Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine hundred and seventy-eight: The theoretical approach

     Link has two fatal defenses in a row at critical moments, Carter completes the lore, the Grizzlies survived the Oracle Arena, the series total score becomes 2-1, the defending champion regains the advantage...

   On the surface, the Grizzlies’ night was perfect. All Memphis fans are also silent in the joy after the victory.

   They shouted for Link, while Carter sang loudly and applauded Georgel's bold decision at critical moments.

   But as the head coach of the Grizzlies, Dave Georgel is worried at this time.

   As soon as the game was over, Link and Moon went to the local hospital in Oakland. Georgel also rushed over immediately after attending the press conference.

   At this time, he and Link are outside the doctor's office, waiting for the results of the physical examination.

   Link's grinning expression on his chest will always appear in front of him from time to time.

   Working with Link for so many years, Georgel knows Link’s character. That guy can achieve such a big success, not only because of his outstanding personal ability.

  Because Link's tenacity and will are unparalleled!

   This trait makes Link not afraid when facing any difficulties, so that he will almost never be knocked down.

   Over time, the entire Grizzlies team was also infected by Link's traits.

   In Georgel's view, this is the reason why the Grizzlies, a small city team, can hit three consecutive championships.

   Their configuration is not the best in the league, their number of superstars is not the most in the league, and even their boss is not the richest in the league.

   But their tenacity and determination far surpassed the other 29 teams.

   Therefore, Link generally does not grin because of a little pain.

   Although Link has not suffered any major injuries in his career so far, there are still some small bumps. There was no injury, causing Link to frown.

   He can always get up the first time after a fall, and he can always grit his teeth in a fierce confrontation.

   Under normal circumstances, Link would not show his painful side, he would not allow himself to do that.

  Unless he is enduring pain that is unimaginable by ordinary people!

   Just as Georgel was thinking about it, Moon walked out of the doctor's office with the film Link just made.

  Moon’s expression is very serious. This middle-aged man usually smiles and is very friendly. Therefore, the relationship with the players is also very good.

   It is rare to hear of any team whose players and the chief team doctor can blend together, but Moon is an example.

   Therefore, when this friendly man becomes serious, it means that the situation is very bad, very very bad.

   "How?" Georgel leaned forward, caring more about the results of the examination than Link himself.

   Mu En did not respond immediately, but stared at Link, then shook his head, "Tell me, how the **** did you do it!? Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

   "What's the matter?" Link looked dazed, what did he do?

"Let's take a look, have you seen this film? Here, there is an obvious crack! Non-displaced fracture of the first costal cartilage, fracture! God, how on earth did you persist in playing the entire game!" Moon is in the light He held up the film and looked at Link in surprise.

  As a sports medicine expert, he has never seen such a case!

   A player may be able to finish the game with a dislocation, a sprain, or an open wound. But after a fracture, he insisted on playing the whole game, he really hadn't seen it!

  Moon has not experienced a rib fracture, but he also experienced a calf fracture on the football field when he was young.

  Moon was just rolling on the ground in pain. At that time, he couldn't stand up at all, let alone continue to play.

   He knows how severe the pain caused by fractures, and as a sports medicine expert, he has also seen countless fractured players.

   None of them can continue to finish the game after suffering an injury like a fracture.

  Moon really couldn't imagine how Link managed to survive the fourth quarter.

   In the case of a broken rib, he continued to fight, push, and yes, and finally the brave save that rushed into the audience...

   The more Mu En thought about it, the more unbelievable he became. If he weren't holding the film in his hand, he might really doubt whether Link was a terminator robot sent by the future!

   No wonder Link always clutched his chest, no wonder he yelled in pain when he was just injured, no wonder his shooting percentage dropped in the fourth quarter.

   was broken by someone else's elbow, can it not hurt! ? Can it not affect shooting! ?

   If this happened to other people, it would not be as simple as shouting a few words.

   "What are you talking about? The first costal cartilage is fractured!?" Georgel was also taken aback. If he knew Link was fractured, he would have changed him to rest.

   But what Link showed on the court was nothing like a broken bone!

   Indeed, in normal life, there are many people who insist on working after a fracture. But fighting fiercely on the court after a fracture is completely different from ordinary work!

"Is it so serious? I thought it wasn't serious." Link looked down at his chest. He didn't know it was okay when he broke the fracture. After knowing that he was fractured, how did he feel suddenly more painful... .

"You guy, what a monster...Don't say that the opponent is afraid of you, I am afraid of you now. There are some things you can't always carry. Now this situation..." Halfway through, I looked at Link and Georg.

"...In this situation, the war can only be truce indefinitely. If a costal cartilage fracture is an incomplete fracture, it is fine, but a complete fracture takes at least one month. Of course, this is the best situation. . In fact, the situation is difficult to be so ideal. Although it is difficult to say, but Link, you this season... this season you can hardly play, you are reimbursed."

  George covered his head, and the word "reimbursement" was like a bolt from the blue, splitting him into pieces.

   Link also gritted his teeth, and he did feel that his chest was more painful than before.

   Maybe because of the adrenaline bonus during the game, the pain is not so obvious. Now Link struggled to even raise his hand, let alone shoot.

   Fracture of the first costal cartilage, this is not a major injury that threatens his career. Under normal circumstances, peace of mind is over.

   But everyone in the room knows that the three consecutive championships are not the norm. Missed this time, God knows if there is another chance in this life.

  Although the Grizzlies can play more than Link, anyone knows that without Link, the Grizzlies' strength will be difficult to compete with the Warriors and the subsequent Eastern Conference champions.

   All three of them fell into a short silence. The cruel fact of reimbursement for the season at the critical moment, everyone needs to digest it.

   "In my case, can I get a closed shot?" In the end, Link broke the silence.

   Until now, I can only make a desperate bet. Link knows the dangers of closed injections. This is a way to trade the future for the present.

   Ibaka had a closed shot for the Thunder last season. As a result, his state plummeted this season!

   But Link can't take care of that much anymore. If you don't grasp this opportunity right now, there won't be such an opportunity in the future.

   However, Moon shook his head slightly, and rejected Link’s First of all, I personally would not give my patients a closed injection. This is not worth the gain, and I would not do that. Secondly, you have a cartilage fracture, so you can't fight. "

   Link sighed after listening, didn't he even have the conditions to bet it all?

   Silence, there was another silence.

   "Is there really no way at all, Moon, you know, I can't be reimbursed for the season." Link used the word "cannot". Does anyone want to rest after a fracture?

   But Link can't, he can't fall down yet.

   "You are not a machine, Link, there can be no quick cure. But..."

   Hearing Mu En said the word "but", Link's eyes suddenly flashed, "Go on, Mu En!"

"We can’t heal you quickly, but if the situation doesn’t worsen in the next few days, theoretically you can be injured on the field with protective gear. But it’s only theoretically possible, because whether you can play depends entirely on it. Because of your ability to endure pain. But this kind of pain is impossible..."

  Moon said halfway through, and immediately regretted it. Because Link has always been able to turn any theoretical thing into reality.

   For that guy, nothing is impossible.



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