Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine hundred and seventy-two: the old fighter

     There are 3 minutes left in the first quarter. For the Warriors, 3 minutes to chase 7 points, which is more than enough.

   After the three-pointer has become popular in the league, those previously thought to be huge points are not worth mentioning now.

   In the past few years, when the Lakers and Celtics played in the Finals, the score in the game was often over 80 to over 70. But now? You rarely see a game where both sides did not score more than 100 points.

   Defensively, not easy to score, is a portrayal of the game at that time.

   In such a rhythm, once one side is seven or eight points behind, they will appear very passive.

   But now, because the three-pointer has been thoroughly developed, even if one side is more than ten points behind in the game, sometimes it is not a problem at all.

   After all, more than ten points is something that can be recovered with a few three-pointers.

   Therefore, the 7-point gap is not worth mentioning for the Warriors. What's more, they still have the advantage of the lineup on the court.

   After the timeout was over and the players from both sides returned, both teams carried out personnel rotation.

   The Warriors just replaced Curry with Barbosa and Speights for Green. Livingston, Thompson and Barnes will continue to be there for the time being, and the remaining two main players will come back for them after a one or two minutes rest.

   take turns to rest, this is Cole’s 7-person rotation strategy.

   On the Grizzlies side, the number of rotations is much larger than that of the Warriors.

   Delavidova replaces Conley, Iguodala replaces Tony Allen, Carter replaces Link, and Gasol replaces Harris. Of the five starting five, there is only the most resistant Jimmy Butler.

   Cole is full of confidence. In his opinion, the most threatening point of the Grizzlies' second team is Gasol.

   But no matter how good Gasol is, he can only go in for two points and two points in the three-second zone. This kind of offense cannot contain the Warriors!

   3 points are one point more than 2 points. This is something even elementary school students can count.

   As for the outside of the Grizzlies lineup... Delavidova, Iguodala and Butler's three-pointers are not reliable.

   There is only one old Carter who has the right head, but Cole doesn't think that an old man who is nearly 40 years old can play a big role in this game.

   This lineup, Cole thinks he is set!

   The game restarted, and everyone thought the Warriors had the upper hand. So, the live camera also gave Link a close-up shot.

   But Link in the camera is not anxious, he rests his head on his hands easily, with an expression of "Waiting for a good show".

   If it were someone else, Mike Brin would definitely tease this guy for being overconfident.

   But Link made such an expression... Mike Brin thought that perhaps the Warriors should be careful.

   The Warriors scored in their first offense after coming back from a timeout, and things seemed to be going very smoothly.

   Thompson stabbed forward tentatively after displacing him in front of Delavidova, then quickly withdrew his jumper.

   Delavidova ate, he thought Thompson was going to break through, so he took two steps back. But he had just retreated, and Thompson retreated to a decisive jumper outside the three-point line.

   In this way, the Australians' blockade was slow. And this half a beat is more than enough for Thompson.

   Hollow three-pointer into the net. From the beginning of this game until now, the Warriors have not scored so comfortably.

   Cole shook his fist excitedly, thinking that he had expected it right. Rotating time, the Warriors can change everything!

   The shouts of the fans came from the Oracle Arena. After a three-pointer, there were only 4 points left in an instant.

   Now, what Warriors fans are eager for is not just to tie the score, but to go ahead.

   They believe that as long as the Grizzlies can stabilize the strong attack in the first quarter, the rhythm will slowly return to the rhythm of the Warriors.

   Old Carter glanced at the score on the big screen with a serious expression.

   He said, he will keep the point difference for Link!

   After the Grizzlies attacked, the Warriors put their defensive focus on Gasol and Butler.

   Carter could clearly see that Thompson was a little absent-minded when defending himself. That guy is always thinking about how to help defend, but he is not thinking about how to defend the player in front of him.

   Gasol mentioned receiving the ball from the high post, then turned his back to the frame. Speights and the rest of the Warriors became nervous instantly. No one noticed that Carter had already borrowed Iguodala's off-the-ball screen and sneaked to the right outside the three-point line.

   Gasol jerked inward, making the appearance that he wanted to force Speights.

   Speights can't withstand the impact of Gasol, not everyone is like Draymond Green, who can be big and small.

  In an instant, the Warriors' defense line contracted nervously. Gasol then saw the timing and pushed hard with one hand to deliver the ball to Carter who was ambushing beyond the three-point line.

   Thompson stepped forward to block, but he could see that his blockade was not very positive. For Carter, an old man who averaged less than 5.8 points per game this season, Thompson was unable to boost his energy.

