Reversing Greek Mythology

Chapter 68 Is everything real?

The palace on Mount Edda.

Luo Yin landed from the sky outside the palace gate, and saw Brodamia, Polyxena, and Chryseins standing behind Thetis, all looking at him with wide eyes and awe of the gods.

Luo Yin asked while retracting his wings wrapped in platinum flames.

"What's wrong with you?"

Just like a wife greeting her husband after a victorious battle, Thetis came to Luo Yin with elegant steps and said.

"Dear! Originally, humans couldn't see the form of gods, but they were affected by my divine power when they were around me, and they all saw your battle and confrontation with Apollo."

After Thetis finished speaking, Chryseins murmured after recovering from the shock.

"Apollo is the most powerful god in this area. He cannot lose to you——"

Polyxena looked at Luo Yin with a complicated expression and said.

"Sister Cassandra is indeed right. The outcome of our war with the Greeks is not decided by the gods - but by you. As long as you change your mind, you can save the city of Troy."

When Luo Yin drove Brodamia through the sky in his chariot, Brodamia already suspected that Luo Yin was a real god, so she didn't react much at this time.

The girls' eyes were all focused on him, Luo Yin yawned and said.

"Now, as the master, I order you not to leak out my battle with Apollo, because I will continue to pretend to be the demigod Achilles. Next, I am going to the bedroom to sleep, Brodamia, come to me Make a knee pillow.”

Thetis said immediately.

"My dear, I can also help you sleep."

"You go and wait for me to sleep, who will be the mistress to take care of everyone inside and outside the palace on my behalf?"

Seeing Thetis lowering her head with a disappointed expression, Luo Yin pinched her delicate and beautiful cheek with his left hand and said.

"The only person I can trust now is you! If you obey me, you won't have to attack me at night. I allow you to be my human pillow."

Thetis raised her head happily and said with a sweet smile.

"My dear, go and rest quickly!"


After Brodamia knelt on the bed in the correct posture, Luo Yin rested on her knees and closed his eyes with a look of enjoyment.

Looking down at Luo Yin's sleeping face, Brodamia couldn't help but say.

"Master...Princess Polyxena and Chryseins became your maids earlier than me. Why did you let me serve you to sleep?"

"Because I trust you more than them!"

Luo Yin said with a smile.

"To be more precise, I'm used to your lap pillow."

Besides the goddess Thetis, the girl my master trusts most is me——

Brodamia's cheeks immediately turned red with embarrassment, and a strong emotion surged in her heart.

"Master... you said you wanted me to give birth to a grandson for my father! Before going to bed, do you want to do something pleasant with me? Because the master is a more powerful god than Apollo, even if I can't become your wife, I am also willing to dedicate my body and mind to my master——"

Before she finished speaking, Brodamia discovered that Luo Yin had fallen asleep.

"It seems that the battle and confrontation with Apollo last night left the master very exhausted both physically and mentally."

If it were Thetis, she would definitely do something to the sleeping Luo Yin.

As a human being, Brodamia had a reverence for the gods, so she didn't do anything she shouldn't have done.

The battle and confrontation with Apollo not only exhausted Luo Yin physically and mentally, but also consumed a lot of divine power.

So Luo Yin slept all day and didn't wake up from his sleep until the next morning.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Brodamia had fallen asleep in a kneeling position. Luo Yin got up and got out of bed, hugging Brodamia's thin shoulders and helping her lie on the bed.


Luo Yin's movement woke up Brodamia, she barely opened her eyes and said in confusion.

"Master, are you awake? I'll serve you..."

"You should take a nap now. This is the order given to you by the master."


After Brodamia closed her eyes, Luo Yin turned around and left the bedroom.

Hall of the palace.

Thetis sat in the master's seat like a mistress and ordered the maids to clean the courtyard and cook. Even Polyxena and Chryseins were ordered by her to take care of the gods Maxantus and Balio. Sri Lanka.

Luo Yin came behind Thetis, leaned over to squeeze her shoulders and said with a smile.

"She is truly worthy of being the leader of the Fifty Sea Goddess Alliance - the most orthodox Queen of the Sea. The mistress is really full of aura!"

"Then will you let me be your real wife - your true mistress?"

Thetis grabbed Luo Yin's left hand with her right hand and said.

"My dear, as long as I have your support, I have the confidence to defeat all opponents."


Just when Luo Yin was about to agree to Thetis, Circe's face suddenly appeared in Luo Yin's mind.

If she had known that she was going to make Thetis his wife, Circe would have cried sadly!

Then, Luo Yin reacted.

This is obviously a false mission world, why would I worry about Circe’s reaction?

Could it be that I have begun to have doubts in my heart, doubts that the system I have never been in contact with does not actually exist, doubts that this world is not a false mission world, doubts that Thetis and Circe are real goddesses——

Finding Luo Yin fell into silence, Thetis said with a helpless smile.

"It seems that I have put you in a difficult position! You don't have to answer my questions now. I also want to spend more time making you love me more."


Luo Yin said guiltily.

"To me, this is just a false mission world, so no matter how much you do for me, I will never fall in love with you, let alone want to marry you."

Thetis stood up and left her seat, looked at Luo Yin with her beautiful blue eyes and said.

"Dear! Do you really think that I am a false existence and that my love for you is also false?"

Luo Yin opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"It seems that you are confused inside."

Thetis said with a sweet and gentle smile.

"Let's talk about something interesting! Last night, the fleet of Prince Paris of Troy returned to Troy with Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Paris and Helen have returned to Troy—"

Luo Yin's eyes lit up, and then he said excitedly.

"This is the most interesting thing now. I'm going to see how Paris responds to the Trojans' accusations against him, and how he resolves the Shura field between Oenone and Helen."

After saying that, Luo Yin walked towards Polyxena outside the stable.

Looking at Luo Yin's leaving figure, Thetis couldn't help but complain.

"Honey, you just want to avoid making the same mistake as Paris!"

Outside the stables.

Polyxena and Chryseins were feeding Xanthus and Barius the special fodder for the divine horses.

Luo Yin came behind Polluxena and said directly.

"Polyxena, bring out Xanthus! The two of us are going to ride it to Troy. Your brother Paris is back."

"Brother Paris is back——"

Upon hearing the news from Luo Yin, Polyxena was stunned for a moment. After she came to her senses, she couldn't wait to lead Xanthus out of the stable according to Luo Yin's instructions.

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