The various mysterious and wonderful skills displayed in the realm of Zhixuan are enough to make people in some worlds astonished!

Even in the world where they feel that their strength is beyond the martial arts training system, they are full of expectations for higher land immortals and so on.

At this time, because of Lao Huang’s performance, Xu Shizi, who was in a very good mood, also left a message in the comment area.

Good life as a reward: Brothers, please laugh, I don’t know martial arts now.

Good life as a reward: But Lao Huang’s move of six thousand miles, I feel that it is barely acceptable, please correct me, seniors!

As the comments were issued, it immediately attracted a lot of replies.

I am really a sword cultivator: It is indeed okay. The seniors said that this move is average in power, but the artistic conception is good.

I am really a sword cultivator: If there is a higher training system, this move may be able to bloom with more terrifying power!

My wife is a fierce god: Anyway, I think it is no different from the legendary sword immortal!

My wife is a fierce god: It is indeed worthy of the words mysterious magic!

Listening to the music in the brothel: It didn’t embarrass the martial arts! This system is not bad!

Luo Chengzhu: It’s okay.

The golden finger is down: It must be stronger than a certain God King. This move is six thousand miles, no matter what, it can overturn that wall, right? Haha! Dragon

Talisman is the best in the world: It is not worth mentioning in front of the Dragon Talisman system, but it is quite powerful if it is placed in a low position!

God of the Wind: From what I have seen, there has indeed never been a warrior with such a surging sword intent. The internal force swept the sky, which is really terrifying!

Tangmen Laughing King of Hell: Apart from anything else, if this martial arts training system is released, I will definitely learn it!

Tangmen Laughing King of Hell: It is much stronger than the so-called soul master!

Good life as reward: Thank you brothers and seniors for your advice!

Good life as reward: If any senior thinks it is acceptable and wants to give some advice, please chat with me privately, I will be very grateful!….

Xu Shizi’s well-reasoned words made the creatures on the Zhutian Communication Network have a much better overall impression of the world in the snow.

And Xu Shizi did receive some advice from some powerful people who were diving.

Just a few words, after conveying them to Lao Huang, Lao Huang also benefited a lot.

At the same time, the narration in the light curtain continued to sound.

【The first level of the celestial realm!】

【The celestial realm is a metaphor for Confucianism, which means the resonance between heaven and man, and the resonance with heaven and earth. In every gesture, one can learn from heaven and earth and use keen intuition to seek benefits and avoid harm!】

【Confucian monks become celestial beings when they reach the first level, and they also only cultivate the celestial realm to seek the path to becoming immortals on earth!】

【However, for a martial artist to enter the Vajra realm, cultivate the path of Finger Mystery, and then connect his internal force to resonate with heaven and earth to break through the Celestial Realm, the difficulty is no less than the promotion from the second grade to the first grade!】

【At the same time, the celestial realm requires the connection between heaven and man. If one commits indiscriminate killing, one’s fate will be affected!】

【The perfect celestial realm is the great celestial realm, which is only one step away from being a terrestrial immortal!】

【Representative of the First-class Celestial Realm: Xu Yanbing]

A personal guard of the King of Beiliang, a rare person who was given the surname”Xu”, he once suppressed the legendary spear fairy Wang Xiu’s spear path!

He forced his master to ask him to leave the sect!

An ordinary wooden spear in his hand can resist Chen Zhibao’s”plum wine”!

He once chased and killed ten masters of Beimang in the desert!

He killed ten people in pieces!

If it weren’t for the land immortals who personally stopped him, he would have almost killed all ten demons!

But this battle still made Beimang Jianghu unqualified to compete with Liyang Jianghu for decades!

The King of Beiliang left Beiliang with only a few riders because of Xu Yanbing’s company! Even

Hong Jingyan, the eighth Lord of the World, was forced to retreat by him!

During the battle, Xu Yanbing scared the top ten masters of Beimang and they turned around and fled, and Xu Yanbing chased and killed them alone!

He shot one person after catching up!

A sword from the land immortal realm only hurt him!

The battle with Chen Zhibao of Plum Wine tore the entire camp apart!

Countless casualties!

And that day.

Outside the city of Jubei, Beimang made a desperate move, and 400,000 iron cavalry pressed the border!