   He thinks that he only needs to scare Carter a little bit to make this old guy lose his sight.

   However, facing Thompson who raised his hand towards him, Carter didn't even blink his eyes.

   He stared at the basket, watching the orange iron ring and the slightly swaying net.

   17 years of professional career, he was called one of the Big Four shooting guards, but never played in the finals...

   Carter is not reconciled, he doesn't want his career to end like this.

   When he was young, he could not lead the team to touch honor alone.

   But now, he is fighting side by side with the league's greatest star. He hopes to challenge his destiny again with a completely different role and identity!

   And this time, he firmly believes that he can defeat fate!

   Old Carter freezes in the air for a second, then calmly shot.

  His shooting is as smooth as it was ten years ago. People only remember his flying performance, but they always ignore the fact that he is a three-point killer.

   The basketball crosses Thompson's palm, with a high arc. Carter's shooting arc has always been very high, because this kind of shooting makes it easier to hollow into the net!

   "Vince Carter made a shot, he seemed to want to return Thompson, but..."

   Before Mike Brin could say the second half of the sentence, the basketball went straight into the net and entered the net!

   Vince Carter made a three-pointer, and he paid the price for Thompson's slack!

   Mike Brin just wanted to say "But it's not easy for Carter to score goals in front of young people", but fortunately, he didn't say anything. Otherwise, it will be really embarrassing.

   After the goal, Carter pointed to Link on the bench, then hammered his chest several times.

   Link stood up excitedly and raised his right arm, drew three fingers in response.

   Mike Brin smiled, yeah, a veteran like Carter may not be able to perform well in the regular season.

   But in the playoffs, in this critical battle.

  You can never underestimate the combat effectiveness of such a person!

   The point difference changed back to 7 points, and Cole felt that he was just about to climb the cliff when he was kicked by the Grizzlies again.

   But even so, most Warriors players and live fans still didn't take Carter seriously.

   Carter did make a good shot just now, but he can't resist the Warriors' counterattacks on his own.

   The Warriors attacked for the second time. This time, Livingston tried to break Carter to the basket and score.

  Although Livingston has also experienced major injuries, but in terms of athletic ability, he is still better than the elderly Carter.

   Seeing this, Speights pulled Gasol beyond the three-point line. As long as Livingston can break Carter, he can score easily at the basket!

   Livingston did indeed. He successfully shook Carter away with a quick change of direction and hit the basket.

   But Carter quickly chased him back, sticking around Livingston all the way, between him and the basket.

   So, Livingston suddenly stopped after breaking through to the basket, and then raised the basketball, trying to use this fake shot to fly Carter.

   However, Carter stomped on the wooden floor like a root on the bottom of his feet! When Livingston shook, he didn't jump. When Livingston really made his second shot, Carter jumped up in time and followed suit!


   Livingston’s layup was blocked by Carter, and the Warriors’ offense seemed to be at a dead end again.

"Beautiful block. Although Carter can't jump high, he can still complete the defense with his excellent judgment. Livingston had better not use these crooked brains in front of Carter. These little tricks of his were all used by Carter back then. The rest!"

   While talking, the Grizzlies' counterattack has been pushed up.

   Delavidova had just dribbled the ball beyond the three-point line when Carter raised his hand and yelled at himself.

   The Australian did not hesitate and immediately divided the ball to Carter who cut from the side.

   Carter's sudden acceleration made Thompson a little unprepared. When he wanted to block, Carter had already received the basketball and went to the basket.

   Seeing Carter break through that momentum, Link couldn't help standing up. That guy, is it possible to...

   Thompson followed Carter, UU read www.uukanshu. com only saw Carter hit the penalty area with his legs hard, his arms raised the basketball, his whole body soaring towards the basket.

   Carter gritted his teeth, watching the basket get closer and closer to him, he felt that his body instantly became lighter.

   Well, it's been a long time, I haven't breathed the air above...


   Carter dunks with both hands, and the basket sank a few centimeters under his pull!

   An old trapeze who is nearly 40 years old is still gliding above the alliance!

   let go, landed, the basket creaked.

   Carter glared at Thompson ferociously, then turned back to defend.

   Cole on the sidelines was stunned. He didn't expect Carter to stage a dunk shot. Thompson was also stunned. Watching Carter close up to complete the dunk, he couldn't believe that he was facing an old player who was nearly 40 years old.

   His fighting spirit, his level and his desire for victory are no less than any young player on the field!

   After Carter returned to his own half, opened his arms and waited for the Warriors to attack again.

  Before Link reappears, he will protect him to the death!



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