no Aldridge’s super play, no contradictions, no trades...

What else can they report? Everyone in the report was fooled by Link and Randolph. Did they admit that their IQ was worrying?

Link and Randolph don't care about this. They don't care if the reporter can take the news. Anyway, they managed to take away a victory.

While winning the six-game winning streak, it also gave the Blazers a three-game losing streak, and let all those who watched the Grizzlies squash.

It's a multitude of things On the same day, the Houston Rockets also won at home.

Harden faced the former Thunder, and scored 31 points, 9 rebounds and 10 assists with a 60% shooting rate.

And this is already Harden’s third consecutive game in January with 30+ points!

Throughout January, even though the Grizzlies were winning with Lien Chan. But Link's data does not seem to be as explosive as the previous two months.

Harden, who missed the best of the month in December, was suffocated. He is bound to get the honor of the first month of his career this season.

Therefore, Harden played harder in January, and the numbers are more beautiful.

He still doesn't believe that he will pass this award every time.

The competition for the best player of the Western Conference seems to have become fierce again.

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