Chapter 18 The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons begins, and Geto Suguru's righteousness

Geto Suguru is no longer the Geto Suguru in the high school uniform.

Wearing five-striped cassock and earrings, he looks like the Buddha.

More than ten years have passed.

Geto Suguru appears in everyone's sight with a brand new image

【Hiding in the dark, Xia Yujie watched quietly】

【The curtains outside the curtains are his masterpiece】

【The appearance of the quasi-first-level curse spirit was also his work.】

【I wanted to see the power of the special grade cursed spirit Qi Ben Li Xiang】

【I didn't expect that the quasi-first-level curse spirit was stopped by the curse master.】

【It's a pity】

【When Gojo Satoru arrived at the scene to investigate, he sensed the familiar remnants of cursed power.】

【There's no mistake, it's Jay!】

【The scene changes】

【Curse Master Meeting】

【Geto Xiayou started his crazy plan】


【"Let's put an end to the age of monkeys and build a paradise for sorcerers!"】

【"First, capture the Spell Academy"】

World Channel.

The audience was all amazed.

The non-magician is the monkey in Geto Suguru's mouth.

How many cursed spirits has Geto Suguru collected in the past ten years?

He wants to challenge the high school together with other curse masters.

There are also curse masters from abroad.

After eleven years of precipitation, it has finally begun.

Tsk tsk - the Jutsu High School.

Yuji Itadori:"Senior Geto Suguru is going to challenge the high school!……"

Nobara Kugisaki:"Maki-sister has already spoiled the plot. It's a failed plan."

This was within Yuji's expectations.

After all.

The technical high school has the strongest teacher Gojo Satoru in charge, how could they lose.

Sukuna:"Killing all non-magicians? That's easy."

Yuji Itadori:"Asshole, who told you to talk?"

Sukuna smiled playfully:"Kid, who do you think you are!"

An Utahime:"It's been a year, but the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons seems like it was just yesterday."

Ieiri Shoko:"Jie has caused me a lot of trouble!"

Meimei:"I exceeded the mission in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, and the bonus is good."

Todoh Aoi:"That was such a thrilling battle!""

【The scene changes】

【After many years, Geto Xiayou returns to Jujutsu High School】

【"It's still the same, nothing has changed!"】

【Revisiting the old place, Xia Youjie couldn't help but sigh】

【Maki, Gojuan, and Panda immediately went on alert】

【They don't know any of these people.】

【Especially the man in the monk's robe, who gave people a terrifying pressure.】

【"Nice to meet you, Otsutsuki"】

【"My name is Xia Yujie——"】

【In front of Maki and the others, Geto Suguru seemed to have used the technique of instant teleportation.】

【In the blink of an eye, he came to Okkotsu, held Okkotsu's hands and greeted him sincerely.】


【Faced with such an enthusiastic stranger, Otsutsuki was at a loss and replied】

【"You have a great power"】

【"Great power should achieve great goals"】

【"Do you have any doubts about the world today?"】

【"This is the world where sorcerers secretly maintain social order."】

【"how to say……"】

【"It can be said that the strong are adapting to the weak, and society is very contradictory!"】

【Otsukoshi is a little confused】

【This man named Xia Youjie came up and told him a long story.】

【He didn't think that much, and he wasn't very theoretical.】

【Otsutsuki's goal is pure.】

【I came to Jujutsu High School to remove Rika's curse.】

【This is his biggest wish at the moment, and he will talk about the rest later.】

【"Otsutsuki-san, I hope you can help me"】

【"What can I do to help you?"】

【"Kill all non-magicians and create a world that belongs only to magicians"】

【Geto Xiayou said the craziest words in a calm tone】

【Panda, Maki, and Gojuan were sweating profusely】

【What a crazy ideal.】

【Otsutsuki is also】

【How could he accept this all at once?】

【Kill all the ordinary people, this this this……】

【Okkotsu doesn't want to hurt others anymore】

【As kind as he is, he would never agree with Geto Suguru's approach.】

"Kill all non-magicians and create a world with only sorcerers."

When hearing this sentence again, ordinary people in the sorcerer world were shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Compared to everyone becoming a sorcerer, killing all non-magicians seems to be a little simpler.

Eleven years have passed, and Geto Suguru is still implementing this concept.

Yuki Kyuju:"It's not surprising that Suguru was influenced by my words, and combined with what he saw and heard, he did these things."

Aoi Todou:"You really have a big influence on him!"

【"Don't teach my students your twisted ideas."】

【"Wu, long time no see"】

【After meeting for the first time in many years, Xia Youjie smiled and gave a familiar greeting.】

【Just like in the high school days】

【But, there's no going back.】

【"Cursed Special Grade, Cursed Corpse, Curse Master"】

【"As expected of your student, Wu"】

【"Of course, there is also the last one of Zenyuan family"】

【"My world doesn't need monkeys like you."】

【Xia Youjie looked at them one by one】

【Little did he know that this action had angered Otsutsuki】

【"Mr. Xia Yujie, I don't quite understand what you mean."】

【"But if you insult my friend, I will never help you"】

【In response, Xia Youjie apologized very gently.】

【Immediately, he turned to the senior staff and said solemnly:"Everyone, please listen carefully. I am here to declare war."】

【"On December 24th, after sunset, I will start the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons"】

【"The Curse Melting Pot, Shinjuku, Tokyo"】

【"Kyoto, the Holy Land of Spells"】

【"I will release thousands of curses in both places, killing anyone I see"】

【"If you don't want the city to turn into hell, come and stop us."】

【"Come on, curse each other!"】

The strange events in Shinjuku and Kyoto on December 24 last year.

Although ordinary people cannot see the cursed spirits, they know very well how strange Shinjuku and Kyoto were on that day last year.

Through the video, everything is clear.

It's all because of this man named Geto Summer Oil.

It's all because of the curse!

Tagore's beach area.

Louhu laughed.

Just a few curse masters want to challenge the entire curse world?

The result is nothing but failure!

As special-grade cursed spirits, they have to seal the strongest modern one before they can challenge the curse master.

This is also Geto Summer Oil's plan.

After fighting with Gojo Satoru, Louhu firmly supported this plan.

In the video.

Gojo Satoru is still there, and the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons will definitely not succeed.

Geto Summer Oil, you still take it for granted.

In response, Geto Summer Oil smiled slightly.

"This skin almost succeeded."

"If the cursed spirits hadn't been dispersed, Otsukotsu Yuta wouldn't have been my opponent."

"Of course, I need the cursed spirits to disperse the high school's combat power."

"Geto Xiayou has failed, and our success is just around the corner."

The real person played with a strand of blue hair and grinned,"The place where Gojo Satoru was sealed was chosen to be Shibuya, right, Xiayou!"


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