Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine hundred and sixteen: the spoiler of a good night

In February, the All-Star game is approaching.

In addition, February is also the most frequent period of mid-NBA transactions.

Isaiah Thomas is one of the protagonists of trading rumors. After playing less than 50 games in the Suns, he once again fell into trading rumors.

This small defender, who is only 1.75 meters tall, burst out with great power at his height today.

"Today, even the fans who have supported the team to trade Thomas are absolutely proud of him. If it weren't for Isaiah's outstanding performance, the Suns may have lost!"

Watching Thomas dribble past the midfield line, the live commentary immediately became excited.

Now, the Suns only need another 3 points to widen the difference to double digits.

Isaiah Thomas is now the person most likely to help the Suns widen the gap.

Mike Conley didn't give Thomas any room for action, he began to tightly contain Thomas two steps away from the three-point line.

Thomas is not in a hurry, he has fully shown his confidence today. He approached slowly, holding Conley with one hand very powerfully.

At the same time, Thomas motioned his teammates with his eyes and called for cover.

Judging from all signs, the Suns' attack still seems to be ended by Thomas Jr.

But Thomas did not go straight to the basket after bypassing the screen, but found P.J. Tucker who was ready at 45° on the right!

Tucker entered the league in the draft in 2006, but after the Raptors played a tepid season, Tucker was quickly waived.

Since then, Tucker has experienced a long wandering career in Europe. It was not until the 12-13 season that he finally returned to the NBA.

As a third position who can defend and shoot long distances, Tucker is undoubtedly very popular in this league today.

Tucker made 38.1% of his three-pointers this season, which is undoubtedly a very outstanding number. Therefore, Jr. Thomas also trusts Tucker very much.

He believes that Tucker can make this critical three-pointer!

Tucker is ready to catch the ball. Link has just bypassed the off-the-ball screen and should not have time to interfere.

As soon as he receives a basketball, Tucker will immediately shoot, leaving Link no time to interfere with his shooting!

Everyone held their breath, and all Suns fans were waiting for the upset to happen. This three-pointer is likely to change the trend of the entire game!

Tucker saw the basketball getting closer and closer, and he became more and more excited. But just when he was about to touch the basketball, a dark shadow suddenly stood in between him and the basketball.

"What!?" Tucker was a little surprised, because there was a big "0" written on the back of this dark shadow.

He just saw that Link was blocked by an off-the-ball screen, and he couldn't come back so soon!

Little Thomas was also taken aback, his pass just now was not made on a whim.

After judgment, he believed that it was not easy to make a mistake when passing to Tucker, and then he passed the ball. With his judgment as a point guard, he also thinks it is impossible for Link to grab the ball.

But in front of Link, nothing is impossible. His speed surpassed everyone's expectations.

"Link intercepted the pass of Isaiah Thomas. This is a valuable defense. He went down quickly! The Suns' defense basically reacted. Link kicked off all the defensive players as soon as he ran across the midfield line. "

After the steal, Link showed his incredible starting speed. From stealing to throwing off the defender, it was done in one go.

As soon as the voice of the live commentator fell, the basket made a loud noise.

After a steal, Link dunked one-handedly and threw the basketball into the frame.

This deduction was so heavy that it seemed to have suppressed the audience, and the American Airlines Center instantly quieted down.

The commentator just said sarcastically that it was time for the best player of the month to be tested, and as a result, Link came to steal a series of dunks.

The narrator even wondered if Link heard what he said.

Could it be that Link is going to stage a single-handed rescue game again?

"Can't let them succeed, continue to suppress them!" Suns coach Jeff Hornacek yelled to Thomas from the sidelines.

Thomas shook his head. He had asked Hornacek about trading rumors a few days ago. Hornacek bluntly stated that the Sun Summer will introduce him because of a mistake in decision-making, so he is now anxious to send him away.

But now, Hornacek put all his hopes on this player who joined the team because of a decision error.

It's ironic.

But Thomas doesn't account for these, he just wants to prove his worth with victory.

Thomas Jr. approached the Grizzlies halftime again, and this time, he didn't dare to pass the ball. Especially, the matchup that didn't dare to pass to Link.

Thomas very cautiously passed the ball to Bledsoe and then turned to an offensive offense.

The Suns' goal is still very clear-three-pointers!

With time running out, as long as the Suns can score another three-pointer, the game is basically stable.

Moreover, it is not a simple matter to attack the Grizzlies inside.

Because the Suns’ guards used to score too many goals by breaking through, the Grizzlies’ protection against the basket is now very tight, almost seamless.

Rather than breaking through hard, the three-pointer may be a better choice.

Although Thomas is the number one, although he needs to hold the ball to play his full strength. But his offensive ability off the ball is not bad, and occasional use can still have a miraculous effect.

After a series of off-the-ball screens and Thomas's excellent running skills this time, he quickly got a shot.

Bledsoe broke through and delivered the ball to Thomas in time, and the latter shot immediately!

Fans at the American Airlines Center are staring at the basketball with expectation. If this goal is scored, the Grizzlies will be 8 points behind!

With less than a minute or so left in the game, a lead of 8 points is enough for the Suns to embrace the final victory.

But unfortunately, Isaiah Thomas’s three-pointer disappointed everyone.

He has shot 39.1% from three-pointers this season, close to 40%. But the key ball can be very different from ordinary shots.

Everyone covered their heads, Thomas did not enter, not only means that the sun lost the opportunity to kill the game.

This even indicates that the Grizzlies have a chance to narrow the points difference!

Randolph accepted his ninth rebound of the game, and Link immediately stepped forward to take it. He must personally control the ball for half the time!

After Link got the basketball, P.J. Tucker immediately blocked it. But Tucker didn't dare to get too close. He knew that if he pressed Link tightly, he would definitely be dizzy by Link's smooth dribble.

Tucker backed all the way, his only role at this time was to make Link unable to rush.

Tucker will press close after Link reaches near the three-point line.

As a result, Link suddenly made a jumper while he was one step away from the three-point line!

Link saw Tucker put himself a distance, and felt that this was an opportunity, so he shot directly.

Last summer, Link spent a lot of time polishing his long shot ability after the dribble.

He learned this trick, hoping to score as much as Curry did from outside the three-point line,

Now, although Link is not as perverted as Curry, he is definitely a three-point killer.

When Tucker reacted to the interference, Link had calmly finished the shot.

And this difficult long-range three-pointer, but got a completely different result from just now.

Thomas's three-pointer just hit the box, but Link's three-pointer jumped directly into the net, leaving only a white splash on the basket.

Link raised his right arm high, then put his palm to his ear.

This celebration action is very similar to Iverson's "listening" action, but the meaning is completely different.

Iverson wanted to hear the cheers, and Link meant, "Why are you silent? Wasn't it quite lively just now?"

This is the difference between superstars and ordinary This is the value of key ball ability!

A goal that Thomas couldn't score, Link scored easily!

"Link actually made it! God, how could this be possible!?" The local commentator covered his head, one steal, one three-pointer, and the sun was only 2 points ahead of the Grizzlies in an instant!

Thomas panted. He thought it would be a night to prove himself.

But now, this originally beautiful night ushered in a spoiler.

Now the game is over with only 30 seconds left. If the Sun can no longer grasp this attack, it will be very dangerous.

Jeff Hornacek immediately used the last timeout in his hand and nervously arranged the tactics for the final attack.

The quality of the best player in the Western Conference in January is far better than everyone thought!

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