Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine Hundred and Forty-Four: Stepping Through the Bloody Corpse

   Link drifted from the right side of the mid-range to make a jumper and made the final blow on the head of Green with a look of horror.

   The basketball fell into the net almost at the same time as the backboard glowed red.

   After the time passed, there was a dead silence in the Oracle Arena.

   People stared at the swaying Nets in a daze, and couldn't believe what happened before them.

   On the big screen, the score became 113 to 111, with the away team in front and the home team behind.

   This is the first time the Grizzlies have taken the lead in this game, and their score surpassed the Warriors for the first time.

   And it was the only lead that allowed them to win the game!

   After seeing the basketball hit the net, Link raised his right arm, compared a finger, compared the number "one."

   One, Link killed the Golden State Warriors with the last ball.

   One, the Grizzlies are united, overcoming difficulties and filling in the hole.

   Of course, this one also means the first place in the West.

   Link’s shot not only allowed the Grizzlies to win the game, but also completely broke the Warriors’ dream of winning the first place in the Western Conference.

   After this game, the Grizzlies lead the Warriors by two wins. In the regular season, only the last game is left.

  In other words, even if the Grizzlies lose the last game and the Warriors win the last game, they are still behind the Grizzlies!

   66 wins, second in the West...This is definitely a shame.

  People say that the second place is the number one loser. What's more, it is still a second place with an outstanding record.

  The Grizzlies players rushed up after Link completed the lore, and surrounded Link.

   Although Link was "overwhelmed" by his teammates, his raised arm never let go.

   First in the West, this is Link's capital to show off. Of course, this will also make Warriors players and fans heartbroken.

  He wants this "one" to stand on top of the Oracle Arena forever!

  Beside the Grizzlies players who were hugging each other excitedly, Draymond Green covered his head with his hands. He couldn't believe that he actually let Link complete the lore.

   is not just a lore, Link's 53 points in a single game today also made Green's face disgraced.

  People say that Green will become one of the best defensive players of this era. But in a single game, he scored 53 points for his matchup. The most crucial last minute was to let his matchup score 11 points and finally kill the game. This is not the performance of a good defensive player.

   Now, Green’s mind is full of what Link said, "You should ask, why am I better than you, better than you, better than you..."

   Klay Thompson looked at the big screen blankly, his hands on his hips, his face blank.

   He could not accept the result of this game.

   37 points in the half, 6 three-pointers in the second quarter, 49 points in the audience!

   Klay Thompson's performance today is absolutely one of the best performances of his career. He once gave the Warriors a 21-point lead at halftime, and his personal scoring was far ahead, more than anyone on the court.

  In the past, as long as Thompson can show such a performance, the Warriors can basically solve their opponents in three quarters, without exception!

   But today, Link undoubtedly taught Klay Thompson a good lesson.

   Thompson met for the first time an opponent who couldn't beat even if he played this way, which made him suffer.

   He has reached the limit, but still can't win, still can't surpass Link.

   This sense of frustration instantly occupied Thompson's heart.

   Stephen Curry spit out the braces and held it in his mouth, the smile of the sun disappeared from his face.

   Before the game, his joy and excitement when shooting in the player channel is in stark contrast to the current bleak atmosphere.

   The "elementary student" scored only 18 points in the game today. He was limited by Link to get a chance. Most of the team's points came from Thompson.

   This season, Curry, who performed amazingly, has been suppressed by Link more than once. It can be said that Link is the only player in the league that Curry has not beaten.

   Every time I meet Link, Curry’s magical halo disappears.

   Today, watching Link fight back in the second half, Curry couldn't do anything. This kind of powerlessness made Curry very depressed.

   He realized that he was not yet a successful leader, a true superstar.

  Mark Jackson completely slumped in the chair. A minute ago, as the Warriors’ former coach, he was very certain that the Warriors would win today.

   But now, the final result of the game is quite different from what Mark Jackson expected.

  Mark Jackson fell into self-doubt. He really couldn't figure out how Link persisted when the Warriors had done so perfect in all aspects.

   Finally, Mark Jackson wanted to understand one thing.

   It is the players themselves who always control the game!

   No matter how good the plan is, no matter how perfect the situation is, those are just external factors.

   It is the players who can really influence the outcome of the game.

  Mark Jackson sighed, as if he had also found the reason why he was replaced by Cole.

  From the fans to the commentators to the players, everyone in the Warriors was shut down by Link's last shot.

   Leading 21 points and being reversed, this kind of thing is uncomfortable for anyone. What's more, they also lost the opportunity to compete for the first place in the west.

   The reporter waited on the court for a long time before the Grizzlies players were finally willing to release Link from their arms.

   But before Link could catch his breath, he was entangled by the reporter again.

"Link, this is undoubtedly a great game! 53 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists, 21 points reversal, 1.8 seconds lore! 11 points in a minute, and an incredible steal... .. Can you talk about your current mood? How do you feel?"

   The reporter raised the topic excitedly and brought it to Link's mouth.

   Link panted heavily, his chest heaving violently. But his expression was very calm, as if this was a plain victory.

"It doesn't feel much, because I said it a long time ago, I will step on their **** corpses. This is the result I expected. I just completed my plan and nothing more." Link finished, shrugging. Shrugged, then walked to the sidelines.

   Under such a wonderful performance, Link's self-confidence, calmness and calmness make people shudder.

   As if he could perform such a performance at any time...

   Link didn't think so much, he was busy interacting with his two "special fans" at this time.


   At the press conference after the game, the media reception room of Oracle Arena was noisy.

   "Coach, where do you think the Warriors lost today?"

   "Steve, how are you feeling now? How are the Warriors players?"

   "If you run into the Grizzlies in the playoffs, can you win?"

   "Are the Grizzlies really invincible? Why didn't the Warriors persist to the end?"

   The reporters are completely out of twittering non-stop.

   Cole, with messy hair, sat on the stage, watching the noisy scene below, and said nothing.

   Cole himself was actually hit hard. He and his players worked hard for a whole year and broke the best record in team history.

The results of it? They are just ridiculous second place!

   is like today, they were far ahead, everyone thought they would defeat the alliance overlord and stand on top of the world.

The results of it? They are still losers.

   This kind of frustration, which is only one step away from success, is incomparable to any other failure.

   And all this is because of the 0 number.

   Cole then approached the microphone and coughed twice.

   The venue was quiet for a moment, everyone was staring at Cole, waiting for his speech.

   "We lost. In today's game, we were always brainless to feed Thompson. This caused a lot of mistakes, which resulted in us not leading by 30 points."

   Having said this, Colton paused, then shook his head helplessly.

"We could have solved this problem, but we proudly believed that everything was under control. As a result, as you all saw, we were punished by our own arrogance. It turns out that the 21-point gap is in front of Link, which is a fart!"

   After speaking, Cole turned and left the media reception room.

   He said everything he wanted to say, and he thought he did not lose to the Grizzlies.

   But for Link, he felt that he was defeated so well...



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