Chapter 34: The ritual is revealed, Toudou's unjust game

At this moment, the audience's eyes suddenly widened.

Toudou's ankle was tightly entangled by the tree roots while running.

He swung it violently, and what was waiting for him were sharp thorns.

Is it over?

Ordinary audiences no longer dare to watch.

This blow was enough to make Toudou full of holes.

【"Solve one first."】

【Hua Yu vowed】


【It was like the sound of applause coming to everyone's ears.】

【The scene changes】

【Toudou stood beside Yuji safely】

【Blood splattered everywhere, and the person pierced by the thorns was Hua Yu himself.】

【This is?】

【The audience of the World Channel is already confused】

【"So that's your technique!"】

【Breaking free from the thorns, Hua Yu looked relieved】

【Dongtang leaned down and made a clapping gesture.】

【"My technique is an unfair game that can switch the positions of myself and others"】

【"Brother, kill it before the opponent gets used to it!"】


Seeing this scene.

The audience of the world channel couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

The audience witnessed the zero curse power and the cursed Fushiguro Shige.

Gojo Satoru with unlimited curse. Geto

Suguru who manipulates the curse spirit.

The abilities of these magicians are outrageous.

Toudou's unfair game of swapping positions.

The seemingly simple technique is quite practical in combat.

The instant movement of clapping...

The curse magician is really a superman!

Ordinary people can't help but marvel.

Curse High School.

Yuji Itadori:"Is this Toudou's technique? I feel like we can win!"

Toudou Aoi:"We'll definitely win, brother!"

Kugisaki turned into an emoticon in an instant and sighed:"The video is amazing, let them two fight side by side."

Nishimiya Momo:"This is the best arrangement, Toudou is like this." Gojo

Satoru smiled wildly:"Come on, come on, you two, try to kill the enemy before I make a move."

Ieiri Shoko:"Gojo was excluded from the curtain, the curse spirit was premeditated."

An Utahime:"There are still three special-grade cursed spirits. The enemy is in the light and we are in the dark. We are completely passive in the video."

Rakuganji Yoshinobu:"People across the country and even the world are watching the battle between our sorcerers and cursed spirits. We can't let the enemy run wild in our home court."

Gojo Satoru grinned:"Come on, old man!"

"Try to make sure you have a standout performance in the video!"

"You little bastard……"Le Yansi said with a gloomy face

【With Dongtang using the Unjust Game, the two"brothers" started a mixed doubles match】

【The punches and blows poured down on Hua Yu's body.】

【I heard the sound of applause.】

【Snap, snap——】

【How wonderful!】

【Hua Yu has been immersed in it and cannot escape】

【"Black flash!"】

【The shining black light hit Hua Yu fiercely】

【"Black flash!"】

【"Black flash!"】

【The three consecutive attacks of Black Flash forced Hanamiya to retreat step by step】

"I didn't know I was that strong."

Itadori didn't recognize himself a little bit.

Nanami Kento:"My record of Black Flash was four times a day, and you broke it, Itadori, you really have an amazing future."

Itadori said seriously:"I'm embarrassed when you say that!"

Kugisaki Nobara:"By the way, is Toudou's IQ really over 500,000?"

Nishimiya Momo:"Toudou just claimed it, how is that possible!"

Zenin Maki:"……"

The sorcerer didn't believe it, but the ordinary audience did.

After all, he was a sorcerer who could control cursed power. For the superpowers in this world, an IQ of more than 500,000 seems to be nothing.

The ordinary audience was shocked.

Tagore's beach domain.

Hanami watched with relish.

He knew that the person in the video was enjoying such a battle.

Just like the real person before.

Fighting, it turns out to be so exciting.

There was no panic on the faces of Louhu and the real person.

Although Hanami in the video was hit by Sukuna's container black flash triple whip.

The king of endurance Hanami can still fight again.

Hanami:"In the last video, the real person used the domain in the battle, now it's my turn."

【Yuji's continuous black flash attacks severely damaged Hanamiya】

【But Hanami gradually got used to Toudou's unjust game.】

【Her pleasure in fighting has not diminished in the slightest.】

【Injustice games can not only switch the positions of yourself and others】

【You can also swap the positions of two people other than yourself.】

【Toudou can exchange anything that has a certain degree of magical power.】

【Suddenly, a sky full of curse seeds came towards us】

【With a snap, Toudou sent Tiger Stick to a safe place】

【Facing the dense attack of the curse seeds from Hanamiya, he chose to strengthen his body and curse power to deal with it.】

【Fanatically said:"This kind of attack, watch me deflect it all for you"】

【At this moment, Dongtang's brain with an IQ of 530,000 was frantically analyzing】

【In the 0.01s gap, he chose to cancel the magic defense.】

【The dense curse seeds hit him like stones.】

【Hua Yu was confused】

【The muscular man in front of him clearly chose to use his magical power to defend himself, but at the last moment he canceled it and chose to resist with his body.】

【How can one enlighten the brain in a very short period of time?】

【Is it really a CPU with an IQ of 530,000?】

【When facing the attack of the curse seed, the more the enemy uses the curse power to defend, the more the curse seed will be strengthened.】

【Once hit, the curse seed will absorb the host's curse power and then grow】

【The correct way to deal with it is to remove the magic defense and simply use your body to withstand the attack.】

【The scene changes】

【The special grade spell tool Youyun appears in Dongtang's hand】


【The audience was stunned】

【How to play Yun……】

【It turns out that the battle between Maki and Hanamiya caused Youyun to sink to the bottom of the river.】

【This information was told to Todou by Fushiguro】

【Use a special grade curse tool to exorcise a special grade curse spirit. This is the moment that Toudou has been waiting for.】

【With a clang, You Yun slammed Hua Yu's face fiercely.】

【Spraying a mouthful of thick purple blood, Hua Yu still stood firm】

【At this moment, it was Dongtang's turn to be shocked】

【"The special-grade spell tool plus the attack created by my spell power were not enough to defeat it. What kind of special-grade resistance is this?"】

【Half-kneeling on the ground, Hanami placed his arms on the ground.】

【The previous attack from Black Flash and the attack from the special grade spell tool just now had already cost it a lot of energy.】

【Right now, I have to use this trick】

【Take away the life force of living things and transform it into magical power】

【The green grass under his feet and the surrounding trees withered instantly as Hua Yu absorbed his life force.】

【In an instant, it seemed to have been dry for a long time, and it broke at the touch.

The audience was stunned.

Where is the cursed spirit that was said to be extremely protective of nature?

How could it do something that harms nature?

Seeing Hanamika using this trick, she felt very uncomfortable.

Plants cannot breed cursed power, and her left arm can take the life of plants and turn it into cursed power.

This cursed power will not be restored to her body, but will all flow to the big red flower on her arm.

Hanamika:"Damn it, I even used this trick, the good days of those two magicians are over!"

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