Reverse Growth Superstar

: 939: The temperament of this team

   Link opened the door and walked into the locker room, silent inside.

   Everyone has their heads lowered, and the proud Grizzlies has completely lost the glory of being a winner in the past.

   The locker room was terribly quiet, and even the players' gasps could be heard clearly.

   21 points behind halftime, this is indeed a rare dilemma for the Grizzlies.

   In the past, they suppressed their opponents, and they led people's noses. Even if they lose, most of them are losing.

   But today, the Grizzlies were killed without leaving a piece of armor.

   Everyone was stunned. The Grizzlies hadn't encountered such a powerful opponent for a long time.

   Klay Thompson's goals in the second quarter that ignored the defense also left a great shadow on the Grizzlies players.

   When a player performs that kind of performance, it is difficult for you to convince yourself to beat him.

  14 of 17 in halftime, 7 of 8 from three points, 37 points in halftime...

   Klay Thompson's performance is difficult to play even when playing games.

   However, reality is often more magical than games.

   Link looked at everyone, said nothing, first walked in and closed the locker room door.

  He walked to his cabinet, very calm.

   Just when everyone thought Link was beaten to speechlessness, he punched the locker hard!


   The sound was like a bomb, awakening everyone suddenly.

   "Hey, we were **** by the fat, don't you want to fight back? Or just go home and find mom like this?"

   Link didn't yell, his tone of voice was very calm.

   Just saying this, Link sat down and began to receive a massage from a physical therapist.

   Everyone slowly lifted their heads, even Jimmy Butler, who was completely beaten and autistic, gradually straightened his spine.

"Anyway, I won't admit defeat. We have never known what surrendering all the way here. The Golden State Warriors are clamoring to end our era. Fuck, they just arrived and want to ride on us. Will you? Just watch the Warriors climb up like this?"

   Link continued to say this, the entire locker room now only has his voice.

   "We don't want to..." the Grizzlies players answered sparsely.

   "In the second half, I will launch a counterattack. The Warriors can't punch me and go out unharmed. What about you? Who wants to counterattack with me in the second half?"

   "We are willing!" This time, the voices of other people's answers became louder.

   "Jimmy, did Klay Thompson's 37 points at halftime scared you?" Link turned his gun and looked at the day.

   "Fear of a fart, I have never been afraid of being abused by you on the training ground!" Butler grinned, like a wild dog that had been hungry for three days and three nights.

"Very well, it seems that you are all the same as me. You don't want to be bullied like this. We are wearing dark blue away jerseys today. Our color makes the enemy scared. We are the worst villain in the league. We specialize in stifling the enemy’s beautiful fantasies!"

   "The Oaklanders thought they were going to win, look at their cheering at halftime! If we can destroy all this wonderful thing, believe me, it should be fun!"

   Link's volume gradually increased, and the Grizzlies players also geared up.

   has always been a big villain bullying others, there is no reason to be bullied!

   After Link finished speaking, he glanced at Georgel and signaled that he could deploy tactics.

   Georgel strikes while the iron is hot, picks up the marker pen and walks on the tactical whiteboard.

   Quinn Snyder smiled and shook his head. In Link's team, being a coach is a lot easier...

   Just now, he and Georgel were still thinking about how to reinvigorate the players' fighting spirit.

   But in fact, they don’t have to think about it so much.

   Link will always get everything done!

   The intermission time was very short. More than ten minutes later, the smell of gunpowder filled the Oracle Arena.

   Warriors fans can’t wait to see how the Grizzlies continue to be slaughtered. They think that the defending champion will be full of fear and dejected after he re-appears.

   can see the Golden State Warriors put the league ruler at their feet, this is undoubtedly what all Warriors fans are thinking about.

   But when the Grizzlies players reappeared on the court with serious expressions and unimaginable fighting spirit, everyone on the scene was a little surprised.

   Panic, anxiety, downcast, overwhelmed... None of these emotions appeared on the Grizzlies players.

   They are just as usual, with a determined expression, ready to fight their opponents to the end.

   The bravery of the Grizzlies players made the Warriors fans feel terrified.

   Those guys... don’t you know how much they are behind? Don't you know what Thompson did in the first half?

   Still, for them to be 21 points behind, are they still comfortable?