Facing the mighty army, Xu Yanbing had one man, one horse, and one spear, and the iron spear was inserted into the ground! With

Xu Yanbing of Beiliang here, no one in Beimang can pass the long spear!…….

【Representative of the First-class Celestial Realm: Gu Jiantang]

The Minister of War of Liyang, martial arts and leading troops go hand in hand!

When he was young, he defeated Xuanyuan Dapan, and when he fought against Mao Shulang who had returned to the martial arts world, he easily defeated his opponent! With a full-strength sword, even Li Dangxin was unwilling to take the blow. He used the technique of using a little force to move a thousand pounds to transfer the force, and the rope of the Buddhist beads on his chest was also destroyed!…….

【Representative of the First-class Celestial Realm: Wu Jian]

The ancestor of the Wu family’s sword tomb, pulled out the Prison Ox Sword at the age of ten in Jianshan, and went to look for a sword every ten years!

He found Chiwen, Chaofeng, Suanni, Jiaotu, Yazi, Gongfu, Pulao, and Pixiu one after another! He transformed the ancient sword’s divine will into his own sword energy! With his majestic sword energy, he forced the nine”flying swords out of the sleeves” of Xu Shizi to come out, and then all of them were bounced away!……..

【Representative of the First-class Celestial Realm: Luoyang] The first person in the Northern Mang Demonic Path!

He once fought against the contemporary swordsman Deng Tai’a, and the outcome was inconclusive!

When Liu Songtao returned to the martial arts world, Luoyang fought with him for three hundred miles!

A hundred years later, Liu Songtao handed over the sword immortal’s sword. Although he stabbed Luoyang with the sword, he was not feeling well either!……..

【Representative of the First-class Celestial Realm: Cheng Baishuang】

A battle in Jubei City.

The sound of the zither sounded, blocking the rain of arrows and boulders!

Until death.

The sound of the zither continued, and the 400,000 troops of Beimang rose up. Not a single boulder, not a single crossbow arrow, fell into Jubei City!……..

As the video temporarily fell.

The creatures of the heavens also saw it thoroughly.

There is actually no essential difference between the first-grade realms of the martial arts system in the snow. In the final analysis, they are all first-grade.

But because of the different paths they have cultivated, the power they display is also different!

The old immortal of the Spring and Autumn Period has boundless magic power: First, there was a great King Kong Li Dangxin who couldn’t be dealt with by the gods, and here came Nangong Pushe who could kill even the gods. Xu Yanbing was slightly injured by a sword from the land immortal. The martial arts system in the snow is quite strange!

My name is not Bai Xiaofei: In the final analysis, it depends on the individual’s fighting spirit and means, right? The land immortals are not necessarily absolutely invincible!

Ninety-eight: Anyway, I will never touch this martial arts system. Let’s not talk about strength and weakness. It’s too much to not be able to judge the strength of the opponent!

Listening to the music in the brothel: Isn’t that the case with martial arts? If you don’t retreat in your chest, the immortals will kill you!

Not Yang Jian: I really like the means of this celestial realm. It can cause the thunder to fall. What evil ghosts can stand it?

Jiu Tian Xuan Sha turned into divine thunder: The celestial phenomena are indeed mysterious. There is no need for spells or other things. Simply entering this realm can communicate with the power of heaven and earth. It is indeed unique!

Qin Shi Huang: This martial arts training system seems to be quite terrifying in terms of killing, but it seems that it cannot live forever. I wonder if the later land immortal realm or higher can do it?

Be a man and be moral: I have a question. If it is a more powerful world, will this communication between heaven and earth still work? If it works, this system is probably amazing!……..

Snow World

Watching more and more people become interested in the martial arts training system.

Everyone is proud of it.

Let’s not talk about other things for now.

The fact that this system can attract people is enough to show that it is excellent!

Especially Duan De’s words made many people excited!


“Celestial phenomena connect heaven and earth!”

“Could it be that it is our world that has imprisoned the power of the celestial realm?”

“If you can communicate with a more vast world by going to other worlds!”

In the Beiliang Palace. Prince

Xu’s eyes were full of excitement!

This is not just a matter of the celestial realm!

Instead, it means that the entire martial arts training system may be able to go a step further!


“Wait until others start practicing the system of our world”

“There is an answer!”

Old Huang was silent at first.

Then, excitement flashed in his eyes!

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