Chapter 12: Best Friends' Confrontation Scene: Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru

【Characters of Natsuyuki】

【[Stinky monkeys, I want to create a world with only magicians]

Narration begins:

In the second-level curse removal mission, Huihara Yu sacrificed.

To be precise, it was a first-level incident.

Xiayou Jie witnessed the death of magicians and companions.

Protecting non-magicians is a marathon race.


The end is a sea of companions' corpses.

In this case, is there any meaning?

He doubted himself again.

In a mission, Xiayou Jie once again witnessed the ignorance of non-magicians.

These villagers actually blamed the two little girls for the strange events.

Little did they know that the invisible curses were caused by these non-magicians.


No, just stinky monkeys!

More than a hundred local villagers were slaughtered by them.

So far.

The high-level curse masters listed him as an extremely evil curse master and sentenced him to death.

This is the dark road of the special-grade curse master.

Xiayou Jie's actions have caused heated discussions on the world channel

"This special-grade sorcerer took an extreme path. I can understand why."

"Hey, we ordinary people can't see the curse spirits, you can't blame us"

"Damn it, why can't everyone be a sorcerer?"

"The system has let us see the curse spirit through the video. Knowing that this creature exists, we will not be as ignorant as the villagers in the video."

Ordinary people are already looking for a way out for themselves.

After all, in front of the magician, they are the weak who need protection.

Magician Channel

【Ieiri Nishiko: The incident in the village completely changed Jie's beliefs, and the last straw in his heart was gone.】

【Kento Nanami: The paths are different, this world is really boring, so the sorcerer is shit!】

【Ye Moth Zhengdao: I witnessed Jay's changes with my own eyes, but all of this has become the past】

【Gojo Satoru: Lamenting the past is useless, this is Jay's choice】

【Todou Aoi: If the cursed spirits had not dispersed during last year's One Hundred Demons Night Parade, even Otsutsuki would not have been his match.】

【Yoshinobu Rakuganji: In Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, Geto Suguru is challenging the entire world of sorcery, not just Otsutsuki Yuta. 】

Kugisaki and Yuji are the"cover men".

The two of them stared at each other helplessly.

【Yuji Itadori: I don't know what the seniors are talking about, and I won't blame this senior Geto Suguru.】

【Nobara Kugisaki: I just want to live in a big city. I'm not interested in big principles or anything like that.】

【Fushiguro Megumi: As a senior in the world of sorcery, Geto Suguru is quite colorful. 】

The scene changes

【Gojo Satoru looked incredulous】


【The head teacher Ye Moth narrated with a serious face】

【"Jie killed all the people in that village……"】

【"His parents' house was empty.……"】

【"How is this possible?——"Gojo Satoru's rare roar】

【He gritted his teeth and didn't believe it was happening.】

【The clenched fists were oozing with blood】

【Drops slipping through fingers】

【Is this the Jay he knows?】

【No, it's not.——】

【As Xia Youjie's homeroom teacher, Ye Moth looked helpless.】

【In the end what happened?】

【He doesn't understand at all】

【How come Jay suddenly……】

【This class is going to be disbanded!】

In the video, Gojo Satoru, a close friend, is angry and puzzled.

The head teacher, Yega Masamichi, is puzzled and helpless.

Outside the video.

Gojo Satoru and Yega witnessed all this through the character review of Geto Summer Oil.

Looking back, they neglected Geto's spiritual level.

If time could go back...……

"No, we shouldn't lament the past.——"

Gojo Satoru said again.

He can only save those who want to be saved.

Jie, who chose that path, is an exception.

"If Panxing taught me to kill all those people, the result would be different!"

Gojo Satoru said calmly.

【Shinjuku Street】

【On the busy street, Glass saw Jay smiling at her.】

【His smile has not changed at all, he is still the gentle Jay.】

【Glass joked:"Isn't this a criminal? What do you want to talk to me about?"】

【"You should confirm whether you have been wronged."】

【Xia Youjie replied calmly:"Unfortunately, no"】


【"I want to create a world where there are only magicians"】

【Nitro laughed.】

【It's a weird idea.】

【We are all adults, not everyone can understand】

【Former companions have become opponents】

【After seeing Nitro, the other one is Wu】

【Walking among the crowd, a familiar voice came to Xia Youjie's ears】

【"Explain your reasons, Jay."】

【The sound made him stop.】

【A familiar figure was standing behind him, and he could tell who it was without turning around.】

【The people coming and going around me seem to be non-existent like air.】

【"Glass has already told you!"】

【"There is no special reason, it’s just that simple, Wu!"】

【"So you want to kill all non-magicians, including your parents?" Gojo Satoru asked】

【"As non-magician parents, we can't treat them any differently."】

【Xia Yujie's tone was calm】


【Until now, Gojo Satoru still doesn't believe it.】

【The blue eyes looked at the friend in front of him】

【At that moment, Gojo Satoru felt so strange】

【"Aren't you incapable of unnecessary killing?"】

【"You were the one who stopped me in Panxing Sect. Why are you doing this now?……"】


【It's not meaningless】

【It is meaningful and righteous】

【Gojo Satoru loudly questioned,"Creating a world with only magicians? This is simply impossible!"】

【"What's the point of struggling for the impossible?"】

【"How arrogant! You can do it."】

【"It is impossible to expect others to believe that you can do it yourself."】

【"Don't you think this is funny?"】

【"because���Are you the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru? Or are you the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru?"】

【Xia Youjie turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at his former best friend calmly.】


【As the strongest Gojo Satoru, he can do】

【"If I were you, would this silly dream become possible?"】

【"This is the path I have chosen, and I will do my best to"】

【"Farewell, my only friend, Gojo Satoru——"】

【With his back to Gojo Satoru, Geto Summer Oil walks towards the crowd】

【I don't know when we will meet next time, and I don't know what our relationship will be.】

【Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Gojo Satoru strikes a fighting stance】

【At this moment, he was extremely conflicted.】

【Jay is still the same Jay, just his stance has been reversed!】

【"If you want to kill me, just do it. This is meaningful."】

【A familiar voice came into my ears】

【Gojo Satoru didn't take action in the end.】

【The seal formed turned into a fist】

【Can not go back……】

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