   "The Memphis Grizzlies are bluffing!" Mark Jackson interpreted it this way. He doesn't believe that anyone can be indifferent in the face of Thompson's superb performance and the 21-point halftime gap.

"They are concealing their fears, but it will not work. When the Warriors widen the point difference to 30 points, they will show up. There is no doubt that the point difference will be before the end of the third quarter. Was expanded to 30 points!"

  Mark Jackson is cheering the Warriors fans, and at the same time, cheering himself.

   Now, I don’t know who is the one to hide my fear...

   "Look, Link and the Grizzlies were not affected at all." Kobe was not surprised when he saw the mental state of the Grizzlies.

   The Grizzlies have been able to hold the No. 1 ranking in the Western Conference this year despite injuries. Their perseverance and determination have been tested.

   If the Grizzlies really gave up so easily, they would have been surpassed by the Warriors.

   The reason why the Warriors are still struggling to beat the Grizzlies is because the Grizzlies have always maintained their position with amazing determination and perseverance?

   What's more, the Grizzlies also have the leader Link.

   The temperament of a team is likely to resemble the temperament of the team leader.

   People have always thought that it was the Grizzlies' villainous temperament that influenced Link, but in fact, it was Link's temperament that influenced the Grizzlies.

   Link is someone who won't give up in the last breath of a fight, and so is his team.

   "I'm optimistic about Jaina, today, Link will show you what real competitive sports is." Bryant smiled and touched his daughter's head. She was very visionary and fell in love with an idol worthy of worship.

   The show is on!

   The game restarted, and Link took the ball through halftime without a hassle.

   Draymond Green pressed on immediately, his face full of disdain.

   "Scare anyone? It's useless for you to have a horse face. Can you win the game with a horse face? That way, Leonard won't lose to you last year!"

   Green has become more rampant, he will not let go of any opportunity to humiliate his opponent.

   In the face of Green's stormy trash talk offensive, Link still kept his face on his feet, without revealing any emotions.

   He stared into Green's eyes and said lightly, "You shouldn't ask, you should ask why I am better than you, and not why I am struggling."

  Link finished speaking, and dashed forward.

   Just now, he was not just talking trash talking with Green, but was always preparing for the breakthrough.

   Green roughly tried to stop Link by dashing, but he was the first to be pushed hard by someone.

   Green looked up, and Marc Gasol relentlessly blocked his way.

   The Spaniard is like a solid brick wall, still motionless after being violently hit by Green!

   The hardness of the Grizzlies is not only on Link!

   Green was blocked, and Bogut had to make up his defense.

   Australians are not afraid of Link. He has a hundred ways to bring Link down.

   But Bogut was just about to change defense, when Link hit him!

   The speed of the No. 0 forward is beyond Bogut's imagination.

In a daze, Link raised the basketball with one hand and leaped in front of Bogut.

   His take-off height gave Bogut a huge sense of oppression.

   Bogut felt as if he was being held down by a big rock, his chest suddenly out of Both feet seemed weak.

   This terrible height scared Bogut!

   The Australian can only reflexively raise his arms high, but this poses no threat to Link.

   I saw Link slammed into Bogut, and the Australian center of the Warriors rounded his arm and slammed the ball into the basket!

   At the same time, the giant guarding the basket was knocked directly to the ground by Link.

   Link's one-handed slam dunk and Bogut crashed to the ground made this dunk full of destructive power.

   The lively Oracle Arena suddenly became quiet, and everyone was stunned by this brutal dunk!

   Link landed and gave Bogut on the ground a vicious look. When the fake villain of the fox and the fake tiger meets the cruel and true villain, Bogut dare not even breathe!

   Then, Link turned around again and showed off his biceps at Green. He is telling Green that the picture just now will never be the last time today.

   Finally, Link pointed to Klay Thompson. Warn him, don't want to take the victory from your own hands!

  On the creation of miracles, Link is not aimed at anyone, everyone here is rubbish!

   "This dunk dunk is very exciting, Bogut's defense is useless in front of Link... But it doesn't matter, the Warriors are still 19 points ahead! And, they are about to fight back!"

  Mark Jackson tried his best to put on a confident tone, but he didn't know that his voice was trembling...

   Link officially announced that he will start to take over the game.



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