"No, no!"

How dare Cao Yuan really take Yang Songwen away?

He actually already knew what happened, and he knew exactly what happened at a glance!

This was a fight caused by revenge!

All the faults were on these gangsters.

There were only two gang leaders, one was Xie Cheng, and the other was Deng Tianxing!

Cao Yuan knew Xie Cheng, that was the son of the deputy director of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. As for Deng Tianxing, he also knew that he was a gang leader who was on the public security blacklist. It was said that he ran an underground casino.

Now it happened that this thing hit the muzzle of the gun, and it was God

's will that it would die, and it had to die! Yang Songwen whispered:"Director Cao, this time it is a personal grudge between me and the Xie and Deng families, and it has nothing to do with my uncle Yu, so you don't have to give me special treatment. I'd better go to the bureau with you to save you trouble!"

"It won't be hard to do. I can still do this little thing!" Cao Yuan shook his head.

"I have to go and make a statement, right?"

Yang Songwen lowered his head and whispered,"I haven't been to the police station yet. I want to go and take a look and experience it!"

"You are……"

Cao Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing that Yang Songwen seemed to really have this plan, he said,"Okay, then follow me to the police car. It won't take long to take a statement. Half an hour at most!"

"Thank you very much!"Yang Songwen talked to Cao Yuan for a few words, and then explained the situation to Zhang Guifen.

""What, second brother, you are going to the police station to make a statement?" Zhang Guifen was very nervous and held Yang Songwen's hand tightly, fearing that he would go to the police station.

Yang Songwen smiled bitterly:"Mom, I am just going to make a statement, I will not be arrested. Today we are the victims!"

"Will they really not be arrested?" Zhang Guifen was anxious and tried to confirm again and again.

"He really won't be arrested!" Yang Songwen comforted.

Cao Yuan also came over and said with a smile:"Aunt, there is no problem, it's just a simple record. I will be back in an hour at most. I will accompany Comrade Songwen in person later. Are you still worried!"

Zhang Guifen was relieved. She smiled awkwardly:"Thank you very much, Director Cao, please take care of our Songwen!"

"Definitely, definitely!"

Cao Yuan invited Yang Songwen to the police car and waved to the Yang family.

He thought to himself, there is no need to worry about the old Yang family, it is really a waste of time, they have such a strong backer, he can't afford to offend them.

Besides, he is the most capable general under County Magistrate Yu, no matter what, he will not embarrass his own people.

That's right, Cao Yuan has long regarded Yang Songwen as his own.

They are all soldiers under County Magistrate Yu!

The gangsters were taken to the hospital, and the police car drove out of the Cultural Bureau.

The Cultural Bureau suddenly quieted down, but people's hearts were not quiet.

All the employees of the Cultural Bureau knew how powerful the old Yang family was! They also knew how awesome Yang Songwen was!

Just now, they all saw how fierce Yang Songwen was when he beat people!

In addition, Yang Songwen and the director of the Public Security Bureau were chatting and laughing, which shows that his family has a very powerful network of connections, which they can't compare with at all.

"It's amazing! Our Cultural Bureau has parachuted in a person with connections. He is very powerful. We can only make friends with this person and cannot offend him.……"

In the Cultural Bureau, countless people couldn't sleep all night!

Because Yang Songwen had just arrived and hadn't officially taken up his post yet, but such a big thing had already happened.

County People's Hospital.

The gangsters were wailing in the hospital, and some of the gangsters with dislocated joints were cured by the orthopedic doctor in a few strokes.

However, the painful howls scared other patients.

Because the gangsters were escorted into the hospital by the police, not only the patients were afraid, but even the doctors were afraid and hid far away.

In this era, the treatment of fractures does not include such tricks as nailing steel plates.

After Xie Cheng and Deng Tianxing were forcibly fixed by the orthopedic doctor, they went to put on plaster.

At first, the two screamed in pain from the cracks, and then they became drowsy after taking painkillers.

The police guarding them stared at them fiercely, fearing that they would run away!

In fact, they couldn't run away even if they were not watched, because their legs were broken.

At this moment, the Xie family came.

Xie Guangkun, Mo Xiu Lian and Xie Luzhu rushed into the emergency department in a hurry, and they all pounced on Xie Cheng.

""Cheng'er, what happened to you? Why did this happen? Who beat you?" Mo Xiu Lian burst into tears due to the pain.

When she saw the police officer nearby, she immediately grabbed him and shouted,"Comrade police officer, who beat my good son like this? You must catch him, yes, catch him, sentence him, and shoot him!"

The police officer shook off Mo Xiu Lian's hand in disgust and mocked,"The one who should be shot is this criminal. You are the criminal's family members, right? I advise you to leave quickly. The criminal is being guarded now and you can't talk to him!"

""What? My son is under your guard? What happened?" Xie Guangkun asked and revealed his identity.

When the two policemen heard this, their expressions eased a little and they whispered,"The criminals, together with a group of thugs, rushed into the Cultural Bureau with sticks and wanted to beat up the employees of the Cultural Bureau, but they broke their calves in self-defense!"

When these words came out, the Xie family was stunned!

Xie Guangkun was even more shocked. He couldn't believe it was true


Xie Guangkun yelled at Xie Cheng,"Why do you do something else but gather a crowd to cause trouble? You think you are not going to die soon enough, you rebellious son!"

Xie Guangkun was so angry!

Xie Cheng begged,"Dad, I know I was wrong, but I did this to avenge my sister! You must save me!"

"How can I save him?!" Xie Guangkun was so disappointed!

His daughter Xie Luzhu’s matter had already brought shame to him, and now his son had caused trouble again. How could he settle it? He simply couldn’t settle it!

Mo Xiu Lian didn’t care about that, and cursed:"Old Xie, why are you useless? You’ve been the deputy director for nothing. How can you not even protect your own son? You might as well die. By then, I won’t live either, and we’ll all die together!"

After saying that, Mo Xiu Lian actually lay on the ground, throwing a tantrum and rolling around.���

In public, Mo Xiulian cursed and threw a tantrum, which made Xie Guangkun want to die.

His wife's ugly behavior was too embarrassing for him!

And Mo Xiulian didn't even realize it!

"It's all your fault. It's all right now, isn't it?"

Xie Guangkun's face flushed red, and he blurted out these words after a long while. However, what greeted him was a few punches from Mo Xiulian.

At this moment, Xie Guangkun regretted it so much. He really regretted marrying such a shrew-like wife!

"Save my son quickly, I don't care. If you don't save my son, I will keep making trouble. I'm not afraid of whether you will embarrass people or not!"

Mo Xiulian cursed, and everyone in the People's Hospital heard the noise.

Whether it was doctors or patients' families, they all pointed and talked.

Mo Xiulian was not afraid.

But Xie Guangkun wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

At this time, the Deng family also came.

They also pounced on Deng Tianxing and asked nervously. When they knew that his calf was broken, the Deng family was relieved.

Deng Shuixian said:"Brother, who hit you, was it that disgusting mud-legged Yang Songwen who made people vomit?"

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