Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine hundred and twenty-seven: Belonging to your own family

     As the sole host of NBA2KTV, Rachel will naturally not miss the All-Star Game.

   She wants to bring live experience coverage of the All-Star game to all NBA2K game players, and also needs to prepare materials for the special program of the All-Star Weekend.

   For Rachel, this is destined to be a very busy weekend. She originally had to go to the next day to familiarize herself with the issue of interviewing the major stars tonight, but at this time, Rachel was not thinking about work at all.

   "I really envy their family of four, so happy." Rachel took Link's arm. The two have now finished their meal with the Kobe family and are walking in the small garden of the hotel.

   Although the temperature in New York in February is very low, most people don't want to wander the streets at this time.

   But for Link and Rachel, who rarely have time to get together, they feel very warm at this time.

"Yes, Kobe's family is very happy. Two lovely daughters, a wife who loves her... By the way, it is said that they are still going to have children. It is a lively family. In this way, Kobe can also An Xin retired."

   Link looked at the night sky of New York with a mixed mood.

   Although it is not the first time I have experienced it, Link still felt unbelievable when he heard Kobe talking about his retirement plan at the dinner table.

   He hasn't forgotten the situation when Kobe called himself to practice in the early morning when he first participated in the All-Star.

   He hasn't forgotten his duel with Kobe on the court.

   did not forget the sweat they sweat in the training hall every summer.

   And now, the guy who has been with him for several years suddenly says he wants to leave...

   Link really found it hard to accept.

   When Kobe retired, Link was just a fan and Kobe was just an idol.

   But now, Kobe is an important part of Link's life, a living person beside him.

   This makes Link even more reluctant to leave Kobe.

   Although Kobe just said that he has not decided when to retire, but Link knows that it is not far away.

   If nothing else, next season will be Kobe’s last season...

   Link skimmed aside, without thinking any more. Unconsciously, he has also spent so long in the league.

   "You also think they are very happy, then, do you want to have a happy family of your own?" Rachel said, the hand holding Link's arm harder.

   Link looked at Rachel in surprise. Speaking of which, they have been together for a long time...

  From the unnamed people to all over the United States, they all walked together.

   I belong to my own happy family...Is it impossible...

"Hey, go back soon, it's late. I have to go back to my room too. I will get busy tomorrow when I start work." Rachel smiled, interrupted Link who was about to speak, and then let go Open your hands.

   The two actually lived in the same hotel, but for the convenience of work, they did not live in the same room.

   "Well...Tomorrow, put on more clothes."

   "Don't worry, there is air conditioning in the studio, it won't be cold. Thank you for taking me to the dinner tonight, Link, I am very happy tonight."

   After speaking, the two said goodbye to each other in the small garden inside the hotel.

  Looking at the figure of Rachel going away, Link scratched his head in confusion.

   a happy family...?


   "You idiot, of course she wants you to propose to her, to marry her! Is it possible for a girl to take the initiative in such a thing?"

   Gasol looked at Link like an idiot.

   After Link returned to the room, he chatted with Gasol about the "inexplicable" words Rachel just said.

   As a married man, Gasol immediately understood Rachel's meaning. At the same time, he also marveled at Link's dullness.

   Link, this guy is extremely smart on the basketball court, but silly in the relationship between men and women.

   "Propose?" Link was taken aback, "Is it so serious?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would a girl suddenly tell you about family or something. Now, she definitely wants to form a happy family like Kobe with you! Speaking of which, it's not a day or two for you and Rachel. The age to get married."

   "In that case, why did she leave suddenly just now?"

"Because she was not actually prepared, by the way, she also gave you some time to prepare. I have to say, Rachel is really a good girl, she will think about you. You, don't just think about it all day Playing basketball. If it weren't for my analysis, you would still be in the dark." Gasol patted his chest and raised his head proudly.

   "Damn, you haven't been married for a few years. Don't be too experienced. But, start a family..."

   Link curled his lips. Link has no idea about the word family.

Before    crossed over, his family was fragmented. Now, although he has a complete family, he has a pair of responsible parents. But Link only thanked them, not affection in the actual sense.

   What does family mean to Link? It means Upshaw’s sofa, the changing room full of noise in the Federal Express Arena, and the difficulties he and his teammates face time and time again.

   For so many years, Link has always regarded his friends, teammates and team as family.

   But Link knows that a family that really belongs to him is very different from these.

  He really has no experience in this area.

   How can someone who has never really experienced the word "family" start a family?

"Well, don't put so much pressure on yourself. Of course, don't let Rachel wait too long. Many people think that starting a family will restrain their hands and feet. But I think that after starting a family, I will be more... ...How do you say it? More mature? More responsible? I don't know how to explain. After all, after forming my own family, I feel that my life has become better."

   Gasol tilted his head. Spaniards rarely talk about their family with others.

"Sometimes, it feels like the time is Life is not like playing a game, you can’t wait for everything to be ready before you play. In life, is there a time when everything is ready? But you too Don’t worry, you can wait for this summer. When everything is over for this season, you can slowly think about it. At that time, both of you should be ready."

   Seeing Gasol's serious expression, Link couldn't help laughing.

   Unexpectedly, Gasol still has this "function".

   "Okay, let's not discuss this, see if you can get it." Link waved his hand and lay down on the bed.

"Hey, let's not talk about this. By the way, where are we going to play tomorrow night. Don't tell me, you have to date Rachel tomorrow, and Rachel will be busy working on the rookie game tomorrow, you Can't date her."

   "I won't go anywhere tomorrow night and rest in the hotel." Link waved his hand.

   "Resting in the hotel? God, I have to call the FBI, you must have been kidnapped by aliens!"

   "Don't make trouble, this year's All-Star Game, I have a mission! This time, I have to do a big job."

   Link looked at the ceiling and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

   Kobe said the All-Star Game MVP? Anyway, I took it and didn't say the loss!



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